eFootball (All Platforms)

Check this out.

So the next gen version is noticeably better than this?
Theres so much shimmer (aliasing?) on my ps4 pro, this almost looks like a step up.

Here's the thing. If the pitch was suddenly res'd up to say pes 21 levels, I could stomach it, given where we are. Graphical expectations have been lowered of course. But beneath all the nonsense, the colour tone isnt all that bad, players seem ok.
Again, within the realm of lower expectations.

I enjoy parts of the game. I'm well past the point of seeing the faults. They're there. Ill take what I can without giving a penny. Konami will either improve it or die is the way i see it now. I suppose that's either optimism or a kind of nihilism. Thanks for the video.
So the next gen version is noticeably better than this?
Theres so much shimmer (aliasing?) on my ps4 pro, this almost looks like a step up.

Here's the thing. If the pitch was suddenly res'd up to say pes 21 levels, I could stomach it, given where we are. Graphical expectations have been lowered of course. But beneath all the nonsense, the colour tone isnt all that bad, players seem ok.
Again, within the realm of lower expectations.

I enjoy parts of the game. I'm well past the point of seeing the faults. They're there. Ill take what I can without giving a penny. Konami will either improve it or die is the way i see it now. I suppose that's either optimism or a kind of nihilism. Thanks for the video.
I can't deny that the use of the matchup button can be very useful when defending near or in the 18 yard box and the ai can be inventive occasionally.

Not many games get or even deserve a second chance to get it right after such a disastrous launch but i'd like to hope that by November konami have listened to the community and make some significant improvements so this franchise can get back some of the fundamentals that once made the franchise great.
All this Konami/eFootball debacle reminds me of one particular sport game that's on early access right now (Tennis Elbow 4), made by just one person and it's the best game ever made on his category in terms of simulation (a plain example of its development):

- not good but acceptable graphics (small studio)
- the movement animations are not the best because he doesn't have the budget of an AAA developer, but are on point
- the best ball physics, inertia, field factors, player attributes/abilities, responsiveness, better than any released tennis game
- 3500 players and 400 tournaments from 1973 to this date
- single player + career mode, and online play
- just one time purchase (half price than a full product)
- awesome guy, he responds to all the feedback by himself
- the game is positively acclaimed 94% on steam and 100% positives in the last 30 days (without investing in marketing blink blink)
- the game evolves constantly with all the features and enhancements added for free

What can we learn from this?

1.) One single person made it possible respecting the beautiful game on the field and the consumers, modeling the game as intended (with a clear development in mind) and considering all its essential factors.
2.) An entire company with thousands of employees like Konami are not capable to launch a decent marketing campaign for their demo-like app, then after the hilarious release they're uploading some corporate printed .gifs apologias "we're sorry..." questioning themselves what to do next.

So everything is possible by just one individual if there is passion involved and respect for the consumers, leading to an awesome product...

1v1/2v2 is not 11v11 where a huge part of the game is AI. Two independent companies are trying to compete now (Goalz and UFL) and we gonna see if its really that easy to make a good football game
1v1/2v2 is not 11v11 where a huge part of the game is AI. Two independent companies are trying to compete now (Goalz and UFL) and we gonna see if its really that easy to make a good football game

It'll be fascinating, yeah, to see how hard it really is. What'll be truly eye opening/depressing is if these games come along with similar faults to those that pes and fifa have had over the years...
Interesting take by nesa, Different version of the game ?


Anyone have tried the windows store version?
I've pretty much had a strong feeling that the store version should be different from Steam version. But why I'm thinking like that? It's because the Store version of PES 2021 was also different in terms of optimizations, graphic quality (like xbox one), gameplay (more difficult level superstar and legend) and so on than Steam version. (Might be a placebo though..) So, the store version of PES 2021 is literally Xbox One version with Video Settings and other advanced settings. So, eFootball 2022 on store is completely different story. Even the version is different. on Store and 0.9.0 on Steam.. But why? Konami doesn't really have no idea... Damn.. :(
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I've pretty much had a strong feeling that the store version should be different from Steam version. But why I'm thinking like that? It's because the Store version of PES 2021 was also different in terms of optimizations, graphic quality (like xbox one), gameplay (more difficult level superstar and legend) and so on than Steam version. (Might be a placebo though..) So, the store version of PES 2021 is literally Xbox One version with Video Settings and other advanced settings. So, eFootball 2022 on store is completely different story. Even the version is different. on Store and 0.9.0 on Steam.. But why? Konami doesn't really have no idea... Damn.. :(
Interesting since from windows store game size. On my steam folder it is 27.8 GB
When they say, " its just a game "! So ... is THAT just a game??? :

Oh... fak .... well.. .. ... maybe this video doesn't help much for my case ...

Anyway, GOOD MORNING everyone :) greeting with a nice song!
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I've pretty much had a strong feeling that the store version should be different from Steam version. But why I'm thinking like that? It's because the Store version of PES 2021 was also different in terms of optimizations, graphic quality (like xbox one), gameplay (more difficult level superstar and legend) and so on than Steam version. (Might be a placebo though..) So, the store version of PES 2021 is literally Xbox One version with Video Settings and other advanced settings. So, eFootball 2022 on store is completely different story. Even the version is different. on Store and 0.9.0 on Steam.. But why? Konami doesn't really have no idea... Damn.. :(
I remember PES 2017 on console also getting different build number with PC, here's some explanation of it.


Maybe this time it's for Windows Store version ? idk :CONF:
That's very nice to read, Is it the same thing with PES 2018-PES 2021 on console ? Maybe some console guy here could verify if finally we get same number version on eFootball accross all platform ?
I can answer only for the first. It is the same for PES2017 up to 2021, the games i own on PS4. The version your PS4.PES.app has in the PS4 UI, by pressing OPTIONS/information is different from the version + Datapack version you have in the home screen inside game "PRESS any BUTTON". FYI the version in PS4 UI is always bigger number, than the game and datapack

For your second question i do not know for all platforms. I have seen this happening for other games/companies, IE BANDAI in Dragonball Xenoverse 2, had some bugs in Steam version that PS4 did not have. So they released an update exclusivelly for PC user and we were, Ver.4.0.1 on Steam while Ver.4.0 in PS4 and .

But KONAMI afaik, is much slower to giving updates/fixes, i can't recall an occasion that they gave a PC only hotfix, except for PES2019 early season, when PC users were disconnecting from KONAMI servers and could not play online. But i did not own PES2019 on PC to compare the versions. And not sure if they gave a separate PC update, or waited for a scheduled update, on par with consoles.

You know how KONAMI works, only scheduled updates and only every Thursday, strictly. Even if we listen to the news that a bid asteroid is heading to collide with earth on Wednesday, KONAMI will still plan their update for Thursday! :) :P
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