FIFA 15 News & Discussion Thread

The 60 fps sync seems a bit buggy. I ended up running without it and then I have around 100 fps, but some tearing from time to time. If you put it to sync to 60 fps it will sync down replays to 30 fps, annoying.

Also how do you change the CPU level? Feels like I'm playing semi pro or something.

before game there is match settings and you can change difficulty there. Regarding cpu AI, its more agressive towards taking ball back than before and commits more fouls and you can bypass defenders by smart pace/direction change.
Game works flawlessly @high settings on my rig:
core i3-3240 3,4ghz
Radeon 7850 1gb
8gb ram
windows 8.1 pro 64bit
1920x1200 resolution

As you can see its below recomended specs, so game isn't demanding at all .

I suspected that would be the case.

Does the game take advantage of DX11 even?

Thanks for nothing, Origin...
Try to force vsync over nvidia control panel or radeon pro (for amd users). That solved occasional stutter for me.

unhandled exception .net framework on win 8.1 x64 problem... does anyone have an solution for this

Try to run windows update, you are missing some net framwork instructions in your pc.
I'm pleased with this.
I mean, I have a video card that hits exactly the minimum requirements (AMD HD5770) yet I'm able to play it @1920x1080 at high detail.
It stutters a little when I approach the box but other than that it runs smooth with these settings:
Wonder if the PC demo is the same build as the xb1 cause after 3 games i have the clear impression the Gks in the PC arent as super human as on XB1, evan managed to score a cracker from far away, and also my shoots seem to go more where I am on contrary of the xb1 where it would go middle of the goal or outside too often...
Really enjoyed the two games I've played. The ball feels more loose and results in some nice deflections etc. Shooting feels fine enough but keepers are really odd in that they make some really nice saves but really should've saved the goals I've scored.

Also enjoyed seeing the CPU foul more. A half-time report showed Dzeko pulling Agger's shirt and then pushing him to the ground and it looked so good.

Presentation is superb too with the cut-scenes, stadiums and crowd chants.

Very excited for the full game now.
Those pics, and the ones we have already seen, make it look like some guy messed up the scaling for the heads when placing them on the bodies.

Just give us 15% more head EA!
Wonder if the PC demo is the same build as the xb1 cause after 3 games i have the clear impression the Gks in the PC arent as super human as on XB1, evan managed to score a cracker from far away, and also my shoots seem to go more where I am on contrary of the xb1 where it would go middle of the goal or outside too often...

Ok, another tip that it might not be the same build: in the PC demo u have the EPL official ball for instance, while its not in the xb1...
Anyone else on the PC get loud buzzing from the game when there's no sound playing? Only happens with this demo.
For people with bad performance, try "No limit on fps", because for me the 60 fps lock is bugged and it sometimes randomly even mid game goes down to 30 fps and then 15 fps cutscenes. I have 200 fps without the limit on (wrote 100 before, meant 200). Just install fraps and turn on the overlay so you can see the fps.

Also in one game the sound started to stutter and made the game start to crawl as well. Never had any of those problems with other games.

The game is pretty good. But since I only play BAP I have to wait to see if the AI in your own team is good enough and fun to play with.
I tested a match in a night/rain environment and... Well, this is where the GPU falls short. Stuttering and a sensation of slowness during all the match, with the settings posted.

Still I can't say I'm sad about that. I was expecting way worse. Despite the stuttering, indeed, it remains playable @1920x1080.

For once, I must say "well done EA" (even if I still need to dig deeper and see how it performs in different situations).
For people with bad performance, try "No limit on fps", because for me the 60 fps lock is bugged and it sometimes randomly even mid game goes down to 30 fps and then 15 fps cutscenes. I have 200 fps without the limit on (wrote 100 before, meant 200). Just install fraps and turn on the overlay so you can see the fps.

Also in one game the sound started to stutter and made the game start to crawl as well. Never had any of those problems with other games.

The game is pretty good. But since I only play BAP I have to wait to see if the AI in your own team is good enough and fun to play with.

Try buying a PC (Placebo Computer) :SMUG:
Physicality plays a much bigger part this time, had a few calls against me just because I'd barged into a player :D

CPU seems a lot more difficult on Pro as well, keeps the ball better (finally) and pretty deadly up front.

Also feels like players are a LOT slower off the mark when running, so makes it a lot harder to just run around like a headless chicken chasing after whoever has the ball.

For a demo, I'm pretty impressed.
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