Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007
i agree! i hope fifa is great, then its bye bye pes, looks exactly the same, talk bout lazy
Jack Bauer said:It's horrible seeing the amount of teams on this, the amount of things you can win, the amount of features and the graphics. I've been playing Table Tennis for the XBOX 360 all morning and it proves undoubtedly that you CAN have gameplay AND next-generation graphics that you can be in awe of. Looking at PES6's graphics, I'm so disappointed. Just because we love the gameplay, why does that mean we have to settle for GOD-AWFUL visuals?? I know it's not as important, but we could still have it. It looks EXACTLY the same, but in hi-definition. It doesn't excite me. I've done everything there is to do in it already, if they can't even give it a REAL facelift, never mind add new features, then what's the point?
As usual, I'm holding out so much hope for FIFA this year. I would do anything for them to make a game that destroys PES. There would be so much more to do, it would last so much longer. If that online league mode (absolute SHIT that it's not on the 360 by the way, what the fuck were they thinking??) covered every league in the game (and I don't see why it doesn't really), and the gameplay matched Pro Evolution's, it would probably be the best game I can imagine ever playing.
It's not fair that games can look like Table Tennis, and play like crap. I hope that one day, EA will figure out that adding gameplay will give them the football-game market on a plate (even more so, eliminating pretty much all sales of PES), and we'll all have the game of our dreams.
From this:
To this:
Come on Konami, this is the age we live in.
i agree! i hope fifa is great, then its bye bye pes, looks exactly the same, talk bout lazy