* my favorite PES horror story...€urosFootball !!!
- 30 July 2021
- Manchester United
what was the reason behind not puttin in that roadmap at first?
Here you have the answer, directly from the perspective of the "new crowd":

From 2015 until this date they didn't cared about ML/BAL to include it as a priority anymore because of things such as that ⬆️fresh thread posted. Konami added those offline modes just as a copy/pasta excuse every year to have a reason and charge it as a full price release. Feels like profiting on your retarded kid to get some money just for yourself each year from the government. Offline is "gone" and they can't charge money for this travesty because they KNOW it's not a game anymore (at least we did a pretty good job mocking this garbage here in 426 pages). This new type of audience is more interested and blinded by the dopamine effect triggerd in opening "kinder eggs" than getting invested in a constructive mode as ML/BAL. Also those questionaires were added for the public not because they care, but just with the only reason to find the necesary information and statistics on how many playes are playing which mode, and how they feel about their slot machine (as a test purpose to see how users are reacting to that mode).
Objectively speaking imagine you are Koinami, and you're releasing every year a new PES, making lods of money from myClub. In you questionaires you'll get something like myClub 85% of users playing getting the most of the revenue from it during all the year, and Master League/BAL with just 15% of users making money on the product mostly from the release. Then you can also see the mobile version that gets 450 million downloads surpassing the consoles/PC in microtransactions, and continuously increasing your bank account with almost no effort. What you should do next year? Well, a live service app to control and unite the mobile with the console as a brand new myClub game based purely on monetization to get even more revenue. It's too obvious, there isn't anything else to say about improving their roadmap...
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