eFootball (All Platforms)

what was the reason behind not puttin in that roadmap at first?

Here you have the answer, directly from the perspective of the "new crowd":


From 2015 until this date they didn't cared about ML/BAL to include it as a priority anymore because of things such as that ⬆️fresh thread posted. Konami added those offline modes just as a copy/pasta excuse every year to have a reason and charge it as a full price release. Feels like profiting on your retarded kid to get some money just for yourself each year from the government. Offline is "gone" and they can't charge money for this travesty because they KNOW it's not a game anymore (at least we did a pretty good job mocking this garbage here in 426 pages). This new type of audience is more interested and blinded by the dopamine effect triggerd in opening "kinder eggs" than getting invested in a constructive mode as ML/BAL. Also those questionaires were added for the public not because they care, but just with the only reason to find the necesary information and statistics on how many playes are playing which mode, and how they feel about their slot machine (as a test purpose to see how users are reacting to that mode).

Objectively speaking imagine you are Koinami, and you're releasing every year a new PES, making lods of money from myClub. In you questionaires you'll get something like myClub 85% of users playing getting the most of the revenue from it during all the year, and Master League/BAL with just 15% of users making money on the product mostly from the release. Then you can also see the mobile version that gets 450 million downloads surpassing the consoles/PC in microtransactions, and continuously increasing your bank account with almost no effort. What you should do next year? Well, a live service app to control and unite the mobile with the console as a brand new myClub game based purely on monetization to get even more revenue. It's too obvious, there isn't anything else to say about improving their roadmap...
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Do you think they will change the tactics/gameplan set up? Really don't like it and for me, at least it is slow and clunky changing players etc. Really wish it was the normal set up screen.
Objectively speaking imagine you are Koinami, and you're releasing every year a new PES, making lods of money from myClub. In you questionaires you'll get something like myClub 85% of users playing getting the most of the revenue from it during all the year, and Master League/BAL with just 15% of users making money on the product mostly from the release. Then you can also see the mobile version that gets 450 million downloads surpassing the consoles/PC in microtransactions, and continuously increasing your bank account with almost no effort. What you should do next year? Well, a live service app to control and unite the mobile with the console as a brand new myClub game based purely on monetization to get even more revenue. It's too obvious, there isn't anything else to say about improving their roadmap...

Couldn't agree more. Objectively, games have been getting steadily worse since the introduction of microtransactions and early access titles.

I've been playing a lot of Medieval 2: Total War lately which makes me incredibly nostalgic towards that era of gaming. I wish we could go back.
Forgive me but I was so desperate to play finished, new football game this year, that I've used EA Pass to play FIFA 22 for 10 hours :(
come on, its not like I'm comparing both products or sharing my experience with it. More like statement that eFootball is so bad that I gave FIFA a chance
Wasn't aimed specifically at your post, more just a reminder before someone else sees the word "FIFA" and bursts in here with a pitchfork screaming that "anything's better than that FIFA shit" cos (insert fanboy screams here). It's a pain in the arse to mod this thread at the moment because of it. That's all.
Do you think they will change the tactics/gameplan set up? Really don't like it and for me, at least it is slow and clunky changing players etc. Really wish it was the normal set up screen.
I'm glad you've said that. Really don't like that new formation screen. So many things wrong with it. I much prefer the classic layout we've had where I can see the starting 11 AND the subs/reserves all on one screen. I wish form and position could be shown next to each player rather than having to flick between the two. The massive FORM and POSITION wording that appears every time you switch views is also really annoying. It's all just very cumbersome and a massive backwards step to what we had before. It just feels like they've just changed it because they feel that everything has to change from the PES series.
I just can't get used to the new way to switch players on defense with RS (selection cone expanding outward from ball).
It's also not very consistent. When you are defending a corner, it switches back to the old algorithm (centered at current selected player, instant switch).
I wonder if they'll allow the option to pair two phones to see starting 11 on one, then subs/reserves on the other. I have amassed quite the collection of phones over the years...

Maybe they will allow you to stack 3 phones where in one you see one side of the pitch, the other the other side of the pitch, and in the 3rd one you will see the tactics screen so you can move on the fly :LMAO: :D :D.

