FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Player movement is what puts me off Fifa the most i think. There still appears to be such limitation in body movement, i guess what most call inertia. First touch is an issue but mostly it is inertia that causes the problem when you can't move in any direction with no limitation. One day i hope EA realise how silly this looks. It's too fluid, players don't act this way in real life. I wish Fifa wouldn't disregard that because i assume they want the game to feel as fluid as possible.

If you want an example of what i mean then look at the way then there's a video on the last page where the striker runs one way and then immediately the other (0.33). In truth i believe it is actually Messi but it doesn't mean that i know other players, you know less superheroic ones, don't do it too. I played a lot of both 10 + 11 and it's been an issue to me for a while.

A benefit I find from almost exclusively playing my CMs in lower/less-quality leagues is that player movement is much better. Playing with lesser quality teams you rarely see wtf-moments. That's not saying the fundamental problems are not still there, and aren't exaggerated by the CPU's too-quick reactions in defense, but the worst of FIFA's hyper-pace is limited. It's still there, but not nearly as bad or noticeable.

Some of those vids show some promising improvements in the CPU's attacking AI, but I'd still like to see a sense of patience at times, especially when Arsenal is playing. It's still too hurried looking but at least the CPU looks to be a tad more intelligent this year, which isn't saying much after 11.

Changes to defending and pressure look to be positive, but I'm struggling to see examples of Precision Dribbling, certainly nothing indicating "revolutionary." Maybe changes to dribbling will need to be felt rather than seen? What EA need to do is release some vids like Konami did, showing examples of how the changes in gameplay compare to similar FIFA 11 situations.

Also, any examples of this "terrible" flair passing feature? I haven't seen any examples of it breaking the game like seemed to be feared. Is it in?
What EA need to do is release some vids like Konami did, showing examples of how the changes in gameplay compare to similar FIFA 11 situations

i think EA have lost the plot when it comes to showing off their game, the fact konami who are notoriously terrible have done a better job this year speaks volumes. last year they did release videos but they ended up being a complete misrepresentation of the game, like the pro-passing one that showed passes going all over the place for poor players, or the stamina model which ended up having almost no bearing on the game whatsoever. what they should do is release a gameplay video between two people that know what they are doing and actually demonstrate some of the new features, then zoom in during certain parts of the match to highlight the differences, that would probably be worthwhile - but im not really interested in any more of their viral marketing bullshit.

just look at what DICE have done with the BF3 multiplayer footage and how well that shows off the game, then compare it to the dreary predictable buzz word filled fifa 12 gamescom trailer.
Changes to defending and pressure look to be positive, but I'm struggling to see examples of Precision Dribbling, certainly nothing indicating "revolutionary." Maybe changes to dribbling will need to be felt rather than seen? What EA need to do is release some vids like Konami did, showing examples of how the changes in gameplay compare to similar FIFA 11 situations.

Also, any examples of this "terrible" flair passing feature? I haven't seen any examples of it breaking the game like seemed to be feared. Is it in?

Because i love you....

Really bad video but 3 minutes in 2 of the stupid passes within a few seconds...

YouTube - Low Quality - Arsenal - Man City gameplay FIFA 12

Close control is harder because its newbs playing but at 6:18 in the next vid there's a nice bit of close control and how it can wrong foot a defender now pressure doesn't tackle for you.

YouTube - FIFA 12, BVB vs Arsenal, Cinematic and Gameplay vs CPU, XBOX 360 (gamescom 2011, Media Day)
Also new vid with players who have seen more than one football match.

YouTube - FIFA 12 Gamescom

Around 2:00 Fullback over lapping naturally without a 'trigger run'..

There are bits here and there like this that are encouraging.
Because i love you....

Really bad video but 3 minutes in 2 of the stupid passes within a few seconds...

YouTube - Low Quality - Arsenal - Man City gameplay FIFA 12

Close control is harder because its newbs playing but at 6:18 in the next vid there's a nice bit of close control and how it can wrong foot a defender now pressure doesn't tackle for you.

YouTube - FIFA 12, BVB vs Arsenal, Cinematic and Gameplay vs CPU, XBOX 360 (gamescom 2011, Media Day)

Oh sweet jeezus, those flair passes are downright disgusting. At least none of them worked. And hopefully if I primarily play against the CPU I won't see any. Those flair passes belong in FIFA Street 4, not in FIFA 12.

With Precision Dribbling, all I see are instances of players using a little flair, but I haven't seen any evidence that dribbling is actually more "precise" or allows for better control in tight situations, which is what it's been advertised to do. Specifically, it's been advertised as a way to help open up play and increase opportunities in the middle of the pitch and at the top of the box, but I don't see evidence of that.

