Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Going to be hugely frustrated if all these fantastic sounding changes are half-arsed. Can't wait to see a game with varying personalities in action so we can see for ourselves.

At least they're attempting things we've asked for, though even when all this is fixed, people will find something else. It begs the question, do people want the best football game possible, or the best PES(or Fifa) game possible?

On a random note, I'm really glad to see they've added the option to press a button to use a players signature celebration, was something I always thought should of been added. I'd still like to see a better transition between the goal being scored and then running to celebrate, lacks emotion at the moment. (There are more important things to do, but the little things all add up right?)
Re: Fifa 11

Going to be hugely frustrated if all these fantastic sounding changes are half-arsed. Can't wait to see a game with varying personalities in action so we can see for ourselves.

At least they're attempting things we've asked for, though even when all this is fixed, people will find something else. It begs the question, do people want the best football game possible, or the best PES(or Fifa) game possible?

On a random note, I'm really glad to see they've added the option to press a button to use a players signature celebration, was something I always thought should of been added. I'd still like to see a better transition between the goal being scored and then running to celebrate, lacks emotion at the moment. (There are more important things to do, but the little things all add up right?)

The thing that worries me about the personality thing, is that they may use it as an excuse as to why some other parts of the game are lacking? like manager mode for example.

I like everything mentioned and I hope it all comes off. But i will be waiting to play the game before I get my hopes up. Because last time was a bit of a joke really on what they promised and what actually appeared.

Also if manager mode has lots of faults again, they will come out with the 3 year (or however long) plan they will say it was going to take to overhaul it.

Anyway, things look positive at the moment (even though there has been no news on the manager mode) and if they get the personality thing right it could be fantastic. But I do think it will definately only apply to a few teams and lower league clubs probably wont be touched in that way and will leave people frustrated again, by them getting overlooked. But again we will have to wait and see.

The passing system is also a great plus. hopefully it has an effect on the assisted players.

But after reading the list of what are the improvements of the new pes, then Fifa really needs to deliver on what they are saying. (of course we don't know if pes is going to deliver all the things it has said and in what way yet aswell)

Like every year though, the improvements and promises sound good, but it's about what actually gets delivered in the end that counts and I hope that Fifa delivers the goods :DD
Re: Fifa 11

The thing that worries me about the personality thing, is that they may use it as an excuse as to why some other parts of the game are lacking? like manager mode for example.

Also if manager mode has lots of faults again, they will come out with the 3 year (or howether long) plan they will say it was going to take to overhaul it.

Anyway, things look positive at the moment (even though there has been no news on the manager mode) and if they get the personality thing right it could be fantastic. But I do think it will definately only apply to a few teams and lower league clubs probably wont be touched in that way and will leave people frustrated again, by them getting overlooked. But again we will have to wait and see.

The passing system is also a great plus. hopefully it has an effect on the assisted players.

But after reading the list of what are the improvements of the new pes then Fifa really needs to deliver on what they are saying. (of course we don't know if pes is going to deliver all the things it has said and in what way yet aswell)

Like every year thought the improvements and promises sound good, but it's about what actually gets delivered in the end that counts and I hope that Fifa delivers the goods :DD

As you say Bob, EA talk a good game as they did last year so I'm not getting on the bandwagon this year, I'm almost sure there wont be much new in the MM and as you posted above the old strap line will be posted...
Re: Fifa 11

Funnily enough as much as I've played Fifa 10, I never even tried Manager mode, it had already been picked to pieces on these and other forums, before I got round to trying. :P

I used to play PES for hours just doing friendlies anyway and do the same in the Fifa games at the moment, with the odd game of PES2010.

Was just watching the video of Fifa posted in the PES thread, the one with all the tricks and goals... is it just me who doesn't even come close to scoring such goals? :CONFUSE: Personally I limit myself to the odd step over or roulette, partly for realism and partly, because I couldn't do those things in the video if I tried, haha
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Re: Fifa 11

Funnily enough as much as I've played Fifa 10, I never even tried Manager mode, it had already been picked to pieces on these and other forums, before I got round to trying. :P

I used to play PES for hours just doing friendlies anyway and do the same in the Fifa games at the moment, with the odd game of PES2010.

Was just watching the video of Fifa posted in the PES thread, the one with all the tricks and goals... is it just me who doesn't even come close to scoring such goals? :CONFUSE: Personally I limit myself to the odd step over or roulette, partly for realism and partly, because I couldn't do those things in the video if I tried, haha

what video you're talking about?
can u send me please?"
Re: Fifa 11

It's Hjerpseth. I think he's a massive twat for thinking that's what football is about, but I don't see any point in arguing. He also often prearranges for the other player to let him through, as you can see in some of his vids.