They´ve always made horryfying UI´s for the time the games were out, but this one beats them all, functionaly and presentation wise, simply the worse. i would be happy with some sort of PES 11 UI, if the game was playable that is.
Wasn't aimed specifically at your post, more just a reminder before someone else sees the word "FIFA" and bursts in here with a pitchfork screaming that "anything's better than that FIFA shit" cos (insert fanboy screams here). It's a pain in the arse to mod this thread at the moment because of it. That's all.
Apparently it's not going to be called like that for long, so... Problem solved. 😉
They´ve always made horryfying UI´s for the time the games were out, but this one beats them all, functionaly and presentation wise, simply the worse. i would be happy with some sort of PES 11 UI, if the game was playable that is.

It reminds me of that post... :LMAO:

There's a small glimpse at the evolution, with all the technology and investments it's certainly going in the right direction...

View attachment 119599
I can't beleive there is nothing good on pc this year.

Hopefully eFootball 2023 is more polished and has more single player content + moddable and responsive+ next gen graphics cause currently there is nothing like that on pc.
A man can dream... Until they wake up to reality..
@everyone #SaveEfootball please :

Konami only hear when EVERYONE ASK TOGETHER. We are going to send 19 suggestions to Konami in English, Spanish and Portuguese and help me. Follow the tutorial below, just download the files and copy the suggestions and send them to Konami, It will take only 3 minutes

Here are the links for you to download the 19 suggestions already ready to konami. Download the file in 3 languages:

text copy and paste in English


Archivo pegar y colar in Spañol


Arquivo copiar e colar em Português


Website official Konami in English

This are what on written on the file txt to send to konami


- The game needs to be Optimized to 60 FPS
- Polish the graphics and make them 4K in gameplay and replays
- Improvements in the Collision System and Body Game
- Improvement of the turf, make it at 4K
- Add Dynamic Weather and have a choice of 3 match times, morning, afternoon and night
- Add settings option in game with 4K resolutions
- The fans need to be fixed, adjust the LOD away, they look like Zombies when the camera moves, the fans are repeated, add different fan models including fans wearing the home team jersey
- Rebuild the goal nets from scratch and change the physics, design, colors and models
- Redo the penalty kick animations from scratch
- Improved player response
- Improvements in players' facial expressions
- Improvements in the players' shoulder and arm, the Biceps are disproportionate to the body
- Balance of Passes
- Back to ball cut option with X + []
- Add new animations for kicks, passes, referees and goalkeepers in every game update. The ones we see in the game are out of date for years.
- Adding substitutes on the bench, players warming up and coaches at the edge of the field
- Add field medical care
- Add advanced tactics menu
- Change the color of the replacement menu and place it vertically as it was before

Read the suggestions, and let me know....The game will be great, but we have to request these things to konami together!

Thank you

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Hah I just can't believe, you people are still delusional, and try to deceive yourself? Don't get me wrong, I respect all of you but for God's sake are you aware what are you asking for? It is literally implementing the game from the ground up, what you listed above, it means dumping the whole code base, and restarting the implementation. Don't you have a little respect for yourself? Haven't they already done enough damage to all of you? What it has to take to make some of you finally wake up? :SHOCK: I'm not even mentioning the fact that they have never listened to you last decade, didn't show any sign of respect to the community, and you still have energy & self-belief for that petition? Let me try very last time with another analogy, if you think that You need to tell them what is wrong with that abomination game, because they don't have any clue what is wrong with their own game, then I kindly ask you, how come can you even have a little, just a little trust/belief in any of that?
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@everyone #SaveEfootball please :

Konami only hear when EVERYONE ASK TOGETHER. We are going to send 19 suggestions to Konami in English, Spanish and Portuguese and help me. Follow the tutorial below, just download the files and copy the suggestions and send them to Konami, It will take only 3 minutes

