FIFA 09 PC discussion thread

Anyone knows if the PC version will be having those very promising tactical sliders options?
nope it doesnt. low end pc's cant cope with animated sliders :LOL::LOL:

edit: i have a 4 year old pc, single core p4 cpu and 2gb ram and i can play some top games on medium/low settings and the gameplay still is the same has the console version(bioshock, cod4,ut3) but doesnt look as good.

Also, have a look at a pc game called race07/gtr evo. that game is another one i can play at med/high settings and it looks just as good as forza 2 on the xbox 360 but has FARRRR superior gameplay.

Another example is GTR2. that game can be run on a onboard graphics chip at low med and still have teh same if not better then GT5p/forza 2 in terms of physics, collsion detection etc etc.

i can go on all day on many MANY games that doesnt sacrafice gameplay for low end system.
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Re: FIFA 09 - Discussion Thread

Ehm, those are good excuses. You obviously have no idea how many people that buys PC version that has old computers. The PC market for FIFA is not in the "richest" countries you know...

Please give me the reason you think is that they are not just porting the game like many other companies are. Please do. You know they do research on these things, and if they could just port the game they would. But as they say, their PC audience is mostly using older computers.

They could make a scalable engine which allows all to play the game like they please. The pc is quite capable to do this.

They are just lazy.
Lettuce, i might be saying something obvious here, but...

Could it be because you have to choose the "be a pro" mode?

Or maybe because you're using a demo expander with a camera hack (zoom/height) and that turns the BAP camera black.

-- - -- - --

Now, guess what.
I've been playing the game a little bit more. Only this time, I sticked to the old full keyboard config (with Monkeydragon application) instead of using the keyboard+mouse feature. And, even though I can't seem to find the "call 2nd defender" key, I'm beguinning to like some things about the game.

Sure, apart from the visual makeup nothing seems to have changed, but that may just be a wrong first impression. Besides, we've got plenty of next-gen vids and pics to compare and cry AND we won't be having that sexy tactical slider (which bothers me a lot)... and those are terrible things.

But it's time now to try and look at the positives:

Not the lineal game speed/pace (which I always found correct btw), but the frequency of goal chances, how much time of the match is played in midfield, number and variety of fouls, etc. I think that is a HUGE step forward from 08. I dare to say huge, because at the end of the day the flow of the game is just about everything. I'm currently playing 90 minutes games with demo expanders and I'm feeling it. The fouls feature alone improves the game a lot.

Ball physics are shite eh? I don't fully agree, but I understand people thinking that way. Fifa 08 brought nothing new to the table, hence the editing community didn't pay it too much attention. But I have a feeling this time around it will be different. Sadly, we still rely on the same AI architecture so we won't be expecting any miracle, but the old new formulas plus the better game flow could do the trick just fine to my eyes.

Personaly, I've always found the skill moves button a nonsense feature. It's nowhere near as "organic" as it should feel, looks robotic, and most of the time you can't guess if your player will perform a trick to his right or to his left. But the walk button combined with runs (which is how 99% real world players dribble) works excellent now. In 08 AI had a magical way to predict what you were doing in this aspect. Ok, this might be possible due to the demo difficulty (I don't truly believe in the demo tweakers promising me authentic higher difficulties), but I bet we will be able to do it.

At least it works. And it works well. I can use Riquelme properly now, making this the BEST FEATURE OF ALL TIMES. ENOUGH SAID!!

Just a minor impression tough, but worth mentioning on the fly.

lol I sound like an EA chap trying desperately to sell you the game
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no 10v10 BAP is stupid also. as if a pc cant handle 20 players online, pc games can cater for 50+ players online. have a look at battlefield 2
Right, I got to about the middle of page 4 of this thread and then felt the need to respond to the discussion regarding why EA say they can't port the 360 version.

Firstly, I have a PC which is around 18 months old, its a 1.8GHz core due, with 2GB RAM (I upgraded from 1GB a few months back). It had an nvidia 7650 somethign or other which has since packed up so I replaced it with an 8500GT at around £40, by all accounts this card has some of th newer technology but is a lower end card than my previous one.

