eFootball (All Platforms)

apparently thats what the majority wants back the same gameplay from 21

Which is foolish. We should strife for the best simulation possible and not being stuck with 100% all time sprint and auto press from PES21.
Let's see what v1.0 brings. I hope Konami has some backbone and instead of removing features from eFootball, they should polish / improve them instead.

Bringing old features like pressing back is good. But removing features like match-up, interception or feint passes is bad.

It's back to the commands of the old pes21. Square cut and x and marking with X, but the way to play is still much less automatic than PES21.
Faster gameplay, not a heavy game (things really work)
New animations and new team entrance cutscenes

Graphically it's a more polished and beautiful game than the current version, but overall PES2021 is still more beautiful.
The game is well optimized and the rendering problems are solved.
Facial expressions are still bad. The lighting is good and variation of the fans and graphics has improved.

Creative team has changed again, it will be called dream team and will have an offline transfer market, buying players with gp and coins, and several ways to evolve these players and each player evolves in a different way.

This Thursday is the end of the embargo, where we will have videos, impressions and official news from Konami, and the update will be available for all platforms but mobile for now. Update on April 14th.

Overall the impressions are great. Although there are some things that still need to be fixed, they are far less serious than what we had, and we will always have new updates that will fix and add content quite often.It's the game that should have come out last year for us. (tomorrow + info)

Which is foolish. We should strife for the best simulation possible and not being stuck with 100% all time sprint and auto press from PES21.
Let's see what v1.0 brings. I hope Konami has some backbone and instead of removing features from eFootball, they should polish / improve them instead.

Bringing old features like pressing back is good. But removing features like match-up, interception or feint passes is bad.
sadly they didnt and revert fake pass and shot along with bringing second man press and removed matchup
We will get something good soon from efootball guys.

I have no idea the true extent to the total shitshow that efootball was last year but what was launched seems to have happened has been closer to my gut reaction last year and what will come with 1.0.0 will be something we expect from the team.

The best way to sum up efootball version 0.9.0 is like a bizarre twist in a long running TV drama were corporate and core development team have a huge fight and throw all the dirty laundry out into the open. If anyone has seen the 1976 film 'Network' a brilliant classic, what we saw was like the opening few scenes in that movie where the overworked employee just just loses it and says screw you to his bosses and deliberately embarrasses everyone to make a point to how the top board have treated them.

The good new is the devs have won this round because of our backlash so the people who know what to do have at least had time to bring something we expect. I'm unsure how good exactly it will be, I'm not expecting a classic but fresh and solid.

efootball 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 are literally someone with balls trying to make a very important point regarding out of touch corporate greed. I'm actually confident because the whole point of this slightly cryptic post is 'the whole 3 year development cycle makes perfect sense to me now, and not it didn't work out as planned but the work still got done :)'.
We will get something good soon from efootball guys.

I have no idea the true extent to the total shitshow that efootball was last year but what was launched seems to have happened has been closer to my gut reaction last year and what will come with 1.0.0 will be something we expect from the team.

The best way to sum up efootball version 0.9.0 is like a bizarre twist in a long running TV drama were corporate and core development team have a huge fight and throw all the dirty laundry out into the open. If anyone has seen the 1976 film 'Network' a brilliant classic, what we saw was like the opening few scenes in that movie where the overworked employee just just loses it and says screw you to his bosses and deliberately embarrasses everyone to make a point to how the top board have treated them.

The good new is the devs have won this round because of our backlash so the people who know what to do have at least had time to bring something we expect. I'm unsure how good exactly it will be, I'm not expecting a classic but fresh and solid.

efootball 0.9.0 and 0.9.1 are literally someone with balls trying to make a very important point regarding out of touch corporate greed. I'm actually confident because the whole point of this slightly cryptic post is 'the whole 3 year development cycle makes perfect sense to me now, and not it didn't work out as planned but the work still got done :)'.
I think 0.90 was definitely from the managers and the heads at Konami and not the developers, so it's natural that when you finish a work in progress unfinished garbage game, it's going to get bashed, what should have come out last year is going to come out sometime soon now, obviously a game shouldn't be in day one mode almost 1 year after release, but that's all on Konami and the people who called the shots
Also, whoever that guy's name was who directed this efootball idea (I haven't followed efootball stuff in MONTHS), I forgot his name, but I hope he's fired
"We have generally increased the pass speed, so that the pace of the game matches with the aforementioned defence-related improvements. Moreover, we have also implemented a mechanism that utilises the rebound of the ball as a force of acceleration. This will be useful when performing one-touch passes, for example, for the ball speed will increase due to this mechanism. The result of all these changes is a "rhythmic passing game", which is an important element in modern day football."

Here we go again :(
Hmmm ... i dont see positives in this press release ... its mostly basic stuff or some "super-extra-new" pass, shot variant.

Lets see first gameplay videos.
"We have generally increased the pass speed, so that the pace of the game matches with the aforementioned defence-related improvements. Moreover, we have also implemented a mechanism that utilises the rebound of the ball as a force of acceleration. This will be useful when performing one-touch passes, for example, for the ball speed will increase due to this mechanism. The result of all these changes is a "rhythmic passing game", which is an important element in modern day football."

Here we go again :(

Efootball was shit but passing error even on assisted settings was a improvement. But it seems we will be back to ping pong on PA1 (or 4 or whatever it was). Back to Manual and not finding opponents online then...
Btw in the update annoncement, there's no (new) mention of the Cross Play
I think they already said they have scrapped that, at least the cross play with mobile. Not sure about other systems.
In general I am quite happy with this as I thought they would just let the game die (apart from mobile). Bring on gameplay vids and April 14!
We were inspirited by the warmth of the feedback and were able to pull together as a team, even amidst the global health crisis.

It's true that there has beeen a pandemic but i would like to know how large their team is: 20 people, 10, 2, 1?? :DD

Stunning passing and stunning shooting. Can't wait to be stunned by their ability to disappoint once again.
I think they already said they have scrapped that, at least the cross play with mobile. Not sure about other systems.

Well there was a mini confusion, during an update of their webpage.

The announcement about next gen, included all platforms PS4/5,XboxONE/X, PC, but not mobile iOS/android.

But some hours or days latter,they "fixed" the announcement, coming back with this old one, all platforms: consoles/pc/mobile.
I will call it now ... this will be arcade sh*t for mobile users ... it will be tehnically improved over last year catastrophy --- but it will not be game it should be.

After another year they will just stop development for PC/PS5/Xbox altogether.
Is there any single player mode on this at all
I'll be happy with being able to choose from all the teams in the game to start with. Hell, I would have given Efootball 2022 a much greater chance if they had those from the beginning, instead of their "brilliant" demo like experience.
I'll be happy with being able to choose from all the teams in the game to start with. Hell, I would have given Efootball 2022 a much greater chance if they had those from the beginning, instead of their "brilliant" demo like experience.

About modes and matches i think it will be exactly like now, but with the dream team mode.
Btw why they decided to change the name of the online mode ?
From Creative Team to Dream Team.
Why !!
Maybe because game developers are often referred to as creative teams. Like "The creative team behind EFootball 2022" although the "Not very creative team" would be more apt in this case.
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