Confusions Familiar
- 19 March 2003
- Manchester United
And another "Translation"
To not see PES back on his heels, Electronic Arts continues to enhance its simulation football year after year. So what's new in this vintage 2011?
Before you can get your hands on a finalized version to 75%, developers were keen to introduce the many new features and improvements present in FIFA 11. The game's producer has placed particular emphasis on the phases of testing to demonstrate the differences between a player with strong features and a weaker player. For example, a set-piece, the software showed the different trajectories of the ball. With a good shot free kick, the ball landed in a relatively small area, whereas in a bad shot, the ball's trajectory was much more random. But beyond the quality of player, especially those tests put forward gameplay more and more demanding. More than ever, simulation, FIFA 11 requires not only take into account the quality of player but also its position on the pitch or angle of arrival of the ball, in order to achieve the best possible gesture. With a new system, called "Pro Passing, including Electronic Arts wanted to banish the effect of" Ping Pong "in the previous section when it was enough (almost) to press the password to get in front of goal in firing position without too much difficulty. Now the game a touch of the ball will no longer within reach of anybody. Result, the big teams might still be favored, although reaching the pass play to ten with Arles and Avignon will necessarily entail a greater pride than with a big club. Again in the interest of greater realism, it also promises an AI more "human", which does not hesitate to take measures (dry natural replacement trotting, call the shot in depth ...). However, it is unclear if a player will go up as Suarez put his hand to prevent the ball crossing the net. And then, like any human being, the computer may be at fault after a game is unpredictable. The guards can then be taken against the foot, for example. And yes, it is also football, as unfair as it may be! In all, over 100 new features have been incorporated to improve the gameplay. But that the player does not care, what interests him are the feelings on the ground ...
More realistic simulation more ...
The first thing that struck us on the speed of the game, which was significantly reduced (the contrast is even stronger with FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 has been accelerated). But although slower than FIFA 10, FIFA 11 is nevertheless spectacular and fluid while further enhancing the simulation aspect of pure and hard. It must be said that the "Pro Passing" change our habits and already works well. It forces us to forget some automation, certain facilities and requires greater attention to building effective actions. As for contacts, things are greatly improved. And so much better because it represented one of the big black spots in FIFA 10. We watched on the sidelines reactions improbable, and often irritating, from the players, especially when they succeeded in producing an object (foam), which my friend Kevin made a specialty. If everything is not perfect yet on this point, we can already judge progress. Footballers are perceived to be aware of other players around them and sticking them a little too close. They do not hesitate either to elbow and are constantly in the process of protecting their ball, either during a dribble or in anticipation of a control. Evidence that the title leaves little room as possible to the approximation, the air duels now require a certain timing. However, all seemed not yet well calibrated. On corners, the attackers appeared eight times out of ten, get the better of the defenders.
The new Messi football?
While many things still need to be adjusted, what we FIFA 11 has already made a strong impression. It is hoped that the above reaction time, be improved, will be corrected for the famous "but why he has not fired!? "And other variants are just a bad memory. Otherwise, the title seems really on track to win again as the ultimate football simulation. Even from a technical standpoint, and although the graphics engine remains substantially the same as in previous versions, the many cosmetic changes as the push toward greater visual realism (further modeling of the players, specific animations, lighting ... ). Note that, visually, the PC version will not blush at the HD console versions will resume as the same engine. However, do not expect a title as developed as FIFA 11 but rather a mix between 10 and FIFA 2010 South Africa (which is anyway a huge step forward). On a perfectionist that title as FIFA 11, the slightest mistake, the slightest little bug jumps immediately to the middle of the figure. Inevitable consequences of a series that wants to close as possible to reality. And yet, despite a finalized version to 75%, the work done by Electronic Arts promises to once again impressive. Not totally overturn his series, the multiple finishes made multiplies our pleasure to play and should be completed on 1 October, in a simulated football sharpest of his generation. SEP has accused FIFA continues its efforts and did not really intend to give up his throne!