Decent video editor though.
Re: Fifa 11

The thing that worries me about the personality thing, is that they may use it as an excuse as to why some other parts of the game are lacking? like manager mode for example.

I like everything mentioned and I hope it all comes off. But i will be waiting to play the game before I get my hopes up. Because last time was a bit of a joke really on what they promised and what actually appeared.

Also if manager mode has lots of faults again, they will come out with the 3 year (or however long) plan they will say it was going to take to overhaul it.

Anyway, things look positive at the moment (even though there has been no news on the manager mode) and if they get the personality thing right it could be fantastic. But I do think it will definately only apply to a few teams and lower league clubs probably wont be touched in that way and will leave people frustrated again, by them getting overlooked. But again we will have to wait and see.

The passing system is also a great plus. hopefully it has an effect on the assisted players.

But after reading the list of what are the improvements of the new pes, then Fifa really needs to deliver on what they are saying. (of course we don't know if pes is going to deliver all the things it has said and in what way yet aswell)

Like every year though, the improvements and promises sound good, but it's about what actually gets delivered in the end that counts and I hope that Fifa delivers the goods :DD

Just a note from the IT world. The people coding the new animations and the like would most likely NOT be the same people coding the MM. They are two totally separate types of coding and language possibly.

MM consisted of bugs to the database and linking information from the database to the actual game from what I can tell. That involves back end development work more than C++ object oriented models and such.

If they got rid of the bugs from MM and brought some freakin' atmosphere to the mode it would be fun.
Re: Fifa 11

Guess I didn't take into account the fact it's online, haven't played online since Fifa 09, I get far too frustrated.

Sometimes watching these videos it just seems like a different game to the one I play, that's all.
Re: Fifa 11

Just a note from the IT world. The people coding the new animations and the like would most likely NOT be the same people coding the MM. They are two totally separate types of coding and language possibly.

I am not in IT but I assumed that would be the case.

But that doesn't stop them from saying they didn't have enough time to do other things etc. They have used excuses before that don't make sense.

Like small things that make a big difference, they didn't have enough time to do because they were working on other things.

Can't think of particular examples now, but I remember thinking last time, that their excuses did not really make much sense.

Like introducing an option to save your replays to the hard disc. that should be a simple option, but they din't introduce it? (looks like they are introducing it this time)

Stuff like the dire highlights they show, they say they concentrate on other 'important' areas before they look at areas such as this. (even though it can't be that hard to sort out the highlight problem - which it looks like they might be addressing now thank god)

Anyway, my point is what actually is reality doesn't really have a bearing on excuses that come out. When they give an excuse they don't really do much to justify it, so you are just left with a feeling they are talking bollocks.

I like the fact that they are bringing in the personalities for players and playing styles. I understand they need a new gimmick to sell yet another incarnation of the series. But they should dedicate time to some of the little things that would make the series stand out. If the basics were sound, then the overall package would be much better. manager mode is a great example of this, if they just concentrate on making the manager mode's basics strong and working properly, then it would not have been as bad as it was (also not promising stuff that wasn't in it or working properly would help aswell).

Anyway I'm rambling :DD
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Re: Fifa 11

I am not in IT but I assumed that would be the case.

But that doesn't stop them from saying they didn't have enough time to do other things etc. They have used excuses before that don't make sense.

Like sm

I am right there with you. I'm not buying the hype yet until we see how it's actually implemented. I traded that FIFA 10 garbage in months ago and will never trust them again.
Re: Fifa 11

I can believe that something as seemingly simple as adding the option to save replays to hard drive would take a longer time to implement. The thing is that the replay system, as well as the menu system etc, is shared tech across EA Sports. I think this is an area that Konami have been kicking EA for years - their menus, love them or hate tem, are designed specifically for the game. The PES 2011 formations screen looks immense.

I made a point of discussing this with EA and saying that menus in particular need to be overhauled. I even drew a picture of a single player, full screen (not just half) formation/tactics screen for them :D

Right, second half of Frexico, then I'm going to start putting together people's Q's that I couldn't answer; I'll see what I can do with them.
Re: Fifa 11

It's Hjerpseth. I think he's a massive twat for thinking that's what football is about, but I don't see any point in arguing. He also often prearranges for the other player to let him through, as you can see in some of his vids.

I sort of agree (not sure I'd use the word twat. Well, let me rephrase that - I'm not sure if I'd say it like that to other people :P). It concerns me slightly that he's been used for market FIFA too - it's completely the opposite of what FIFA should be for me - and his goals are basically the worst kind of showboating - not functional, nor realistic, just arrogant showing off.

