- 28 September 2010
Ι had some similar thoughts, since morning, while i was thinking i wanted to reply to @koningfrikandel , but i do not own the words to express it correct. Pretty much i agree with what said, in the post i am quotting here.This thing about scritping and having video proof of it, is kind of hard to show to be honest. I still play pes 2021 and I may well be one of the guys here that has the longest run on the same ML save. I've played my career through about 5 or 6 clubs and more than 15 seasons. Usually I used to start in a small portuguese team until I get invitation to Benfica. When I'm bored I accept some other contract. Liverpool, Man City, Rangers, Celtic, Anderlecht, and now Benfica again. Some things might get a bit crazy after all these seasons, like player value getting extremelly high (I just sold William for 500.000.000). I don´t look at it as stupid, but as a consequence of the market, even if it's not realistic.
On the gameplay though, the story repeats on any league. I always have a nice, quiet, friendly start. Then a shit storm hits the team and I can see it coming. Then, on the final 10 or 15 matches, everything goes back to "normal", almost looks like the game is giving me a chance to fight back.
Also, on most matches, this "shit storm" moment exists. I learned to live with it and pretend it's a part of the deal. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I just put my controller down, take a deep breath, and pick it up again and finish the match with a sense of pure frustration and the question "why... WHY?.." on my head.
I have dig enough on this game to learn a couple things, one of them, and it was a major one, is the use of specific players, with specific traits, to each position. I change their roles depending on what I want them to do on the match, and I believe that no other game has done this as good as PES 2021 does... so yes, to me it's the best game ever. Being able to build a team around a certain mentality, and choosing the tools and weapons to make your way to the top is very satisfying. This also means I'm aware of what my team is capable of. So understand me if I get frustrated when Ronaldo has 5 consecutive attempts on target, almost clear chances, and none goes in. I'm already experienced at this, so I know I already saw lot's of real life situations like this. Every club has that day where nothing good happens, and every chance is missed against all odds. It happens. But this game loves to show it to much sometimes. It's noticeable. On those matches, I realised that at the end, things change a little bit, and sometimes it even gets easy, but I might be too frustrated to score and I still miss the chance to equalise or even win the match.
Is it interesting? Yes, by all means. But it happens very regularly and very obviously to say it's not frustrating sometimes.
On every match, after I score, the CPU always gets a chance. ALWAYS. I know that it's trying to represent an urgent response from the opponent to the goal I just scored, but it always ends of some kind of dangerous effort, a shot, a corner, a free kick... whatever.
On some matches, more than I would like to have, after I score the first goal, my team dominates and creates 3, 4, 5 or more clear chances... but there's always something... some kind of invisible barrier, a miss, a player sliping and loosing balance on the moment of the shot even if it's running alone with no pressure, etc.
When nothing seems to work for the CPU, then things get a little strange, like first time 30m+ passes finishing with a dangerous shot, or a ball that goes through my defenders 3 times in a row, even when their are clearly blocking the obvious lane.
These things can all happen in real life, sure. But it's small things so obvious that make you say, at that particular moment, "of course... what else".
All teams, like I said, have a bad run sometimes. But it's not always on the first cup round, not always on a derby match, not always when the direct league adversary looses their match... In PES 2021, it's a rule.
It's a love hate relationship and I'm just there beacause the good moments clearly overcome the bad ones.
I am a deep "script" believer, or to place it more politically correct, i believe that a tool for CPU to create challenge and drama, is boosting their own stats, handicaping human player controlled players, and input reading.
But i will leave the script part aside, as said before, even a video does not prove anything, if the video poster cannot transmit his controller input, and feeling, which is the case, you can't post the feeling neither with text nor with video, and feeling is the key word here, for me.
So back on track, what i've noticed too, after a lot of seasons, not very successfull i would say, and as a disclaimer, don't take me wrong here , i will just post my feeling, not schooling anyone, neither i am in an attidute "ye're playin it wrong" etc....
Sometimes or most times, when the CPU plays in a normal mode, and you are playing against a lesser team, it most usually adapts to your style, IE, you are attacking with score 0-0. When the CPU is packed its defense in a deep line, it's difficult to break that defense, without some very charismatic players.
So what you do in this scenario? First you try to penetrate form the center, but the center is cement concrete, with two zones of deep defensive line. So next step, you get the game wide, to the flanks, trying to do some cross, or some cut back. Once the CPU AI realises it, it adapts to defending the crosses from the flanks.
Here is the most often mistake i am doing. If i am tired, or get frustated, i am repeatitive rushing and rusing from the flanks, doing almost an One-Dimensional game, which is more rinse and repeat. AND I repeat, i don't even mention, handicap or anything, to keep it objective to everyone.
In this point, if i keep my pressure to waves crushing in a wall, it is very possible for the AI, to do that long pass from defense to Attack, and the opponent CF to do the usual , one touch control, super shield, pivot and goal. Then it is very probable, since it is a lesser team, as i said previously, that the CPU team will drop the ATT/DEF mentality to -1 and -2, which is often game over for you, if you couldn't penetrate a team with 0 mentality, good luck at -1, or -2. It's more possible to concede a 2nd or 3rd and want to throw your controller.
So at that soft point, where the score is 0-0 and i have the feeling that my attacks are like waves breaking in an iron wall, i have figured out, that it is better to do something different, much irrelevant to attacking. I know it does not make any sense, but making something unpredictable that does not make sense, is the only hope to get something better from the above scenario, which is a draw or a 1-0 win.
What i try to do is pretend that i am playing in the midfield. As most of you know, midfield battle is usually non-existent, and most part of the game is played in the first or last thirds, with rocket passes , trespassing the midfield as non-existent place.
So, me playing passes without any reasonable sense in the midfield, while it doesn't make any sense, it just confuses the CPU, which is adapted to a player attacking from center or the sides, but is not expecting someone to make non-sense passing game in the midfield.
Then i take i deep breath, and wait for the CPU to "create a gap" in their formation, either by pressing high, or by trying to counter attack after stealing me the ball (with a foul not given but the ref), and i steal them back to back.
The hard part, is when and where you decide to create this "midfield" scenario by your own, cause it usually does not make any sense, and your AI teamates do not help a lot, cause their programming is usually binary, on the ball =we attack, off the ball= we defend. You must make safe passes, but try to decide passes in teamates that will not cut your team in two pieces, by a possible mistake.
I end it here, cause i already posted a lot and log text.