eFootball PES 2021 Discussion Thread (CONSOLES)

I see too many very over the top reviews and recommendations for 2021, its still important to know for people who did not like 2020 they should save their money not buying this one.
Sure, but maybe for some people it's amazing. Even if I'm not one of them.
I give 2020 a 6/10 and this a 7/10.
For the bad sides of the game in my opinion. If you can live with these below then buy the game:


- Shooting although improved from 2020 is still mostly unsatisfying and very rigid
- Rigid formations, CB's still play way too much the area and not the man
- Default formations overall make very little sense. Klashman's real tactics is a very decent upgrade to this though
- Reactions to loose balls are again better after the patch but still bad and lead to nonsensical goals
- Wing backs let wingers jog the whole wing many times without a challenge

Shockingly Bad

- Referees are horrid in every possible way
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full manual legend mode win

game starts at penalty which was on using dribbling wth manual override button and right stick then a quick ball shift

Whats the mode most people on here are playing? ML or MYCLUB? I'm usually a ML player but every year it does get a bit samey so tempted to play MYCLUB but is that just all online?
What is shocking that the blatant cheating is there in exhibition games too without TS. I just wanted to point that out perhaps it was too subtle. Also that the update did not really fix any major issue with the game. I see too many very over the top reviews and recommendations for 2021, its still important to know for people who did not like 2020 they should save their money not buying this one.
yes, i agee. TS and scripting are 2 different things.

but, when ML brings them both together to create a "zombie", exhibition matches feel different to me. i dont want to say it has a different kind of scripting... its just different. through in the values of derby matches (wich once were outstanding matches, afair) and/or player traits and/or tactical instructions and you have mix of things that potentially harm the game. over the years, the different mechanics added (that should work together to deliver a football simulation) just seem to generate problems when "stacked upon" each other.

for years we have seen this... 1 step foward... 2 steps back...
there is hope konami sticks to the roots, following the general sim like path (carved over the years), throughs the old (hampering) stuff overboard and delivers with 2022! i do believe so! :D
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I have stated before that individuality is gone in PES but since the responsiveness have become that much better its once again a joy to get the ball with some players. It's like it was hidden under the hood of bad responsiveness.

I have this thing atm in Divisions where I go with a good/really good team one match and one "bad" /lesser team the next. I love the struggle with the lesser ones and then trying to dominate with the bigger team. Funny enough I do quite well with the lesser ones in comparison with the better ones. I guess it comes down to me focusing more when I play with, like, Metz.
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A thing that I hate though. The ball is impossible to get far away from your goal when defending corners. It always falls to your opponent. I have tried L2 to hoof it away but I can't say it makes much difference. Any suggestions?
I have stated before that individuality is gone in PES but since the responsiveness have become that much better its once again a joy to get the ball with some players. It's like it was hidden under the hood of bad responsiveness.

I have this thing atm in Divisions where I go with a good/really good team one match and one "bad" /lesser team the next. I love the struggle with the lesser ones and then trying to dominate with the bigger team. Funny enough I do quite well with the lesser ones in comparison with the better ones. I guess it comes down to med focusing more when I play with, like, Metz.
Funny you named Metz, wich beat my Bayern this weekend! :)
I went in to have some testing against them (picked a lower stat team).... but Metz wasn’t in the mood for some training match! :LOL:
Lesson learned!
A lot of the issues I had with the game post-patch were seemigly down to me playing on +1 game speed (which I tend to do when using lesser teams). The AI felt a bit cheap and overpowered on Superstar (in terms of endless stamina and aggression), but that's toned down quite a bit on 0. Played a few matches on FUMA/Superstar and enjoyed myself quite a bit. It's refreshing for a post-release patch to be an improvement on the release version. Modern PES is a mercurial ol' mule.

Napoli is so good. Bringing Insigne off the bench should be illegal in this game.

This one will haunt me. The entire time I told myself, "chip him." Would have been one of my best individual goals in awhile. Good save by the keeper, to be fair.

Let's hope Konami continues this trend of not ruining their own game with subsequent patches. Would be ideal...
I'm happy to see more people trying Full Manual. I'm a really new PES player, have been playing FIFA my whole life without even looking towards the other side because of the licenses I guess, as I grew older I became more open to new stuff and my GF bought me PES2020 in July, this year. I was already giving FIFA up, as that game became on-rails since a FIFA 18 patch, I still bought 19 and 20 just to be sad about the state of that game.
Fast forward to July - Covid-19 time I had a lot of time to learn this new game (pes), at first it seemed too rigid, mechanical so I took it to the internet to learn shit about it, and found someone saying something about Manual, and I had thought it would be impossible to play reliably online... now in October, I play FUMA, using super cancel and this IS the best football game on the market, by FAR. Everything is possible on PES, you just have to pull it off, sometimes it is harder than it should be but it is possible, this game lets you play it freely, that is football. There's the UGLY, EASY, BAD LOOKING meta that every dumbass plays to win, but underneath it there's a fantastic football base, I'm pulling off some crazy goals, but they look realistic, none of that 3 elasticos that I was happy to do in FIFA. Fantastic game, which will only get better I hope.
Hold on though, there is a bunch of problems here still, namely the AI is stupid as hell, and some collisions look stupid, the ref is as dumb as rocks, but they nailed the feeling, the football feeling, the one I get playing the real stuff...
If you buy 2 team editions, do you get two separate games? Like 2 different sets of edit data/more master league saves. Or just one game and two sets of team extras?
You manual players... I've been playing a few games tonight on manual. In regards to dribbling, is it me or does it seem to be easier and the game flows better when playing manual passing?

