- 10 October 2003
- Arsenal
It's quite obvious that PES has better understanding of weight shifting, inertia, foot planting and a better representation of how they work in real world. That's why you can wrong foot a player in PES and you can't in Fifa.
That's notimplying PES is perfect. It's got tons of flaws and technical shortcomings, but the ideas are more powerful and potentially can lead to a much realistic recreation of the sport both at the individual level and the team level.
In Fifa I can dribble a lot. In Fifa11 I've very quickly achieved a great skill in dribbling, don't know why. I dribbled 4 CPU players and scored with Nantes at WC difficulty in CM tonight, something I couldn't do before. I'm talking about CLOSE QUARTERS dribblings. It takes only the left stick and great timing to pass through people.
But, that said, if you analyzed my 4 dribble play, you would see all players skating around, some of the real world forces are blatantly ignored. For example, inertia sometimes is unexistant and players can change direction in a dime, or even WHILE doing a step. That's impossible in real life and that's the reason why Fifa players seem to float over the floor. There's no proper foot planting (we know 360 has some guilt here), no wieght involved and no proper acceleration and speed taken into account. I've seen CPU players come totally accelerated WHILE turning WHILE doing a step WHILE controlling the ball. Too much to bear, mate.
PES, on the other side, will punish you for not taking some things into account. If you begin to turn towards a direction you have to time well the moment to shift wieght and turn the other side. When you do it well, you can break your opponent's hip in what consitutes a much better reward than performing stupid tricks in any of both games. PES dribbling is very good and I think there's a consensus over its more "realistic" approach.
That doesn't make it better as a "game" or more "fun". You can hve for fun with the dirbble system that you want, but implying Fifa players move around more realistically would be simply nonsense.
By the way:
- Played 4 more CM matches. Still not a single injury.
- I deliberately did NO SUBSTITUTIONS in any match, and I didn't notice anything nor I felt any bad sign in any of my players. I've won all matches at WC difficulty and lead the League2 of france with Nantes with the same 11 guys...
- Headers are great and beautiful, but you end up scoring 8 headers for every goal you score with your feet. Goalkeepers are still great to stop your best shots but headers seem to get them by surprise.
From seeing videos of Pes it seems the players are more lethargic (if that's the right word) when a player is running towards them. In Klashmans clip (which was very good by the way) players seem to stand off more and seemed to allow you to take them on more successfully? (in relation to fifa)
Fifas dribbling is good imo and i'm sure Pes is great, but I can understand where adelante is coming from. Fifa and with proper 360 movement does have a good system in place and is in some ways better. But I can understand why people think pes is better aswell as klashmans video is a great exampple of a good dribbling system.
But to say that categorically one is much better than the other is subjective really. If adelante feels it is better, then he is right. Because that is how he feels.
Anyway, doesn't really matter