FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

Those CM pictures, "the youth academy" have gotten me excited again for FIFA12. This also:

"Details about the improved Career Mode have also been released, and there's plenty of new features to explore. But it's the level of detail that seems most impressive at first glance. Career mode will allow you, if you wish, to get involved in every aspect of the game – from hiring scouts to source young talent to selecting a squad in the light of a gloomy physio report.

This time round the transfer window has been realised with greater fidelity, too. Players can now choose to 'stall' on a negotiation, and are in general more aggressive and intelligent in their demands. But this level of detail isn't limited to static menu screens; it spills over into the commentary, creating an even greater sense of realism. "

Looks like it's all in the details for Career Mode this year which I love. Physio reports, morale, form, transfer requests, scout reports, injuries, extended transfer negotiations,... It's looking more like Football Manager... :D

I'm looking forward to the new features too but haven't we heard it all before from EA? And you gotta be skeptical when a claim is made like allow you to be involved with "every" aspect of the game - I can think of a lot of aspects to football but I sincerely doubt EA have added as many new features as I'd wish, and certainly not in a single year. It's a good example of why not to put too much faith in these mainstream preview articles.

It does sound promising but like I said, we've heard claims like these before.
@ Max,

It all sounds nice...however the devil is in the detail. The only relevance within a match context mentioned is some integrated commentary. As you said earlier, if it just remains convined to a messaging service and it has no meaning within a gameplay context (poor form, crowd boos, adjusted tactics, etc) it's all pretty meaningless to immersion.

But it can only get better, and I'm still enjoying 11 if I don't focus too much on it's flaws so that can only be a good thing. It just depends on how much better PES is this year whether I stick or move.
I'm looking forward to the new features too but haven't we heard it all before from EA? And you gotta be skeptical when a claim is made like allow you to be involved with "every" aspect of the game - I can think of a lot of aspects to football but I sincerely doubt EA have added as many new features as I'd wish, and certainly not in a single year. It's a good example of why not to put too much faith in these mainstream preview articles.

It does sound promising but like I said, we've heard claims like these before.

You're absolutely right, but isn't looking forward to a game "as much fun" as playing the game itself? Guess it's the thrill of the unknown and the lack of knowledge of bugs being in there.

Still I have a lot of faith in Simon Humber, who is responsible for Career Mode this year.
I feel more apprehension tbh, the worry that you get enthousiastic only to be hugely dissapointed...again. One of the reasons why I'm so cynical.
The reason players look lost in those situations is the whole two people in the air thing. I was just playing and noticed it way too much, it's so damn annoying. One player reacts to the ball 90% of the time. I've noticed it with the knock on too, I knock it on and it comes 'off' my player and attaches to a new one who was near, but not running or really in the play.

Classic lazy programming from EA :)
The important thing about CM this year is that it makes a sizeable step forward, rather than it being bang on. I worry that people will instantly lay into Simon if CM is still a year or so off of being genuinely very good, when it's his first year (or rather less) getting to grips with the mess he's been handled. If it is only decent rather than great, and some of the things added aren't yet as deep as we imagine, it wouldn't be fair to make him a scapegoat because he's inheriting, well, FIFA 11's CM. It's like being promoted to Executive Turd Polisher.
So we should accept it if for the third year running we get promised loads and shafted each year with the excuses of it's the first year of a three year plan, it's using PS2 code, it's Marcel's first year, it's Simon's first year, etc. etc. there are some of us who only play CM, if it's a bug ridden mess like 10, if it's castrated and hollow like 11, Simon/EA should get an absolute bollocking because for those of us who only play MM/CM and nothing else we've been completely fucked around.
If there isn't any evidence that Simon's installation as CM (and the other modes that fall within his position's remit) has been a force for good then absolutely. But while I'm not saying you shouldn't be angry, I think Simon should only get a bollocking if he himself deserves it. The only devs who have actually asked GCs questions this year are Simon Humber, and a guy called Munraj who works for him on CM. Not only does he ask questions but he asks follow-ups too! I appreciate that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't just EA's tallest dwarf, but at least, of the EA guys, he is showing visible signs that he's putting a shift in.

Hopefully it won't come to that anyway, and CM will be plenty good enough for the CM faithful to get started off. But if you're going to lash out, try and hit the right targets, rather than defaulting to whoever is head of CM.
They finally did wilshere's face wit the new tech. It only took him practically lobbying on twitter for FIFA12 all year :lol

(same with walcott in previous years).
'Legacy' defending. EA really know how to shoot themselves in the foot. Just force the new tactical defending on people and make them learn how to use it. Why do EA think that by adding new stuff to replace old will hurt them? Its not as if all those millions of people will stop playing they will just learn the new way. I dont understand how they can market the new tactical defending and tell us how much better it is than previous efforts yet still keep the flawed system in the game.
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Tbh I'm not that bothered about the legacy thing. Admittedly it would be very weak to allow it for online. But giving players as much options as possible is only a good thing imo. I think we can all agree that it's highly unlikely we will get what we want if that has to be how the game is for everyone. EA giving people the option to play a crap version means it's more likely we will get the oppertunity to play a version we want.

