FIFA 09 Discussion Thread (Old)

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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

BAP is crap. I wish the would have spared the time for something more usefull like gameplay
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I would guess recommended would be something like an 8800 GT but Minimum would be way behind that
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I hope all this fancy pancy talk about online modes doesnt distract them from improving offline - which imo is more important than playing online.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread


at first excused my bad english. In the Game Show "Giga Games"
yesterday evening they show Fifa 09.

Here are a few impressions from me or from the commentators:

-- It was not a classic demo version. It looked so
, as if they all teams had to choose (The first game was
For example, Borussia Dortmund vs. Eintracht Frankfurt and the second
Game was Germany vs Spain)

-- As Fifa 08 already known, during the loading time you can play in the
Arena. What is new is apparently that if the loading process
is finished, then you suddenly in the stadium is no longer in the
Empty Arena

-- The game is in relation to Fifa 08 has become faster, but it
hacks still something. For example, there is just like in Fifa 08
a delay if the pass button until the players finally
plays. In addition, the game does something stockend because the players in
the ball is always slow adoption, even if the ball is in the course played

-- The shots are also better and stronger, but still not
as good as PES.

-- It is difficult to play precise passes

-- The effect goalkeeper safer and stronger. However, it is still much

-- Be a Pro mode to get before every game certain objectives / Activities
you must meet in order aufzusteigen

-- In the Pro mode, you can´t also change during game
the tactic. Only when you are the captain
of the Team, then you can change tactical.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I hope all this fancy pancy talk about online modes doesnt distract them from improving offline - which imo is more important than playing online.

That´s right, another thing that´s worrying me is the attention they´re giving to BAP mode , i´m not a big fan and alot more people don´t like it so much so i hope they sort all the classic and manager mode issues first before going for details in that area.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

they need to sort out the framerate in the BAP camera if it is ever to be decent. I hate playing with a shimmering crowd in the background. BAP IS SHITE.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

3- it is fun online but as i said half the people online are idiots and just run forward which ever position they pick

Play with the right people and I can guarantee you its the best game mode ever. I remember playing with many guys off here and it was rightly fun and amazing. Couple that with proper online leagues and you should be set.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

1- the BE A PRO cam sucks :|
2- you really enjoy playing on your own as 1 guy when the AI around you are retarded and you are left watching your teams AI try and get the ball?
3- it is fun online but as i said half the people online are idiots and just run forward which ever position they pick

I just think they should concentrate on Manager Mode before this gimmick

1. For a start you change the camera because the default one is shite.

2. AI in CYC in Euro is alot better than Fifa 08, so i expect the AI in 09 do be better than both which will be brilliant.

3. Get in a good group online (by talking on the mic and trying to get a team of talkers) and as Lami said its one of the best modes to date

BAP is crap. I wish the would have spared the time for something more usefull like gameplay

The gameplay aint far off anyway and this mode is the future as i have already said

if you don't start getting into it your missing out on one hell of a game mode. Just the sense that your 1 man as part of a team, putting in a match winning tackle, creating or scoring the winning goal against the run of play, things like that are awesome and its all you as in real life.

You miss the only chance you get in front of goal or give a peno away its your fault and you aint in control of the other 10 players to try and make amends. Its a hard but rewarding mode to play in, and its as realistic as it gets in a Computer game
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread


at first excused my bad english. In the Game Show "Giga Games"
yesterday evening they show Fifa 09.

Here are a few impressions from me or from the commentators:

-- It was not a classic demo version. It looked so
, as if they all teams had to choose (The first game was
For example, Borussia Dortmund vs. Eintracht Frankfurt and the second
Game was Germany vs Spain)

-- As Fifa 08 already known, during the loading time you can play in the
Arena. What is new is apparently that if the loading process
is finished, then you suddenly in the stadium is no longer in the
Empty Arena

-- The game is in relation to Fifa 08 has become faster, but it
hacks still something. For example, there is just like in Fifa 08
a delay if the pass button until the players finally
plays. In addition, the game does something stockend because the players in
the ball is always slow adoption, even if the ball is in the course played

-- The shots are also better and stronger, but still not
as good as PES.

-- It is difficult to play precise passes

-- The effect goalkeeper safer and stronger. However, it is still much

-- Be a Pro mode to get before every game certain objectives / Activities
you must meet in order aufzusteigen

-- In the Pro mode, you can´t also change during game
the tactic. Only when you are the captain
of the Team, then you can change tactical.

In english please :-ll
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Don't be a dick reddevils. He obviously isn't great at english thus why he apologised at the beginning.

Thanks for the info mate don't listen to folk like that.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread


at first excused my bad english. In the Game Show "Giga Games"
yesterday evening they show Fifa 09.

Here are a few impressions from me or from the commentators:

-- It was not a classic demo version. It looked so
, as if they all teams had to choose (The first game was
For example, Borussia Dortmund vs. Eintracht Frankfurt and the second
Game was Germany vs Spain)

-- As Fifa 08 already known, during the loading time you can play in the
Arena. What is new is apparently that if the loading process
is finished, then you suddenly in the stadium is no longer in the
Empty Arena

-- The game is in relation to Fifa 08 has become faster, but it
hacks still something. For example, there is just like in Fifa 08
a delay if the pass button until the players finally
plays. In addition, the game does something stockend because the players in
the ball is always slow adoption, even if the ball is in the course played

-- The shots are also better and stronger, but still not
as good as PES.