It could be meet but seems less restricted. Hopefully I make sense. Lol
You manual players... I've been playing a few games tonight on manual. In regards to dribbling, is it me or does it seem to be easier and the game flows better when playing manual passing?

It could be meet but seems less restricted. Hopefully I make sense. Lol

Did the same this weekend and felt the same, whole game feels less restrictive
I tend to have that impression as well. Manual feels just better, less robotic, seems like CPU making more mistakes with their passes as well. Even shooting.
Me seeing more players come over to manual passing:

When you have played manual for a few more games and think back to Passing assistance:
After using manual controls, second thing to enjoy game is to play with lower level teams. Playing Barca, Madrid, Man U, Inter, Liverpool, etc consistently is quite boring after a short period of time. I noticed myself more and more playing with Portugal, Danish league teams, Argentine teams or even Asian champions league...
I'm finding using a mix of manual and low assists is working well for me.

I haven't the time at my age to go full manual, I did try a game and literally had about 23% possession 🤣🤣

If I use manual in certain situations, I'm finding it really gives extra options when attacking. Played a delightful through ball last night, their defence was deep and packed, my winger made a run and I managed to slot it right into his path for a first time shot. Deffo gonna keep using it for these instances.

I'm nearly done editing then I can start a ML.
I can't believe how many fake/duplicate players populate the ML. I have no fake teams at all, every team on my game has their correct squad and kits etc... but when you look on free agents in ML there are hundreds of fake players.
I've got 4 sheets of A4 paper with all the fakes on. I've replaced them with players from League 1 and League 2. Rough stats but made sure height, weight and appearance is close enough.

All I got left is to do the fake Uzebek, Indonesian etc... players that show. I'm replacing them with MLS players using the same concept. What a way to spend my evenings 🤣

I wish I wasn't so anal about it all but if I literally see 1 fake or duplicate player, I get pissed right off. I think I got PES OCD.
Me seeing more players come over to manual passing:

When you have played manual for a few more games and think back to Passing assistance:
:LOVE: you just cant imagine how happy i am about this development (for the community and for the users)! :APPLAUD:

lately i've been evolving my gameplay skills A LOT! i dont know what happened, but the more i play the more i get the hang of fuma with angled cams! ...and it pays!
just last night i couldnt stop myself from bringing Leeds more glory. we made the group stage of EL! :ROCK:

edit: different scrubbed shots from me and the AI, different outcomes when i try different stuff; i want to go home now and play some more! :...
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I really hope (but not believe) that Pescara will have that awesome rainbow kid as the 3rd in the game. That would instantly bring me to begin a ML with them.

Regarding full manual: Sometimes I play some tournaments next to my ML just for the change, where I play full manual. And all what's said above is true, it opens up the game, the pace is slower, you really have to think about every pass and it is so much more rewarding.
But in a ML I can't go full manual. Normaly I play with a lower ranked team, try to develop and bring it to the top. Therefore I have to feel diffences when I replace my players with better ones. I still really don't know, if and how stats matter if you play fm. And as long I don't feel a difference in passing with a low rated and a higher rated player, I really just can't go fm in a ML. Just my personal preference.
Sure, but maybe for some people it's amazing. Even if I'm not one of them.
I give 2020 a 6/10 and this a 7/10.

I deleted pes 2020 in November it was that bad. This is based on MyClub. 2021 despite some flaws is a much better experience all round. Shameful though that there is still lag in games in the year 2020! I remember pes 6 on the xbox 360. Zero lag every game!
I really hope (but not believe) that Pescara will have that awesome rainbow kid as the 3rd in the game. That would instantly bring me to begin a ML with them.

Regarding full manual: Sometimes I play some tournaments next to my ML just for the change, where I play full manual. And all what's said above is true, it opens up the game, the pace is slower, you really have to think about every pass and it is so much more rewarding.
But in a ML I can't go full manual. Normaly I play with a lower ranked team, try to develop and bring it to the top. Therefore I have to feel diffences when I replace my players with better ones. I still really don't know, if and how stats matter if you play fm. And as long I don't feel a difference in passing with a low rated and a higher rated player, I really just can't go fm in a ML. Just my personal preference.
because of you i had a look...
how cute is that!? :LOL:

Exactly! Kids should draw a kit for the team and the best one won and made as a real jersey. The money from the sold jerseys was given for charity.
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