eFootball (All Platforms)

Is it normal that we are in April and there's no news about ML ?
100% normal.

(I could quote myself here, one of the 1,000 times I've said in the past that ML is not in the focus at all since 2015, or explain again in 100 different ways, why ML is not the focus, but i will stay laconic)
100% normal.

(I could quote myself here, one of the 1,000 times I've said in the past that ML is not in the focus at all since 2015, or explain again in 100 different ways, why ML is not the focus, but i will stay laconic)
Can u add quotes of your opinion in the Retro thread ?
Allegedly there was a playtest in Peru and Brasil.

  • Second-man pressing back with [ ]
  • X no longer contain / match-up / intercept, and is back to PES21 full sprint press....
  • Feint-shot back to shoot + X... no longer able to feint passes
If the last two points are true, it's a real step back.
Can u add quotes of your opinion in the Retro thread ?
If you mean about ML, i can add in this thread.

If your question is different, and i misunderstood due to language barrier, you can add quotes to your post from anywhere on this forum.
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Allegedly there was a playtest in Peru and Brasil.

  • Second-man pressing back with [ ]
  • X no longer contain / match-up / intercept, and is back to PES21 full sprint press....
  • Feint-shot back to shoot + X... no longer able to feint passes
If the last two points are true, it's a real step back.
Ah I just asked this, missed your post. Hope it's true!
Allegedly there was a playtest in Peru and Brasil.

  • Second-man pressing back with [ ]
  • X no longer contain / match-up / intercept, and is back to PES21 full sprint press....
  • Feint-shot back to shoot + X... no longer able to feint passes
If the last two points are true, it's a real step back.
1. Good.
2. X match up was too OP, it was more of an auto intercept button. It needed nerfing. Unfortunately, for Konami nerf means remove as we saw with physical defending.
3. Not sure how I feel about this, the R1 feint made curled shots almost impossible to pull off. Other than that I really liked it.

I found PES 2021 gameplay extremely boring so I hope they don't revert to a similar gameplay. They should be evolving, going forwards not backwards. Buuut, if they really must go backwards, go back to the vanilla PES 2020 demo 😂
1. Good.
2. X match up was too OP, it was more of an auto intercept button. It needed nerfing. Unfortunately, for Konami nerf means remove as we saw with physical defending.
3. Not sure how I feel about this, the R1 feint made curled shots almost impossible to pull off. Other than that I really liked it.

I found PES 2021 gameplay extremely boring so I hope they don't revert to a similar gameplay. They should be evolving, going forwards not backwards. Buuut, if they really must go backwards, go back to the vanilla PES 2020 demo 😂
apparently thats what the majority wants back the same gameplay from 21
Allegedly there was a playtest in Peru and Brasil.

  • Second-man pressing back with [ ]
  • X no longer contain / match-up / intercept, and is back to PES21 full sprint press....
  • Feint-shot back to shoot + X... no longer able to feint passes
If the last two points are true, it's a real step back.

No, i think its a step in the right direction. The FIFAesque controls for defending minus second press has been a huge failure. I learned it, it clearly based on FIFA's system and what efootball has now is worse than FIFA's system. What this shows is what we have now was a Konami board member's failed attempt to create a mobile FIFA clone with the same defensive controls but even worse somehow. Removing 2nd defender press screwed up the defensive AI in general. Its too much 1 on 1, there's no team defending at all. Even the CPU AI on superstar struggle badly to defend without cheese tackle cheating. Unless you control the defender which you can defend with a good team and a good rated player, use the mediocre and lower ranked teams and its a lottery with all the core gameplay mechanics at times. You just need to hope you defenders stand in a decent position to stop your opponent since basic off the ball marking doesn't exist in this game. Not to mention the fake shot cheese, just spam fake shot and usually the defender just stumbles and you auto get past him or you opponent just breaks your defenders ankle. Its just so poorly executed.

2nd defender press is not just spam pressure like some seem to hide behind to defend this broken mess. It can be used for simple off the ball TEAM defending so I use a man off the ball to track an AI or online player whos trying through passes or certain crosses, so I can use the AI to close him down and manually stop him from exploiting my backline. 1 on 1 is just one element of defending, true quality defence is TEAM DEFENDING! This is ABSENT in efootball for all sides, its nice dribbling, bugs, flaws and broken goals in almost every goal, offline or online. There is nothing tactical even in this game to give your team instructions on how and what specific style you want to defend in certain areas of the pitch like PES 2021, just one size fits all mobile style shallow broken, empty mess.

There is no need for Square to be just the 'tackle button' this is a joke! You can bring it back to PES 2021 and move both conservative standing tackles to the X button, you have a jockey button anyway so there's no point of a forced contain 'X'. It should work like it did properly and successfully in PES 2021, double tap 'x' does the same thing as one whole button on efootball. As for holding 'x' pressure is if you abuse it too much the game should punish them! Not do a FIFA and create 'tactical defending' so the entire game becomes a frankenstein's monster mess over time because they cant sort out core issues such as stamina, player inertia and momentum while at the same time giving you instant alien like responsiveness.

