eFootball (All Platforms)

Not sure this time, since the game "seems" to be a matchmaking client, about the playability level, since it's Thursday tomorrow, so the server is down , due to the usual maintenance.

I mean, apart from the 5-minutes friendly matches, the rest modes????, MyDreamTeam will be playable after 10~11am CET , when the maintenance usually ends.

For those who plan a late night.
Their website lists maintenance as beginning at 23:00 UTC tonight and ending at 08:00. So that's why I'm fairly sure it will be early in the morning. They could run into issues, of course.
I mean, it's about football, something about it makes a man hyper... PES/EF are a different level to Fifa, which has maybe three times the budget, yet it's an absolute shit show for football fans. Sad times indeed. But for EF i'm hyped, only something like 5 hours for it to be downloadaable?
PES used to be the only game I got excited for when it dropped. I'd often book the day off.

I remember when PES 6 came out. I worked in ASDA at the time, think I was 22. I was on the till serving and this dude came through and had a copy in his hand! It was still like 2 days before it was supposed to be for sale. I sat there counting the minutes until my break, then ran like Usain Bolt up to get my wallet, and gleefully spent my lunch break reading the manual wishing I could go home and fire it up. And of course, back then, the new installments of the series didn't disappoint and hours on release day would be happily lost.

I might have a nose at this game but I can't say I'm itching to try it. I love offline, losing myself in my own little make believe world where I can buy and sell players, choose any team to manage, change the settings to my liking, dream up sub plots and restrictions to further indulge myself in the fantasy world that PES delivered in spades.

And it feels a bit shit to be honest, that I'll never probably be 'hyped' about another game again, though at nearly 39 my wife would probably say about time I grew up 😂
I remember when PES 6 came out. I worked in ASDA at the time, think I was 22. I was on the till serving and this dude came through and had a copy in his hand! It was still like 2 days before it was supposed to be for sale. I sat there counting the minutes until my break, then ran like Usain Bolt up to get my wallet, and gleefully spent my lunch break reading the manual wishing I could go home and fire it up. And of course, back then, the new installments of the series didn't disappoint and hours on release day would be happily lost.
Not to mention you didn't have to install the game or download updates or even wade through about 10 disclaimers and pop ups telling you what they added to myclub before you can even play it!
So, it's a patch and probably it will be released tomorrow morning, with extended maintenance of course and we won't be able to access the STUNNING Dream Team mode until the afternoon. This is the Konami way and that's IF everything will be ok.
I dunno about you, but I'm EXCITED about this. Booked the day off tomorrow.

Can't wait to fire up Elden Ring and put in some good hours – haven't played it as much as I wanted recently.
I'm hearing on twitter version 1.0 will be available to download at midnight BST. Online goes live at 9am tomorrow morning BST.

Looks like we might be able to sample the 5 minute offline matches tonight if anyone can be bothered to stay up!
Don't give a damn about today or tomorrow.
Like i, swear on everything i could, never played the previous versions. Like we said a couple of pages : it will be a beta, a real one this time.
Won't play it until it will be be playable i think. I literally feel absolutely zero interest to download it know.

Same when there were Demo coming out every year, two games and hop, erased from my apps. I liked to play the game with or created teams, or corrected IG teams, so i'm a bit fuchked ATM.
Let's see when they will unlock Edit Mode / if you can retouch players even with no preset faces, a bit like Fifa (you can't even change a player height or foot as an example) or if it will be just just superficial with templates/kits and renamming teams as it's imperative it for big fakes leagues, they can't survive without at least that.

To be honest, i'm fearing that we will have only the second option. I don't really care about creating a league as it's tons of work, but i spend litteraly months since PES 2020 just to correct on excel the innaccurate height/weight, wrong foot. Checking vids, comparing on pics when there's no info : giving estimation...
I did the full PL from 20-21, every single player.

I've read that there's a new system (not from Konami of course, another company) that "modelise" the whole pitch with players for their corpulence etc., it's a very good news... But what needs it more is lower league. That's the only future i hope about football game but just football information sites etc. too : perfect reproduction of at least height/weight/preferred foot > the basis. We really needs it for smaller leagues + the fact that the system can took mesure of the speed and some other stuffs like jump etc.

.... But it's a debut about that technology. We're far from "my dream".

Edit : What i said funny @robozaoGOAT ? I've worked a lot on it, it was serious project... And you have no idea how bad i was when i was forced to stop it, like a failure.
My "dream" lol isn't really about the game. But a system (like the one working with Konami) to reproduce really and capture the whole pitch with the players on. And i worked on it not for PES, but a project to purpose to a website. Nothing ridiculous, it's was about accuracy on website information.

And not agents/company giving extra CM to their players for having extra dollars when they sold their players...
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the Japanese testers said that the training mode will be in the game
Thanks. I was thinking that with all the tricks you can do, without training mode : training mode would be kind of replaced by 5 min. exhibition matches. Not ideal to train your skills at all, especially stuffs that needs a lot of repetitions.
Waking up 8am Australian time, and only a single page added.. means its not out yet??? Fk, now gonna download this free version just to see this update - cant believe its 27gig, which i may well uninstall 30minutes into gaming.
If they do have a training mode, id actually be content with that... as long as its not timed.. and just be able to play in that for a while... but as if thats a possibility.
So is the new dream team mode basically their new ultimate team?

Also the lack of harchester united jokes is disappointing
I just checked out the Eurogamer German write-up of v1 impressions. Generally positive, but I don't put much stock in it.

The thing that I found funny: they've gone for "Traum-" (dream), so Traumpass, Traumschuss etc., instead of "Stunning". I think that's probably about as ridiculous. Considering you can do a five metre pass with the modifier on – what a dream pass from McTominay back to Maguire!

But then their flagship cash cow mode will keep the English wording (Dream-Team). So that's a bit jarring.

Nice to know anyway that they have a general incompetence with nomenclature no matter which language they're working with. I wonder if the Japanese names they choose are also as bad, or whether they are more fitting and it's the translations to other languages that misfire a bit.
@cellabonez there is nothing to laugh here! 😊
We’re would i be without my HongKong, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Austria, Germany and USA citizenships?! it’s needed! 😂

Nostalgia… when remembering the good old days is more fun than anticipating the arrival of an update/game! Just speaking for myself here.
lol no need for it anymore update us available to download worldwide
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