I don't consider this top end. Also, my previous PC (now belonging to the missus) is used for gaming. Its a good 5 years old but has had a RAM and video card upgrade in the last year. Its a P4 2.6GHZ with 1GB RAM and a GeForce 7600GT.

I have played Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2, Gears of War and CoD 4 on both machines without significant issues.

Don't tell me these aren't machines capable of running the next gen version of FIFA 09 - I'm sure they are and if cuts are needed they should be in the heavily scalable graphics which EA are priding themselves on and not the game engine.

Also don't tell me this isn't a reasonable market for PC games to be aimed at in order to be accessible to many? Its a poor excuse. As has been said, games should be designed on the PC with the top 10% of PCs in mind - something which could easily be picked up for around £500-£600 from dell online. If your PC isn't up to it, get an upgrade or get an xbox 360 - that should be the attitude of the developers.

As has been said, the 360 version could be ported at relatively effort so why not offer both? EA may even be suprised at how many units of the next gen version they could ship on PC.

While I'm at it and as its been mentioned, Lucas Arts are releasing a Wii version of the force unleashed, surely that version would be PC compatible and as EA have tried to do with FIFA (not tried it out as I prefer a 360 pad for footy), Wii style controls seem to map pretty easily to the mouse.
On to the actual game, so much to not like really. Crack a 25yrd drive off the post, it stops rolling by the edge of the 6yrd box, slide tackle down the wing to stop a break, the ball doesn't even get close to going out for a throw, etc... Control is shocking, if you don't want to turn instantly or play a 1st time ball you'll run after it for 2 yrds, now thats fine for a league one side but these are supposidly some of the best players around.

The menu's are excruciatingly slow, you press an option, nowt happens, you press it again, the player delects and de-selects at once etc. Its built purely for the controller your using so if you use a pad don't expect the mouse to work quickly in the menu's or team selection mode - once you pass the controller select point you have no hope despite being able to move the pointer around the screen with the mouse.

I really want the game to be great as they have the licenses but it simply isn't. I guess I'm pinning my hopes on Konami doing a good job and this community creating an even better championship / best of league one patch than for PES2008.

To be fair, there are bits I like and the fact I can configure the controls to match what I'm used to in PES might just make me get this game. But I do expect to be bored with it inside a month or 2.

No point entering the PES v FIFA debate as this clearly isn't the same FIFA which EA release for consoles and spend time and effort developing, its a money spinning reject trading on the official licenses and the FIFA brand name.

well said. EA are afraid that more people may buy the pc version had it been identical to the 360 version because lets face it, modded pc games of its direct console game are FARRR better then the console version.

take a look at cod4. PC users get free maps whilst 360 users have to pay for it :LOL: Also there are tons of community created maps and skins made for cod4, again, all free.

all EA had to do is port the 360 version and make it scalable across different pc systems and bam they have a hit. you cant blame piracy really because its been known for years that you cannot play on most servers if not all for online play. imagine if pc the version was the same as the console and offered BAP 10V10 with its interacting club leagues for it.

That game would of sold a bucket load in europe. i myself would have got the pc version instead of the console.

Ahh well EA has missed on a great opportunity to dominate the football market for pc gamers, looks like PES is the number one choice for pc users again
I still can't fully understand why the PC version is getting quite so much abuse levelled at it. Well, I can - maybe I'd hate it if I had the privelege of playing the console versions. But I'm enjoying it the more I play and get used to it (which granted, takes a while after playing Pro Evo for years).

This game plays very similarly to the older Pro Evo games. I actually dug out my old copy of PES5 to compare and they're actually very similar games, although FIFA 09 is a lot more realistic in terms of movement of team-mates and close ball control.

Compared to PES 2008 in particular, the ball physics, player reactions etc. are much more realistic. That's all I want right now - a simulation.

The AI is lacking in some departments (but gets a hell of a lot better at higher difficulties), but particularly online I can tell the game will be great. The feel of the game is spot on, in my opinion, it just needs slightly more clever opponents.

Honestly, the only major criticism I can level at this game is that the passing is apparently 'manual', but my through balls only appear to go in three directions. That's my only frustration.