Besides, I turned ProPassing off aswell, as it was a pointless way to make passing "harder" with little regard to what the issues are / should be when passing with different players/teams.
I really like the screens. I like how clean and clear is fifa graphics. They just have to improve the art direction and design, because technically is very good.

What it looks weird is players not looking at the ball and paying attention to the play around them.

edit: yeah that girl is beatiful...
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'Legacy' defending. EA really know how to shoot themselves in the foot. Just force the new tactical defending on people and make them learn how to use it. Why do EA think that by adding new stuff to replace old will hurt them? Its not as if all those millions of people will stop playing they will just learn the new way. I dont understand how they can market the new tactical defending and tell us how much better it is than previous efforts yet still keep the flawed system in the game.

Agreed. If I was Sir Alan I'd fire them for 'avin no balls.

Why plug a brand new system which will make defending better for all, and then say "but if you want to just have that shitty homing missile pressure tackle, then you can".

There goes any online fun.
I can almost guarantee that, unless it's the PC version being shown, those gameplay screenshots involving players on the pitch are pre-renders and not real gameplay. EA do it every year, everyone gets excited, then the graphics on console look far worse in reality. Can't believe people still think these are in-game shots (unless PC).

I'm sure the CM shots are screenshots, but not the player action shots. Seriously check the 'screen shots' from last year and the year before, pretty sure they featured a brilliantly rendered shot of Rooney on the ball, and Van Persie playing against Chelsea in a night game. Final version looked nothing like them.
Having played a few hours of FIFA world cup over the weekend, for me the single biggest problem for me is the turning circle of players - and I think it manifests itself as a "tackling radius" problem and an offensive problem.

What I mean is that when you take a touch left or right, the player looks like he is doing a sidestep on the dancefloor. So when he wants to make a change of direction, the player looks like a truck turning rather than a footballer who should be able to keep the ball a lot closer to his body, without having to use close control dribble. It means offensively you can't dribble around players with good use of the left stick as much as you should be able to and defensively it's way to easy to steal the ball. I hope the improved dribbling fixes this. If FIFA could replicate the dribbling of PES, it would dramatically increase yoru ability to "[play football" offline as well as online. Eh, that's my morning rant over lol.
Some tidbits from today:

- Sliders are in the game (10-20 options)
- Replay theatre have not been touched
- Quick swap players in team management
- Optional B-squad line-up for cup games
- Last transfer day hour by hour bidding.
Some tidbits from today:

- Sliders are in the game (10-20 options)
- Replay theatre have not been touched
- Quick swap players in team management
- Optional B-squad line-up for cup games
- Last transfer day hour by hour bidding.

Where's the sliders info from?
Just some of the features (these are all found in previews popping up)

- Youth academy and scouts work closely together to create future prospects for the team. Scouting a region comes up with a foggy result (f.ex. a player can have a potential from 50-70), which can be more clear from further scouting (but also risk other clubs snatching the talent before you). Picking up a scouted player sends him to youth academy, where you can pick him off for your team (when you think he's useful) or kick him out.
- Players are more opinionated, wanting playtime, higher wages etc., and will tell the press if you take no action (which will make interested clubs offer bids)
- Captains play a role on team morale.
- Loyal players can now be bought with ridiculous bids and wages
- Growth is much more dynamic, attributes can change up to 10 points (not sure if it's in one season or from game to game)
Some tidbits from today:

- Sliders are in the game (10-20 options)
- Replay theatre have not been touched
- Quick swap players in team management
- Optional B-squad line-up for cup games
- Last transfer day hour by hour bidding.

Just some of the features (these are all found in previews popping up)

- Youth academy and scouts work closely together to create future prospects for the team. Scouting a region comes up with a foggy result (f.ex. a player can have a potential from 50-70), which can be more clear from further scouting (but also risk other clubs snatching the talent before you). Picking up a scouted player sends him to youth academy, where you can pick him off for your team (when you think he's useful) or kick him out.
- Players are more opinionated, wanting playtime, higher wages etc., and will tell the press if you take no action (which will make interested clubs offer bids)
- Captains play a role on team morale.
- Loyal players can now be bought with ridiculous bids and wages
- Growth is much more dynamic, attributes can change up to 10 points (not sure if it's in one season or from game to game)

Can you post the source for these?
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