eFootball PES 2020 Discussion Thread (PC)

What I am seeing is when your player is passing the ball and there is a CPU player within 5 yards and your playing the ball either to a team mate wide right or left of CPU, the ball is hitting that CPU ? Now I know in ML is scripting where your going to lose a goal no matter what you try to do and the AI of the CPU hardly put a pass out of place, now I am ok with that for the most part but it does my nut in when their headers go straight to a CPU mate. The header on my side 90% of the time if not more, go beyond the team mate I am aiming at, I am ok with this, but I want the same from the CPU team and not the laser guided headers.
Try using double pressing X for shorter headers to a team mate. It’s the same with regular short ground passes.
Im playing on full manual but I think this works for any PA setting.
You will buy the game at one point mate.. save ten bucks a month.. at the 4th month you can purchase it at discounted price :P
Each year passing I am having less motivation to buy next year's game. I bought the game this year solely because they seemed to make a move forward with the dribbling system, and although there was, it could be more responsive if you ask me, and more intuitive. But is k enough.

I don't know what can they give me as incentive the upcoming years to buy the game. ButI guess I would need a much better rating system (here FIFA wins by a huge ammount) that reflects aswell in BAL (as FIFA does). I always said that PES is superior in what reffers the game in the pitch is (specially with mods) if we take out AI scripting (which seems this year is way more bearable, in fact I won certain games in my ML) but there are some things that are fucking it up completely, namely doing the wrong update, my ML and edit file being erased and having to do all from scratch, etc., etc.

So basically, they can do few things to make the game better. Do a more complex negotiation system for the traspases, doing a better BAL, nailing better the AI, reducing scripting and being more precise with the team and player id, which is a system half-built at the momment. If none of those comes (and I will know looking the community) PES is dead for me. The only actual reason to buy it is to stand in front of FIFA and not having FIFA being the one and only and making a complete mess. Is healthy to have a competitor each year with FIFA, and it would be healthier even if we had another more closer to simulation, but seriously, I am done with Konami promising things and doing half of what they promised and doing a worse game than the demo. I am fucking done with them treating us like stupid fools. And this year I ain't touching the online. Purely offline. They don't deserve any single more penny from me.
I have a question, after verifing integrity of game files in steam library, in case I want back to 2.02 ver, can I do it just by using 2.02 exe ?
Is it possible ?
You would need v2.02 db (edit file) and such, so is a bit difficult.
Have you found a situation wherr you can dribble like this with minimal challenge from the opponent. Superstar, exhibition, vs cpu ai, dp3.
left defender is "maintaining" position. :CONF:

All .exe an dt18 is from konami with holland latest H6 .exe cpk mod. But i am sure i sometimes having this situation without .exe cpk mod too..
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How to restore transfers and player stats I set up before dp3.0 ? I made Live Update and go to edit mode and everything is like the first time with old squads.
Which file is responsible for transfers and player stats ?
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are there any graphics mods that are free? I wont pay at least $10 a month for a patreon mod. I tried this on fifa 20. then when a certain modder had us hooked he increased the price to $15 a month. thats when i gave up.
Fellows if you looking for almost perfect gameplay use this combo: dt18_all from Bromi and exe 1.2.1.
Playing at Top Player level is very well balanced and enogh to enjoy it :)
Tested dp3.0 and it just sucks
1. starts up pes
2. starts exhibition germany-england
3. 8mins in Kroos with a direct freekick
4. direct free kick goal

5. evo-web starts commenting on manual goalkeeping

I think the almost perfect gameplay is all in @amartingil 's latest EXE. It feels just like the Demo.

Fouls are there in that one for sure.
Ok I checked speedsrver is guilty but I need it the most. Only this exe is conflicted with it, not any other ones :/
Do you have speedsrver ?
Look at Speedserver Thread, its updated to dlc 3.0
your crash comes from old SpeedServer module, was the same for me

I´ve been stuck to your V3 which I really loved, but trying your V4 now playing on with my master league.

I don´t remember having so much fun in a PES ML the last time.
Every game is so unpredictable and I don´t feel any cheating/scripting and the freedom of the ball and everything....AWESOME!
Goals I concede, I can comprehend and they make sense, cause of defender´s bad positioning and mistakes I made.

Anyone playing on PC, I really recommend trying this exe (or any other gameplay mods in the edit section. There are so many out there from different great modders for everyone´s liking) along with klashman´s tactics.
I play on professional, -1 game speed, fuma, 20 min matches and one match is better than the other.
I win, lose, draws and big teams play like big ones and weaker ones are easier to beat.

But...If I don´t concentrate, I get smashed.

Really loving this at the moment!
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