I'm aware I am in a minority here, but I only have a PC, I want the best possible football game for my platform, and I'm afraid I find FIFA a much more realistic experience than PES now.
Honestly, the only major criticism I can level at this game is that the passing is apparently 'manual', but my through balls only appear to go in three directions. That's my only frustration.

Maybe it's only in the demo? Anyway after playing FIFA 09 demo on my somewhat crappy pc I predict that it's going to be the best football game for pc so far. And I've been playing only Pes for many yeas.

I mean it doesn't make it bad if it's not as good as the console versions.
Maybe it's only in the demo? Anyway after playing FIFA 09 demo on my somewhat crappy pc I predict that it's going to be the best football game for pc so far. And I've been playing only Pes for many yeas.

I mean it doesn't make it bad if it's not as good as the console versions.
Well I'm glad somebody agrees with me! And from another long-term PES player, too. I knew I wasn't alone.

I think a lot of people went in with the attitude it would be rubbish... mostly long-term PES fans, or console FIFA players. To those people (myself included) the game does feel weird at first. But here's the difference: I was excited about the game, so I persisted, and now I am creating plays and scoring goals that are far more realistic and exciting than anything I've done on Pro Evo in years.

It's not as good as the consoles, and I am seriously considering buying a 360 just for that version, but until then, the PC version is not a bad game at all.
Onetimer, that's the spirit.

At first I complained about the pre-demo screenshots (no untucked shirts, players models still almost identical, etc)
Then I complained about AI (only running forwards, ai players don't feel their position).
But I moved on and started playing, only this time around with keyboard alone instead of the new flawed feature, and I'm enjoying it A LOT.

I just wanted to say I like the game a lot more than I used to.
Onetimer, that's the spirit.

At first I complained about the pre-demo screenshots (no untucked shirts, players models still almost identical, etc)
Then I complained about AI (only running forwards, ai players don't feel their position).
But I moved on and started playing, only this time around with keyboard alone instead of the new flawed feature, and I'm enjoying it A LOT.

I just wanted to say I like the game a lot more than I used to.

I'm glad to hear it, Gergerger.

The thing is, with the demo expander and difficulty on Professional, it's a lot harder and the AI is a LOT better... I think they did themselves some damage making the Semi-Pro AI so stupid!

You should get yourself a 360 controller and play it with that - it's the only control pad I've heard of that works, but I imagine it's a lot more fun than just a keyboard.
Wowlman: I really want to love the game, EA have all the naming rights and offer a real season option in manager mode which PES simply can't do. I've been a fan of PES since PES4 (having tried PES3 and not been too sure), before that it was fifa all the way.

This game has going for it:
1. The ability to configure like PES (good because thats what I'm used to therefore gives me a chance to play fifa properly from the off)
2. Its something different right now
3. Having got the editor and tried it on world class with 6 min halves, an enjoyable balance of gameplay.

It has loads against it and I'm not writing PES off until I try this years offering but I think I'll buy FIFA and play it probably til xmas and delay getting PES, also giving the patch makers a chance to get something created rather than waiting for it impatiently!

The Jury is still out and I'm concerned it'll match by FIFA08 experience and be good for a while but get boring very quickly, PES 2008, while not the best version has kept me interested because of the learning AI, it has adapted to my gameplay and it does make me mix it up a bit (although overall not realistic as I can still run past 4 or 5 players at a time).

Edited to say, it would be a simpler choice if they put the console version on PC as stated in the above posts but like has been said, PC gaming offers the chance to mod easily which is important to me for a footy game. Also, this is the only type of game where I prefer a pad so buying a console for me would be purely for 1 game unless they started doing mouse/keyboard sets for the PS3 or xbox360 for games like CoD.
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I'm glad to hear it, Gergerger.

The thing is, with the demo expander and difficulty on Professional, it's a lot harder and the AI is a LOT better... I think they did themselves some damage making the Semi-Pro AI so stupid!

You should get yourself a 360 controller and play it with that - it's the only control pad I've heard of that works, but I imagine it's a lot more fun than just a keyboard.