-- It is difficult to play precise passes

-- The effect goalkeeper safer and stronger. However, it is still much

-- Be a Pro mode to get before every game certain objectives / Activities
you must meet in order aufzusteigen

-- In the Pro mode, you can´t also change during game
the tactic. Only when you are the captain
of the Team, then you can change tactical.

You could write in your own native language and maybe someone will translate it for us?

It worries me that he says that the players still take a while to pass after you pressed the pass button...
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Me too, that and the goalkeepers are the thorny issues for me...

"Gefaustet" means a goalkeeper's punch, so he's saying that the keepers still deflect a large amount of shots. If the reactions and the goalkeeper deflections are still there then I don't see the point in any of the 250 improvements...
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Ok, maybe someone can translate this for you:

- In einer Sendung Namens Giga Games wurde gestern Fifa 09 vorgestellt. Hier ein paar Infos zu dem was ich gesehn habe bzw die Spieler in der Sendung erwähnt haben:

- Es handelte sich nicht um eine klassische Demo, wo man nur zwischen 2-4 Mannschaften wählen kann. Sie konnten glaube ich alle Mannschaften auswählen. Zum Beispiel war das erste Spiel Borussia Dortmund gegen Eintracht Frankfurt und das zweite Deutschland gegen Spanien.

- Wie aus Fifa 08 schon bekannt, kann man während des Ladevorgangs in der Arena rum kicken. Neu ist anscheinend, dass wenn der Ladevorgang beendet ist, man plötzlich im Stadion steht, und die Fans hört etc. Man kann auch dann noch weiter rum kicken oder ins Spiel wechseln.

- Man konnte auf dem ersten Blick gut sehen, dass sich die Spieler realistischer bewegen, sowohl bei Ballannahmen als auch bei Tacklings etc. War echt super !!! Die Spieler fallen wirklich nur wenn man auch das Standbein trifft. Wenn man den Gegner nicht richtig trifft, dann kommt er zwar ins straucheln, kann aber weiter laufen. Außerdem hat man bei Regenwetter sofort gemerkt, dass die Pässe nicht mehr so gut ankommen wie bei trockenen Wetter. Der Ball blieb bei flachen Pässen oft liegen oder bei hohen Bällen wurde der Ball auch immer länger wenn der mal aufkam.

- Bemängelt wurde, dassder Schiri etwas zuviel abpfeift und dann auch meistens gleich die gelbe Karte zeigt. Außerdem klappt die Vorteilsregel auch noch nicht ganz. Manchmal wird man gefault und ein Mitspieler bekommt den Ball und läuft damit weiter und plötzlich nach einigen Meter pfeift der Schiri doch das Faul.

- Die Schüsse sehen besser aus und kommen auch härter, jedoch ist noch immer nicht so richtig Dampf dahinter.

- Der Torwart ist deutlich besser und sicherer, jedoch faustet er viel. Aber nicht nach vorne sondern zur Seite-

- Das Spiel wirkt schneller wenn man mit einem Spieler rennt, beim passen wirkt das Spiel jedoch noch immer etwas hacklig. EIn schnelles Direktspiel ist jedoch nicht möglich, da zum einen die Pässe mit einer leichten Verzögerung gespielt werden und anderen werden die Spieler, wenn sie angespielt werden, langsamer. Auch wenn man den Ball in den Lauf spielt, rennt der Spieler nicht durch sondern bremst ab.

- Im Be a Pro Modus bekommt man vor den Spiel immer Aufgaben gestellt. Wenn man diese schafft, bekommt man am Ende des Spiels Punkte die man in die Stärke seines Spieler investieren kann.

- Man kann auch erstmal keine taktischen Änderungen vornehmen im Be a Pro Modus. Erst wenn man Kapitän ist kann man auch die Taktik im Spiel ändern.
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Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

I am going to wait for reviews and opinions from people on here before I buy this, I am not buying the game only to find that reaction times and keepers are still diabolical.

Even if everything else is good, it's all forgotten when you go for a shot at the end of it and the keeper always ends up punching it to a striker, saving impossible to reach shots and being awful at their near post or if your player walks straight into an opponent instead of passing (like you told them to do a second ago...).

Most games nowadays on consoles are just:
A) Rehashes of last-gen games, with additions, stuff taken away and/or a different storyline/map. (GTA IV, PES 08, Resident Evil 5 etc.)
B) Same old shooters, just with different controls/guns/maps/storylines etc.
C) Games made from scratch, which just fail because too much emphasis is put on graphics instead of the important stuff like gameplay (FIFA, can't think of any others atm).

Some games are decent, but playing them too much makes them boring.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

Another thing in Fifa they need to fix in 09 is offsides. Refs never make a bad call, and a lot of times my striker's big toe is offside and they'll call it. What happened to advantage in favour of the attacker? I also hate the commentary for offsides. The referee is always right, and Andy usually thinks his flag went up to no he was right.
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

The worst thing about FIFA 08 right now is the fact that every goal looks the same. Its always the tap in, cut back, rebound, chip shot or the long shot over a stupid GK. Judging from that amcp post, this game is only going to be a small update like PES, only focusing on new modes rather than actual core gameplay. Hopefully I'm wrong.

StayingPower- I hate Andy too. Every time Ronaldinho gets the ball, he goes "The unmistakable Ronaldinho!"
Re: FIFA 09 Discussion Thread

From the "250 improvements" thing, and from the preview we saw the other week saying "it's incremental improvements like PES used to be", I think it will be gameplay improvements rather than tacking on new features.

It just seems like they don't think the reaction times or the goalkeepers deflecting everything are an issue. :eh:
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