To not see PES back on his heels, Electronic Arts continues to enhance its simulation football year after year. So what's new in this vintage 2011?
Before you can get your hands on a finalized version to 75%, developers were keen to introduce the many new features and improvements present in FIFA 11. The game's producer has placed particular emphasis on the phases of testing to demonstrate the differences between a player with strong features and a weaker player. For example, a set-piece, the software showed the different trajectories of the ball. With a good shot free kick, the ball landed in a relatively small area, whereas in a bad shot, the ball's trajectory was much more random. But beyond the quality of player, especially those tests put forward gameplay more and more demanding. More than ever, simulation, FIFA 11 requires not only take into account the quality of player but also its position on the pitch or angle of arrival of the ball, in order to achieve the best possible gesture. With a new system, called "Pro Passing, including Electronic Arts wanted to banish the effect of" Ping Pong "in the previous section when it was enough (almost) to press the password to get in front of goal in firing position without too much difficulty. Now the game a touch of the ball will no longer within reach of anybody. Result, the big teams might still be favored, although reaching the pass play to ten with Arles and Avignon will necessarily entail a greater pride than with a big club. Again in the interest of greater realism, it also promises an AI more "human", which does not hesitate to take measures (dry natural replacement trotting, call the shot in depth ...). However, it is unclear if a player will go up as Suarez put his hand to prevent the ball crossing the net. And then, like any human being, the computer may be at fault after a game is unpredictable. The guards can then be taken against the foot, for example. And yes, it is also football, as unfair as it may be! In all, over 100 new features have been incorporated to improve the gameplay. But that the player does not care, what interests him are the feelings on the ground ...
More realistic simulation more ...
The first thing that struck us on the speed of the game, which was significantly reduced (the contrast is even stronger with FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 has been accelerated). But although slower than FIFA 10, FIFA 11 is nevertheless spectacular and fluid while further enhancing the simulation aspect of pure and hard. It must be said that the "Pro Passing" change our habits and already works well. It forces us to forget some automation, certain facilities and requires greater attention to building effective actions. As for contacts, things are greatly improved. And so much better because it represented one of the big black spots in FIFA 10. We watched on the sidelines reactions improbable, and often irritating, from the players, especially when they succeeded in producing an object (foam), which my friend Kevin made a specialty. If everything is not perfect yet on this point, we can already judge progress. Footballers are perceived to be aware of other players around them and sticking them a little too close. They do not hesitate either to elbow and are constantly in the process of protecting their ball, either during a dribble or in anticipation of a control. Evidence that the title leaves little room as possible to the approximation, the air duels now require a certain timing. However, all seemed not yet well calibrated. On corners, the attackers appeared eight times out of ten, get the better of the defenders.
The new Messi football?
While many things still need to be adjusted, what we FIFA 11 has already made a strong impression. It is hoped that the above reaction time, be improved, will be corrected for the famous "but why he has not fired!? "And other variants are just a bad memory. Otherwise, the title seems really on track to win again as the ultimate football simulation. Even from a technical standpoint, and although the graphics engine remains substantially the same as in previous versions, the many cosmetic changes as the push toward greater visual realism (further modeling of the players, specific animations, lighting ... ). Note that, visually, the PC version will not blush at the HD console versions will resume as the same engine. However, do not expect a title as developed as FIFA 11 but rather a mix between 10 and FIFA 2010 South Africa (which is anyway a huge step forward). On a perfectionist that title as FIFA 11, the slightest mistake, the slightest little bug jumps immediately to the middle of the figure. Inevitable consequences of a series that wants to close as possible to reality. And yet, despite a finalized version to 75%, the work done by Electronic Arts promises to once again impressive. Not totally overturn his series, the multiple finishes made multiplies our pleasure to play and should be completed on 1 October, in a simulated football sharpest of his generation. SEP has accused FIFA continues its efforts and did not really intend to give up his throne!