Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Adam is playing the game right now and tweeting btw.

Played some FIFA 11, it's so different to last year, in a good way! Proper simulation, stunned! Better physicality, by a mile! Much slower 2
The keeper animation is unbelievable too
Also entrance scenes millions time better, different ones for each stadium to real life!
Seems likes 360 degree dribbling has been toned downed. But to a realistic way. More weight to players. Shooting loads better
They've changed passing so much, it's incredibly realistic. So hard to explain why, but ping pong is near gone

Sounds great. Especially coming from a huge PES fan like him.
Re: Fifa 11

i will wait for someone i know who is going, who plays this game on manual to report his findings

fingers crossed it is as good as it sounds
Re: Fifa 11

LOL i think i joined just after all your beef with him. Either that or I missed it altogether. :/

Another view on the game is great to have though. I want details on how the game plays with all these new "personalities".
Re: Fifa 11

Adam has "officially" joined FSB and has since bee praising it, just think of it as he would praise PES now.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm waiting for more detailed descriptions. They are too generic and are the kind that people say every year... I really doubt FIFA 11 will get worse than 10.
Re: Fifa 11

Why people hate ADAM ?

he's a good guy, he just became a fifa fan, like most in the World...
and like most of us.
Re: Fifa 11

Im waiting for some gameplay videos seems they are biding there time this year with Fifa got to say though PES certainly got me interested this year first time since PES 5.
Re: Fifa 11

Gameplay video's for FIFA won't really show anything, we now its going to look stunning. Its how the game is when playing that matters.

The reason PES needs gameplay video's is because just by looking at it in recent years you can so how shallow and rigid a game its been.
Re: Fifa 11

Gameplay video's for FIFA won't really show anything, we now its going to look stunning. Its how the game is when playing that matters.

The reason PES needs gameplay video's is because just by looking at it in recent years you can so how shallow and rigid a game its been.

:SAL: Yeah !
Re: Fifa 11

I'm waiting for more detailed descriptions. They are too generic and are the kind that people say every year... I really doubt FIFA 11 will get worse than 10.
Exactly. Like that tweet about keeper animations. So what? The important thing is the Keeper AI not the animations.
Re: Fifa 11

Lets not turn this thread into another "Lets all hate Adam thread". We have one already.
Re: Fifa 11

I'm waiting for more detailed descriptions. They are too generic and are the kind that people say every year

You do make a good point, i got excited reading Adam's comments for a moment. That's the annoying thing about Fifa games now, i can't trust any opinions apart from my own after playing the demo because they're all so generic every year.

They could in theory make something absolutely magnificent, supreme and perfect in every way and it would parobably get the same response if they made something half decent.

That's not a criticism of the game at all.
Re: Fifa 11

the thing with a fifa trailer is that they always look good so we'll have to play it for ourselves cos a gameplay video will probably look the same as last years if you know what i mean
Re: Fifa 11

Anyone from Evo-Web there to play it?

Yup. Pissed and missing my stops!

Was sat next to Adam (he and Suff left around 1). Lots to say. FIFA 08 pace with fixed defensive AI (lines and marking). Personality is v good though from a day of play not quite PES standard. A lot of it will take more time to notice though as was too busy relearning pro passing to notice runs and work rates!

First touch system not in yet; should make a big difference too. Physicality much better; passing error and reduced long pass/cross judgement makes things much more dramatic.

Still things I'd improve, EA haven't gone from FIFA10 to perfection just yet. Much more of a football game than a game though. Modric and Lennon were pwning. Not easy to just give the ball to Modric but he does spread the play better. Will talk more tomorrow; can't afford to miss my stop yet again as the Metro isn't a high enough tog rating for me to last the night...

Jotted down answers to as many questions here as I could. T-Mills from official forums went and is manual player; he and Dave797 played the CPU but I couldn't get the devkit free long enough.

If I don't make it through the night tell Jimmy I love him really.
Re: Fifa 11

LOL Thanks Romagnoli :rock

I need good news after that England game.

Weirdly Adam says the defensive AI line is the same. :/
Re: Fifa 11

FFS!!! Just spend ages typing up a huge post and it vanished. How annoying.

Anyway I took a list of the Q's I couldn't answer previously and will supply the A's tomorrow.

As for the defensive AI, I don't know how Adam could possibly have come to that conclusion TBH. The difference is Night. And. Day. No stupid fullbacks 20 yards behind the others, no defenders running away from strikers inside the box, the defensive lines felt more reasonably placed (though part of this could also have been that it's a lot harder to hit inch perfect passes through to them). I felt much more in control of the situation than I do in FIFA 10/WC, and I don't recall any major fuckups at the back that weren't due to trapping issues. There was very limited player switch stutter - I think Dave797 felt it more than me. Multiple player challenges for crosses was in, though I think it's a bit more restrained than I would like it. Goalmouth scrambles are pretty mental now too!

As you'd expect given only one year, EA haven't fixed every single issue we have with the game yet but a lot of them really do seem significantly improved/gone. Combined with the much more realistic passing that affects even the top teams (being Barca does not = FIFA 10), the improved physicality which makes for very interesting tussles (during one of which I did shout "go on son", embarrassingly) and my personal favourite aspect - crosses/set pieces into the box - the drama and emotion is greatly improved. You get the feeling that the players on the pitch are actually exerting themselves now, playing at their limits rather than effortlessly hitting 50 yard laser guided passes/shots, and with the reading of aerial balls being much less cut and dry it means that a ball being whipped in from out wide in feels menacing.

I'll go into more depth about what I like and what issues I still have tomorrow.
Re: Fifa 11

I've had a few good 15000 character posts go into the void before - and when you rewrite it you just know it's never quite as good as before.
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