I have a 360 controller! Now all I need is to get about 600 euros to update my pc.. :DOH:
Wowlman: I really want to love the game, EA have all the naming rights and offer a real season option in manager mode which PES simply can't do. I've been a fan of PES since PES4 (having tried PES3 and not been too sure), before that it was fifa all the way.

This game has going for it:
1. The ability to configure like PES (good because thats what I'm used to therefore gives me a chance to play fifa properly from the off)
2. Its something different right now
3. Having got the editor and tried it on world class with 6 min halves, an enjoyable balance of gameplay.

It has loads against it and I'm not writing PES off until I try this years offering but I think I'll buy FIFA and play it probably til xmas and delay getting PES, also giving the patch makers a chance to get something created rather than waiting for it impatiently!

The Jury is still out and I'm concerned it'll match by FIFA08 experience and be good for a while but get boring very quickly, PES 2008, while not the best version has kept me interested because of the learning AI, it has adapted to my gameplay and it does make me mix it up a bit (although overall not realistic as I can still run past 4 or 5 players at a time).

Edited to say, it would be a simpler choice if they put the console version on PC as stated in the above posts but like has been said, PC gaming offers the chance to mod easily which is important to me for a footy game. Also, this is the only type of game where I prefer a pad so buying a console for me would be purely for 1 game unless they started doing mouse/keyboard sets for the PS3 or xbox360 for games like CoD.

PhilLUFC, I would agree with most of that - I guess it will take a good few weeks of gameplay to see if the game will get boring as you said FIFA 08 did.

As things stand I just need something different - I'm really tired of same old Pro Evo every year with a few minor tweaks, and bizarrely they appear to have made it worse in the past two versions. I had enough of PES 2008 when I realised most of my games involved crashing into defenders and having frustrating midfield kickabouts with no real action.

The real test is going to be online - I don't think either PES or FIFA's AI is keeping up with other developments, so once the single-player gets boring, online is the way to go. Since I much prefer the way FIFA feels now, I suspect it will beat PES in the online stakes.
does anyone of you is having similar PC like mine? i wonder how this will run on my computer... pentium 4 dual core 2.66ghz, 1.5gb ddr ram, asus nvidia 7300gt 256mb ddr2... anyone with something similar? if yes, then how does it run on your PC at 1024x748 (minimum playable resolution for me)?
does anyone of you is having similar PC like mine? i wonder how this will run on my computer... pentium 4 dual core 2.66ghz, 1.5gb ddr ram, asus nvidia 7300gt 256mb ddr2... anyone with something similar? if yes, then how does it run on your PC at 1024x748 (minimum playable resolution for me)?

I would guess you can play it on low-ish settings, Madball. I'm not sure what you mean by 'Pentium 4 dual core' though - there's no such thing. A dual core processor will greatly improve your chances of running the game, though.
Does anyone know if the full PC version will feature custom tactics, like the console versions?

I'll be quite annoyed if not - it's such a simple thing to do. Pro Evo has had it for years!
Does anyone know if the full PC version will feature custom tactics, like the console versions?

I'll be quite annoyed if not - it's such a simple thing to do. Pro Evo has had it for years!

nope it wont. like EA have said themselves, only 1%-3% of pc's can handle such things:DOH:
nope it wont. like EA have said themselves, only 1%-3% of pc's can handle such things:DOH:
Haha. I think they were referring more to the AI and ball physics, but it's still a massive cop-out from EA.

As long as you can change formations somehow I'll be happy. Specific tactics (like in Football Manager) I can live without, for now.
Massive cop-out from Ea ??? HAHAHA .You are funny guy . I haven't seen nothing new in game eccept ng faces , 3d grass , and collision system .
Haha. I think they were referring more to the AI and ball physics, but it's still a massive cop-out from EA.

As long as you can change formations somehow I'll be happy. Specific tactics (like in Football Manager) I can live without, for now.

OMG!!!! FIFA more demanding than Crysis!!!! But we all know what EA is.... :censor::censor:
Haha. I think they were referring more to the AI and ball physics, but it's still a massive cop-out from EA.

As long as you can change formations somehow I'll be happy. Specific tactics (like in Football Manager) I can live without, for now.

so what's there excuse for no custom tactics and 10v10 BAP online?
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