I guess I'm also still a little confused as to overall changes to dribbling, such as is LT close control still in the game? And if it is, how are LT close control and Precision Dribbling related? Then, also, is LT+RT skilled dribble (or "free move" as it's actually called in the FIFA manual) still in the game?

Then, is Precision Dribbling an automated feature, or something we have control over? My impression is that it's automated, but if that's the case, when EXACTLY does it come into play? Because if it's only what we see in that video above, I only see evidence of Precision Dribbling in VERY few moments of gameplay, which is not the impression I had of the feature when FIFA 12's "holy trinity" of features was announced as "Revolutionary."

Maybe the people playing the game aren't showing off FIFA 12's "Revolutionary" features well, so I'll give EA the benefit of the doubt until I play it personally, but so far I see little evidence that dribbling has received a major upgrade. Defending looks good. Dribbling? I'm not seeing it.
Oh sweet jeezus, those flair passes are downright disgusting. At least none of them worked. And hopefully if I primarily play against the CPU I won't see any. Those flair passes belong in FIFA Street 4, not in FIFA 12.

the fact they spent time on this and not refining other areas of the game that desperately need it is a massive slap in the face

i swear if pes is even barely playable i'm switching back, but most likely it's going to be another year of disappointment
Yes, which means pressure with auto tackle has gone.

I'm fine with the tactical defending in theory, its how things are in real life. You have to make a judgment on when and where to tackle, how long do you back off before you tackle. All those things sound correct.

Now as i haven't played it yet, its whether its implemented correctly that's the worry, but looking at the videos there is no success in pressuring (the old way).

Surely that is a good thing, pressure has plagued both footy games for 5 years.

As a manual player i'm sooooo happy its gone.

I'm all for the removal of auto-tackle but with the lack of foot-planting, weight-shifting, etc. (unless they've fixed that since the early vids), when I go left after a stepover and the defender moves left as well, just as quickly as I did (almost sliding -- that's what I remember seeing in earlier videos), sure he can't just run at me and knock me over anymore (though w/ the new "impact engine" and "precision dribbling" maybe they call the fouls more often?) it just feels like they've replaced pressure with a mechanic that lets your opponent not take the ball right away, but just slide around and get in front of your no matter where you turn.

In short, I'm glad pressure's gone, but it looked like they'd just replaced it with something that's similarly unrealistic and gamebreaking. One thing that I enjoyed about PES (not 2012) was that it appeared (from my limited playtime with it) that you could really fake someone out by feigning a move in one direction and going the other way if they didn't see it coming or react quickly enough. The way that players were sliding around laterally in those FIFA vids makes me wonder if that's going to be possible in this one.
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the fact they spent time on this and not refining other areas of the game that desperately need it is a massive slap in the face

i swear if pes is even barely playable i'm switching back, but most likely it's going to be another year of disappointment

I'm not a violent person but I wish I had been there with a stun gun when someone first suggested they add a flair passing feature.

Nonetheless, I'm still pretty optimistic for this year's games. FIFA may not be as realistic or as deep as I'd wish, but just removing the worst of 11's defending could dramatically improve the game, not to mention a CM that might actually be worth playing more than a season or two. And while PES might still not be as fluid and attractive as I'd wish, it sounds to be a smooth enough experience this year to possibly win me back considering everything else it has to offer.

And besides, I simply refuse to believe that the football gods would give us another year of shit games.
Rutter and his fuxing prawn sandwich mob with their flare words in this fuxing game are ruining it for me. He probably watches soccer a.m and thinks that's it, next year it will be " Pro unbelievable Tekkers"
Also new vid with players who have seen more than one football match.

YouTube - FIFA 12 Gamescom

Around 2:00 Fullback over lapping naturally without a 'trigger run'..

There are bits here and there like this that are encouraging.

Yep, it's obvious that these players have the tendency to hold onto the pressure button but the new tactical defending system means they end up containing their attackers more than they otherwise would have in previous games. Can't stress enough how refreshing it is to see homing missile runs that don't always end with a tackle.
I couldn't see it cause the video was too shitty and I didn't want to sit through it.
Couldn't someone theoretically pressure then tackle as soon as they were close enough, or close enough to the 'bubble'? I ask because I'm sure that will happen soon enough. Players will pressure then make tackles immediately.

Demo needs to come out, this is bullshit.
there is a second fifa video on gamersyde not sure if it got posted, another really unimpressive match that looks almost identical to fifa 11
I actually think on-field this year apart from slightly reduced pressure everything will be identical to F11. The pitch will still feel small cause players glide over it so quickly and the space to play will be congested because everyone regardless of stats controls the ball and turns far too sluggishly.

