eFootball (All Platforms)

Adam has nothing to do with decision-making or the development of the game... in most cases, he receives and sees the information with us, maybe sometimes he has early access but .. that's it! His job was to SELL it .. yes, sometimes he blow things up more than necessary, but ... all sellers have to exaggerate at some point to sell the product... I say this as an active seller in a large company where I work and sell for 16 years.
Can you sell €football tho?
Can you sell €football tho?

You can sell a bunch of pre-order player packs, if you work hard enough to keep the state of the game a secret with minimal information and footage, which is exactly what they did. Some people are still trying to refund these things, lol.
You can sell a bunch of pre-order player packs, if you work hard enough to keep the state of the game a secret with minimal information and footage, which is exactly what they did. Some people are still trying to refund these things, lol.

I can't imagine how many people bought it as a gift for their loved ones, thinking it must be the yearly installment :LOL:
That's some grade A marketing alright!
It's like when all the noobs thought they were "buying the Fortnite game" for their kids, but ofcourse it was just V-Bucks.
I blame the krakens tech included in "next gen consoles" like ps5.
they're not doing a good job decompressing this mobile turd on the go
This again.

Your weird urge for a flame war against consoles is pathetic.

Edit: I see he's been banned. Thought he was an odious prick even before the offending outburst, frankly.
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I think he was being sarcastic, you know?
No, he made a few false claims about the lack of hardware parity between 9th gen consoles and PCs earlier in the thread, and when I tried to explain the relative advantages in the SSD setup, he just latched onto the word "Kraken" which I referenced as the protocol Sony use for decompression. (It affects the amount of theoretical data throughput quite significantly.) He kept bringing up the word (or deliberate misspellings of it) in snide allusions to that earlier argument. This was just the latest – and thankfully last – attempt.

He's just a helmet, really.
I want what they're smoking. Seems like the good stuff.
They're using the mountains of cash dollar bills from this years pre-orders to roll the finest Pes fan tears collected by their twitter survey's & feedback questionnaire ruses.

Konami: "The final result was even more impressive than we had originally conceived"

Depends, if they originally thought the results would be like opening the Ark of the Covenant causing player faces to melt off, and that the ghosts of older Pes titles would fly out of consoles/PC's on startup and suck the soul out of every long term Pes fan...
No, he made a few false claims about the lack of hardware parity between 9th gen consoles and PCs earlier in the thread, and when I tried to explain the relative advantages in the SSD setup, he just latched onto the word "Kraken" which I referenced as the protocol Sony use for decompression. (It affects the amount of theoretical data throughput quite significantly.) He kept bringing up the word (or deliberate misspellings of it) in snide allusions to that earlier argument. This was just the latest – and thankfully last – attempt.

He's just a helmet, really.
Thanks for the clarification, wasn't aware of that.

It's funny he said that, but usually pc ports don't even get next gen ports because majority of the players have old gen tech for first few years, and now a console equivalent pc spec costs kidneys.

Also consoles really arent holding the game down when its limited by mobile hardware currently. And I honestly think mobile hardwares are more than capable than a PS2 nowadays. So there is no reason why the game couldn't be at least as enjoyable as pes 05/ 08 ps2 ports.

Developers needs to try harder and stop focusing milking myclub and other microtransaction bs.
It's funny he said that, but usually pc ports don't even get next gen ports because majority of the players have old gen tech for first few years, and now a console equivalent pc spec costs kidneys.
Yeah I did raise the point in our back-and-forth that Steam hardware surveys show that average users have really old/low power components anyway.
Also consoles really arent holding the game down when its limited by mobile hardware currently. And I honestly think mobile hardwares are more than capable than a PS2 nowadays. So there is no reason why the game couldn't be at least as enjoyable as pes 05/ 08 ps2 ports.

Developers needs to try harder and stop focusing milking myclub and other microtransaction bs.
Agreed also. Though the debate wasn't about consoles holding back this game (given mobiles, as you say), but really about his being outraged that people here used the term "next gen" – he argued against that usage that nothing about PS5/XSX was remotely ahead of PC potential. Which, on the score of SSD real-life use, is just not true. And that was all I was pointing out. But he was intent to have a flame war. The sort of arguments that give PC guys a bad name.
Yeah I did raise the point in our back-and-forth that Steam hardware surveys show that average users have really old/low power components anyway.
Agreed also. Though the debate wasn't about consoles holding back this game (given mobiles, as you say), but really about his being outraged that people here used the term "next gen" – he argued against that usage that nothing about PS5/XSX was remotely ahead of PC potential. Which, on the score of SSD real-life use, is just not true. And that was all I was pointing out. But he was intent to have a flame war. The sort of arguments that give PC guys a bad name.