This game will automatically go forwards in a better direction if these rumors are hopefully true. This current efootball 0.91 spec of defence is clearly not tested properly and has zero future. The shielding and physical defending was interesting and may stay it seems but the entire things was over the top and destroyed a key element of the team defensive mechanics this game built itself very well on the last few previous editions.

You have 11 men and 10 outfield players, you getting nowhere in a football sim if you cannot control more than just one of them at a time ESPECIALLY if your defending and your aren't even given the basics to tell them set instructions. I'm certainly not someone who can't use efootball's defending, I got used to it online and its over the top and shit, its thankfully being ditched for the better system we used to have. Some people are getting way too exited that they can defend and win online in efootball and seem to be forgetting how dreadful this game actually is in the first place in their newfound 'glory'. efootball best aspects are all in attack and dribbling.

The biggest problem with efootball 0.9.1 is the rubbish defensive system so this roll back will help, how the rest of the game is put toghther should have good potential to shine now hopefully.
Totally agree with @klashman69 . I'm replaying old PES and what bring dynamisn was "easy controls to defend > because it's easy to attack"
Pressing button was the best invention since Football games to me. There wasn't it before... Iss Pro, where we finally "feeled" football for real > even more with double pressing. All other games before were a bit too easy to attack. Also, pressing is the most natural thing you do when you defend. Not "contain"... Except on Futsal as i played both as a defender and defending is totally different (no contact)

Perhaps Iss 1 and 2 (Deluxe) on Snes but also Super Sidekicks because they tried to found a balance about "harder to attack/slower with ball" etc. and it wasn't that easy to control, and Keeper were strong (there was even a level on ISS from 1 to 5 about GK strenght > believe me at "5" it was super hard)
Standing tackle was effective aswell as sliding... But there was again, a bit too easy to attack to be considered as Attack/Mid/Def balance.

It's part of the balance from attack/defend. Now, Pressing + tackles.
Whatever they'll do, it's always talking about "step back"... Yes, they NEED to step back from where the game was enjoyable! What makes it enjoyable.
I'm replaying PES 5, 6, and 2008 on PS2 : what you can't found anymore in any game was the dynamism of a match.
You can't stand 5 or max 10 second without doing nothing, there's always something you had to do : a pass, a dribble, a pressing, a tackle.
It was "playing". Now it's a bit harder as the pitch is bigger. But that's why we got so much fun in the past : we were actively immersed in the game flow.

PES even on PS4 still have it with double pressing, but there's of course much more timeout. Lesser than his concurrent (by far) but still. It's more when the opponent park the bus, as there's a bit more variety in the way to defend than before, tactically.

But whatever, the way to defend since PES 2013 (double or triple pressing with double square + standing tackle + sliding + jockey) was good : remove it and it was by far too easy to get in front of goal. Abuse it and you will create hole in your tactics.
Or for the balance you can make players with the ball/kicking (pass/shoot) super hard to control, even unnatural / something that nobobdy wants. To me, pressing is okay also with FUMA, just need practice.

PES golden era gets his so called "sim" game (while Seabass called it action-football : he was right) thanks to that balance on score, the ball physics and the players lifelike in terms of stats and what you can really do IRL (no super return kick on fire).

To me, it's the 3 things that should be a basis for a Balanced (i don't like the so called "sim") and enjoyable football which will still the best.
Well, i liked too the tactical defending on FIFA 13, 14 were it was a bit like a pressing same for the 15/16 (you could've contain very close your opponent or far, now there's a 1.5 or 2 meters invisible wall giving the opponent freedom), but the first try was a failure. The first "pressing" was a direct success, and more than 20-25 years ago.
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I actually don't even use the [] button to defend from PES 13-21 and it's fine. It's got it's own horrible behaviors, if we call X button on efootball an auto intercept button, then we also can't overlook that [] and X buttons are "auto centering buttons" that sends a player to home in on a target (ball carrier), whether our player is 2, 5, 15, or 40 yards away.

I've been wanting a rework on the defending system for years. Not sure if in the form of efootball defensive commands, but surely not the old one.

Problem with efootball is the AI awareness of keeping shape in relationship to how the play is developing, or lack of reaction to balls coming close to them.

[], the ability to send a player to the ball on the fly, with auto aim/centering, is still far from what I would consider team defending. You can argue that bringing it back results in the general populace "can defend and win online"?

Would be much more interesting to see "team defending" as some kind of "zone activated tactical instructions" like what we had with the advance tactics in PES 13, but instead, apply that for defensive instructions.
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Well said @klashman69 , why oh why do football games try to overcomplicate what was once a simple & effective control layout. Why must developers insist on this 1v1 philosophy when defending in real football fundmentally functions on the contrary?

It's exactly like you say, it becomes dysfunctional as if team mate defenders are imobilsed because the rule becomes they can only be controlled by one human at a time, then how do you account for team mate attackers whom the AI makes multiple runs for while the human attacker takes his pick from his options while they run rings around disabled defenders?

Such bullshit, I can't believe this concept didn't get laughed at the brain storming stage and somehow made it's way into the game.
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