Off the pitch is a massive increase imo. Career mode and menus look great and as do the new intros.

I don't mind this, I just take exception to Rutter pronouncing this game as a "revolution". I'm not stupid, and find this disrespectful.
A couple of things that have improved my gameplay experience lately have been setting the half lengths to 8 mins (really can notice the AI's mentality better - sometimes they close down and sometimes they contain, depending on the stage of the match) and when I am defending, I basically switch my controlled player to one away from the action and let the defence do their thing (since they're so good at winning the ball haha). If the ball carrier has too much space I press 2nd press button to apply some pressure. Has really helped maintain my shape more.

It's a natural tendency for people to want the ball but if you don't let the AI keep the ball for their share of time, it's easy to end up with pressure fests lol
I've played on 8 minute halves forever. And I have the same problems as everyone else. It feels like I'm playing rugby or american football. Once you get I don't know, just outside the 18 any tackle results in your players falling to the ground, or worse no fouls called.
And the AI can literally not make it out of their own half for 80 minutes of the game, then the last 10 they magically find every open player, whip in a cross from nowhere and your two center backs just stand there in awe as 5'2" striker with a 40 overall leaps into the air and smashes it in.

They need to put some clearer videos up. Official ones I guess. But I assume the buzzword generator is down so they can't pump anything out at the moment.
No doubt the rugby style is still there with the tackling. The same with you trying to win the ball back. It's shoulder first challenges that somehow take the ball.

All I meant was that the pressure isn't always on you, whereas the shorter halves it seems to be hectic all the way through. But regardless, when they do make a tackle it's ridiculous.

Problem I have is that they maintain their shape too well for too long. They're like robots instead of humans who fatigue and lose focus during the game.
Interesting that they finish the promo with that comment - Rutter is not going to have it all his own way this year :) besides Rugby Challenge is on track to be one of the best sporting titles in 2011/12 ;)
I'm not sure we would want one from EA, remember last year they thought it was a good idea to play Real Mdarid - Arsenal at some low rent english stadium in overcast weather. Making the game look as dull and bland as possible. In hindsight it was an accurate video...but still.
Im still looking forward to this and I'm sorry but the comparing FIFA to rugby or american football game is rubbish. Play on slow full manual and for me the game is pretty good and I suspect the FIFA 12 will be a slight improvement.

Admittedly I've only seen a few PES 12 vids but for me there was more ping pong passing in that video than ever before on a PES game and the rumour that you still have to hold down a button to do amanual pass is ridicuolus.

So until PES sort out their goalkeepers, collision detection, croud noise, commentry, cameras and general animations I'm not touching it..If Im proven wrong then happy days I'll go and buy it...still makes me laugh how people go oun about "PES Depth" . If you want depth go and play championship manager, depth alone is not enough if you want to play the game on the pitch
It's never nice, it's painful. It's rarely nice to hear him speak at all, given that it's difficult to comprehend what it is that goes on inside his brain that enables him to regurgitate bulls*** with a straight face.

There's a bit at 2:25 where he looks almost like he's trying not to vomit while speaking, and that's more like what I'd expect him to have to do all the time.
Im still looking forward to this and I'm sorry but the comparing FIFA to rugby or american football game is rubbish. Play on slow full manual and for me the game is pretty good and I suspect the FIFA 12 will be a slight improvement.

Admittedly I've only seen a few PES 12 vids but for me there was more ping pong passing in that video than ever before on a PES game and the rumour that you still have to hold down a button to do amanual pass is ridicuolus.

So until PES sort out their goalkeepers, collision detection, croud noise, commentry, cameras and general animations I'm not touching it..If Im proven wrong then happy days I'll go and buy it...still makes me laugh how people go oun about "PES Depth" . If you want depth go and play championship manager, depth alone is not enough if you want to play the game on the pitch

I'd love a year where i could switch between the two but PES had too many things issues i couldn't get over.

Looks like it'll be closer this year, but that mental fast, no error passing and sprinting on the videos took me back to Fifa 10... Hopefully its gone before release.


YouTube - FIFA 12, City vs Mailand, Gameplay 1 on 1, XBOX 360 (gamescom 2011, Media Day)

Look at 3:10 onwards when they start to sprint and ping-pong.... Loads of stray passes and no success.
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i bet there on manual - guarantee it

assisted will home in like a misile

if they are playing on asisted, then that is good news
Also, the move from 4:25 til it breaks down is lovely. Quick passing but not in an over the top, ping-pongy manner.

I don't think they're on manual tbh. Promising.
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