No mention of defensive AI improvements this year. Defender rooted to spot on 0:17 & 1:20 defender number 6,whats he doing?
Too bad tactics and substitutions are a purely cosmetic element to this is so called game and have zero impact on what unfolds on the pitch.
Eh? Everyone has screamed for years to be able to make substitutions and change formations on the fly without having to navigate fifty menus, it's finally added and you're still complaining?

It's not even a "purely cosmetic element", purely cosmetic = visual only with no other impact, it's a time saving, frustration decreasing feature.
He was saying that there's no point in making substitutions/formations in FIFA, regardless of how you actually make them.
Still using the same old and shitty crossing animation shown at 10 seconds, eh? Persistent bunch they are.

Yeah, absolutely, but that one is not the worst. Take a look at 1.28. Horrible.

It is me or player models look a bit more stocky? Apart from that, the game looks the same.
I don't understand why people can think that, all it takes is a few matches to see that formation changes and/or substitutions can certainly impact a match.
Formations don't impact a match sensibly. The two formations that go up against each other do not interact properly (if at all), meaning you can't reliably draw from real world tactical theory. Some of it may happen to work, but not as a result of good design.

Also the CPU doesn't change formations or tactics before/during a match, besides the attack/defence mentality. Quite a large oversight.
It might look the same (big surprise) but judging from the early impressions it doesn't play the same, thanks to the new AI, First Touch, and Complete Dribbling, and that's what I think most people care about.

Hearing that the guys over at FSB say that they didn't need to use LB once in an entire match to get players to make runs thanks to the new AI, and to hear that thanks to Complete Dribbling skill moves are no longer the most effective way to beat a defender... these amount to consirable progress for FIFA and a win for those of us interested in realism.

I wouldn't expect a visual upgrade until next gen.
Eh? Everyone has screamed for years to be able to make substitutions and change formations on the fly without having to navigate fifty menus, it's finally added and you're still complaining?

It's not even a "purely cosmetic element", purely cosmetic = visual only with no other impact, it's a time saving, frustration decreasing feature.


You must not have played PES 5/6 then, because quick player change menu was there already...

No need for silly voice commands and such. Pure genius from KONAMI ;).

Shame they resigned from that, for whatever reason -.-
That still paused the match, didn't it? It wasn't actually that different from the team management screen.
Has nobody questioned the FIFA team about all the promises they made last year that didn't come through to the final game?

That crap they showed not being able to play passes at 180 degree angles etc... it was all a lie????

Seeing Rutter on these videos again just makes me think all what they say will happen is utter BS now.

You must not have played PES 5/6 then, because quick player change menu was there already...

This is a Fifa thread, I'm talking about Fifa, if I wanted to discuss PES I'd do it in a PES thread, hence my comment was regarding Fifa and what people wanted in Fifa, hope that clears it up for you...

Formations don't impact a match sensibly.

For myself the thing that springs to mind which will work great is that I usually play variants of 442 with about 4 or 5 different versions, one is my wide players as out and out wingers, one is them as tucked attacking midfielders, one is 433 with wide wingers one forward and one in the hole, one is wide wingers two forwards, one is wide AMs with one forward and one in the hole, etc, etc, often I want to play two up front for a short period but then if the opposing team starts to control the midfield I want to change to one forward just off the midfield, all that changing I will now be able to do on the fly numerous times in a match, that will be a massive impact for me.

Also the CPU doesn't change formations or tactics before/during a match, besides the attack/defence mentality. Quite a large oversight.

Hmm not sure how you've missed that, they do change formation, usually it's from 2 up front to 3 up front when losing but they definitely change formation, if you used man marking with your CBs you'd especially notice it because often the one playing up top through the middle ends up wide of the front three and your CB starts getting dragged onto the wings (rather than the fullback helping to pick him up), so annoyingly you have to go through all the menus to tell them to stop man marking :(
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