It's worth mentioning though, that the graphics of these next gen sports games should easily be feasible on current mid range pc hardwares. Obviously EA and Konami doesn't put enough effort to include graphical options and API support to make the game run on both current and next gen pc hardwares.

Being that said, PES 08-10 did a great job in actually giving enough graphical flexibility to make the games run on both trash potatoes and next gen pc hardwares of the time.

People like him does give pc guys a bad name, but there are similar people from console side as well, or anything for that matter. Blinded fanboys give everything a bad rep, but this is why it's pointless to generalize.

Also I don't see why he's mad while the PC port of eFootball seems to be next gen too.
This is NOT going to erupt in this thread again, whatever moronic thoughts You are harbouring.

So message to anyone thinking of posting in a vile manner, don't do it.

Exactly. The big mistake people are failing to realize is that he is NOT representing us. He's representing Konami, and his job is to market their game.

I don't care about 'ironing the bugs' in whatever updates they are planning. Bugs are not intentional. I care more about the intentional core mechanics of the game, like passing physics, shooting physics, player ball awareness, responsiveness and tactical off ball player runs, all tragically downgraded in eFootball. For this reason alone I wouldn't touch this new franchise before another year of work, and even then I'm not so sure how playable it would be, depending on whether or not this eFootball is representative of a 'direction' they are taking, or just an issue with them not having enough time for core mechanics.
Adam is a fool and deserves some gold ol humble pie for being completely clueless about the things he tweeted this entire year, but please don't abuse him on twitter. You can call out his bullshit (and Konami) without harassing him or those close to him. The real culprits are the suits at Konami and those who have some say in the direction of this franchise.

It wasn't Adam who made the decision for Konami to appeal to mobile users. It wasn't his decision to not have a bigger development team for this game.

Point your daggers directly at Konami and keep the pressure on them.
Exactly. The big mistake people are failing to realize is that he is NOT representing us. He's representing Konami, and his job is to market their game.

I don't care about 'ironing the bugs' in whatever updates they are planning. Bugs are not intentional. I care more about the intentional core mechanics of the game, like passing physics, shooting physics, player ball awareness, responsiveness and tactical off ball player runs, all tragically downgraded in eFootball. For this reason alone I wouldn't touch this new franchise before another year of work, and even then I'm not so sure how playable it would be, depending on whether or not this eFootball is representative of a 'direction' they are taking, or just an issue with them not having enough time for core mechanics.
I doubt its issues with core mechanics. I really would love to be wrong because I wanted it to be a technical issue. Konami are capable of doing the impossible. They are a among the elite when it comes to gaming. With the right amount of people who understand how to rewrite AI and other gameplay mechanics in a game, it's entirely possible to fix efootball. They can do it.

However, the 6 million dollar question is whether Konami are willing to do what it takes to fix this game and reclaim that spot that made PES a wonderful franchise and the cynic in me says I don't think they are. They wanted to release a cheap, simple game, copying many of the animations from last year's game, including the celebrations and commentary. They have found success copying FIFA's method of slot machine gaming with Myclub and player packs and now with their mobile version of PES making them billions, why would they change all of that?

There are a lot of people around the world who cannot afford to buy consoles and expensive gaming PCs, but are interested in gaming and love to play games on mobile devices. Konami saw that market grow and the rest is history. Those of us who own consoles or gaming PCs are an afterthought to Konami.
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Adam has nothing to do with decision-making or the development of the game... in most cases, he receives and sees the information with us, maybe sometimes he has early access but .. that's it! His job was to SELL it .. yes, sometimes he blow things up more than necessary, but ... all sellers have to exaggerate at some point to sell the product... I say this as an active seller in a large company where I work and sell for 16 years.
That's understandable, but the dude is a huge ass tho, he would gaslight his own coworker if things dont fit his narrative. He always takes credit for the accomplishment of the game but when you mention any flaws or bad things , he'll say "sorry, mate I'm not a developer, I'm just a PR manager" then why the heck you're crediting yourself for all the success. This was few years ago, I doubt he has change that much.
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The issue is not so much he himself, or what he does or how, but that he was given a job, and what that expresses.
You'll see it on full game wait ...
i assume you confused dynamic weather with dynamic lighting.

Then again, dynamic was introduced in PES 2016, while "dynamic" lighting in PES 2019.

So i do not understand the "welcomec part.

As for the " wait until... full game/monster update/monster patch/hotfix", i would say "welcome to 2021" only if someone was cryogenical frozen and wake up today, or was sleeping the last 25 years like Captain America.

Then, until now, that's the story of my life. I keep waiting....
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I meant the shadows and the sun will move depending on the time of the match like shown on the video, I said Dinamic Weather because I'm not English, to me it means "Clima" in my mother tongue. At least it's infinitely superior than PES21 (Out of date)
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