I don't so much mind what he does as long as its not going to influence FIFA to go in a much more arcadey direction - but if what most FIFA players find fun to watch is no passing, no buildup, no defence, just tricks used in enormous space and goal exploits, then I think we're in a grim state indeed. I presume he went to Vancouver last year (considering the videos he produced before the game released) - did he this year?

Admittedly at least on the forums, whether it be this one where it's certainly the case or the EA ones, I think the realistic voice (LSHA if you really want) is not only the loudest, and the most intelligent, and it's also in the ascendency - but I do always feel a little bit queezy when I see this trash being poured over as if it's the epitome of football gaming.

Wepeeler is a bit better - but he doesn't play online. Hopefully with online replays more people can start producing good stuff - video editing skills aside I'm not a fan of what he produces at all - but realistically until the replays are long enough to show build up I'm never going to enjoy these videos much. A few other helps would be if cameras were made more typical of TV cameras (ie, statically held but watching the ball).

Saying that, as most people seem to actually like Hjerpseth's stuff I may be waiting for a long time.
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Re: Fifa 11

Rod - well it's not so much for the vids he makes but for him going off on one at Klash for suggesting that fewer players should be able to do tricks. I agreed with Klash and said that I thought tricks needed to be toned down, and he then started offering a very twattish argument, which involved ignoring my posts and saying that I wasn't putting a case forward at all.

He's not being used for ads this year - that much I know. Makes sense because he is seen as a symbol of arcadiness and that's what EA want to avoid! Can you imagine trying to sell a game as having turned the arcadey corner, and then proving it with a Hjerpseth vid?

Wepeeler was there, but he was very vocal about making the game more of a sim. He makes the vids for the fun of it but he was saying he would much prefer deeper football to being able to pull off the impossible.

Nice guy.
Re: Fifa 11

I can believe that something as seemingly simple as adding the option to save replays to hard drive would take a longer time to implement. The thing is that the replay system, as well as the menu system etc, is shared tech across EA Sports. I think this is an area that Konami have been kicking EA for years - their menus, love them or hate tem, are designed specifically for the game. The PES 2011 formations screen looks immense.

I made a point of discussing this with EA and saying that menus in particular need to be overhauled. I even drew a picture of a single player, full screen (not just half) formation/tactics screen for them :D

Right, second half of Frexico, then I'm going to start putting together people's Q's that I couldn't answer; I'll see what I can do with them.

But that highlights what I have been saying, saving replays to the harddrive is a basic function. It should have been in from the start.

The highlight system for what is aiming to be the best, shouldn't just show 3 highlights if there are much more. It definately shouldn't be showing a highlight of a keeper catching a ball from a cross and not show a shot that cannoned off of the bar.

Both the saving of replays and the highlights should be a fundamental and should have been sorted from the very begginning, then they wouldn't have to worry about it again and can concentrate on the snazzy stuff like player personalities etc.

So it doesn't really wash with me that it takes alot of time, because they are the basics and should have been in from the start and they should make time to fix these things. (Which by what they have said they have done finally - but shouldn't have even been an issue in the first place)
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Re: Fifa 11

Again, it's a case of the EA Sports teams sharing tech. The reason why it takes so long is not so much the coding but the fact that the FIFA team don't have someone who handles the replay function directly. It's most likely a central dept who handle replays and replay functionality, and getting them to do it is, if it's anything like my line of work, not much different from paying a third party to code it all.

I don't disagree that it's stupid, but it doesn't surprise me that something so trivial can be a pain in the arse. Whereas Konami have a dedicated team for their interfaces, I reckon EA outsource to a central dept.
Re: Fifa 11

Again, it's a case of the EA Sports teams sharing tech.

It's odd that replays can be saved locally in Madden but not Fifa. Replays in Madden are much better too, and after the game you can go back and view each and every play, and save what you want. I can't speak for any other games in the EA Sports line-up as I only play Madden, but if EA Sports are tech sharing then this aspect of Fifa should have been improved before now.
Re: Fifa 11

As I said I'm speculating but I know it is shared tech. Maybe the Madden team diverted resources from other areas to add hard drive saves in, or maybe FIFA didn't upgrade to the latest version of the replay tech as they saw it as low priority for the effort involved.

Still, what's done is done. Most of the technology they wanted to put in to build a football game from scratch is in now, so they have the ability to spend a lot more time on the details that differentiate between an expansive football game and a labour of love - something that Konami have been good at over the years until they went next gen.
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