Here are the links for you to download the 19 suggestions already ready to konami. Download the file in 3 languages:

text copy and paste in English


Archivo pegar y colar in Spañol


Arquivo copiar e colar em Português


Website official Konami in English

This are what on written on the file txt to send to konami


- The game needs to be Optimized to 60 FPS
- Polish the graphics and make them 4K in gameplay and replays
- Improvements in the Collision System and Body Game
- Improvement of the turf, make it at 4K
- Add Dynamic Weather and have a choice of 3 match times, morning, afternoon and night
- Add settings option in game with 4K resolutions
- The fans need to be fixed, adjust the LOD away, they look like Zombies when the camera moves, the fans are repeated, add different fan models including fans wearing the home team jersey
- Rebuild the goal nets from scratch and change the physics, design, colors and models
- Redo the penalty kick animations from scratch
- Improved player response
- Improvements in players' facial expressions
- Improvements in the players' shoulder and arm, the Biceps are disproportionate to the body
- Balance of Passes
- Back to ball cut option with X + []
- Add new animations for kicks, passes, referees and goalkeepers in every game update. The ones we see in the game are out of date for years.
- Adding substitutes on the bench, players warming up and coaches at the edge of the field
- Add field medical care
- Add advanced tactics menu
- Change the color of the replacement menu and place it vertically as it was before

Read the suggestions, and let me know....The game will be great, but we have to request these things to konami together!

Thank you

View attachment 127050View attachment 127051View attachment 127052

@everyone #SaveEfootball please :

Konami only hear when EVERYONE ASK TOGETHER. We are going to send 19 suggestions to Konami in English, Spanish and Portuguese and help me. Follow the tutorial below, just download the files and copy the suggestions and send them to Konami, It will take only 3 minutes

Here are the links for you to download the 19 suggestions already ready to konami. Download the file in 3 languages:

text copy and paste in English


Archivo pegar y colar in Spañol


Arquivo copiar e colar em Português


Website official Konami in English

This are what on written on the file txt to send to konami


- The game needs to be Optimized to 60 FPS
- Polish the graphics and make them 4K in gameplay and replays
- Improvements in the Collision System and Body Game
- Improvement of the turf, make it at 4K
- Add Dynamic Weather and have a choice of 3 match times, morning, afternoon and night
- Add settings option in game with 4K resolutions
- The fans need to be fixed, adjust the LOD away, they look like Zombies when the camera moves, the fans are repeated, add different fan models including fans wearing the home team jersey
- Rebuild the goal nets from scratch and change the physics, design, colors and models
- Redo the penalty kick animations from scratch
- Improved player response
- Improvements in players' facial expressions
- Improvements in the players' shoulder and arm, the Biceps are disproportionate to the body
- Balance of Passes
- Back to ball cut option with X + []
- Add new animations for kicks, passes, referees and goalkeepers in every game update. The ones we see in the game are out of date for years.
- Adding substitutes on the bench, players warming up and coaches at the edge of the field
- Add field medical care
- Add advanced tactics menu
- Change the color of the replacement menu and place it vertically as it was before

Read the suggestions, and let me know....The game will be great, but we have to request these things to konami together!

Thank you

View attachment 127050View attachment 127051View attachment 127052
Sure. Konami in response:
I participate a PES group with 89,000 members, I can take this feedback and ask everyone to do it, before I need to analyze these requests, because Konami usually makes the game worse after these feedbacks. They move X and that's why it worsens Y, they are incompetent.
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So.... play the game this horrible way and keep out of this community...because the game is terrible....Either we have those improvements or evoweb may be closed for one year...PES 21 is thing os the past
You couldn't be more wrong. PES21 is far from the thing of the past, take a look into editing section, it's never been better, the limit of modding still hasn't been achieved, there are still things to keep up, it's as much alive as it was when it launched.
I will tell you more, PES6 is not the thing of the past as well, take a look into editing section as well, you would be surprised.
I will tell you one thing more, even tho efootball is just dead to me (and others), the evoweb is not even close to being considered to be closed. It is all about people who are here, that make the whole fokin point, not the Koinami, those people are here to stay, no matter what. If not those people, PES21 .... PES6/5 would've been already dead long time ago.
Ok guys I'm a man not a kid the only thing that I can say is:

Without those improvements, the game is unplayable! I'm sorry
I believe most of our feelings are lost in translation. However, I do think you're acting a bit naive. Everything you listen in the text file, I'm very sure the devs already know, and they knew they were releasing the game in the state. Sometimes, the development branch can do nothing if there's not enough time. If the higher ups ask for a build, they have to give them one.

Development team can't do much. I wonder why the deployment team didn't just resign at that point.

The higher ups, the management is responsible for this. For changing plans so late into the development cycle.
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