eFootball (All Platforms)

What happens with all the partner clubs now? Bet they're pissed!

Konami stand to lose a lot of money don't they with no revenue coming in?

If they release in spring the season will be over? They really have royally screwed this up haven't they.
What a mess, I honestly think this might finish them off for good & we won't ever see this spring update.

Why would they be pissed? They already got paid. If anything they don't want their name associated with a POS game.
@Tom, this is harsh on @Lami. Can i put a word for him to be unbanned? Yes, he went too far, but to be fair he wasn't completely unprovoked. I thought Asim's attitude was wrong from the start... assuming he really wished to re-join the community and bury the past. Regrettable sequence of events, no doubt.
No thanks. Expect to fondly recall the days of PES 2021's "smooth" dribbling animations compared to 2K's new casino football game:

He runs like he's trying hard not to shit his pants.

He also has a mask on. This looks like it was shot during covid. If given the opportunity, can 2k do any worst than what Konami has done with efootball?
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No thanks. Expect to fondly recall the days of PES 2021's "smooth" dribbling animations compared to 2K's new casino football game:

The issue is that you're playing with modded game from what i've read. Not the real one, which, to me, seems to be misundertand or not played as it should.
Some matchs can be slow, some more dynamic (but not arcade as i've readed here), reactivity depends a lot of Attack and Def Prowess etc.
I'm talking about football game, including Efootball, so no O.T.

Stats matters differently than Fifa : it's not based on a random percentage of direction.

I would like to take every stats and explaining on a thread, i "study" them since very long time, was part of PSD but just for that (i don't like their sets, but now they're good for PES 5 to 2013). But as an example, there's no "randomness" on it, i mean "bad randomness" which cause incomprehension because the AI decided that your direction will be missed from X percent, after for example 8 passes for a 80 rated in low pass player. That's how Fifa work, and not how PES work, same for dribbling, but it's a bit more difficult to explain.

Random gives variety, but it's not at all the way it should be done. It's related to timing, ball physics, position how the player is passing the ball (his position when he's passing + the ball vs feet position). I've given an example, but passes, you can try, are related to the ball speed when passing first. You can see a 65 pass vs a 85 : the direction will be the same but the rebound before the ball reaches the player will be much slower then.
For Trough pass, i think it's also the same, but the player will aim to the feet of the receiver instead of space if i remember, instead of sending the pass close to him BUT not on his feet in the direction choosen for having a better pass. It's not random, it's calibrated.

Ah yes there's also, as i know some "hidden" stuffs, 2 stats related to pass, only for IG player : created player got a calculation to gives those hidden stats a bit like it was for PES 2015 "combined attributes" if you remember if. I'm curious how the modders didn't founded it already : but i think even in PES 3 to 6 they never founded it it seems. I saw a tool to change those stats, but i think it's just for Japanese players, i should try with others players to see their hidden stats, if they're available

Two hidden stats for passing, one for defending and there's another i don't remember at all (but at the time i learned it, it was from PES 2019 > It's possible it would have been "Agression", no sure) : "Technical kicking" (so all related to the position of the player when he pass or shoot) and Vision (for long, now "lofted" but just long passes) there's another as Covering (no idea about what that stats does)
Those one can't be edited by Data Editor, they're locked. Just for you to know.

I saw it on Efootball 2022 too it's good that they keept that system for the future... If there's a real future (the game can't be worst. Only the commands are a real problem : the others things can be reworked, now that they've removed 75% of the bugs. Needs a big rework about.
One thing i'm practically sure they removed, is those hidden stats. At least, they should be visible and editable for created players but no.
There's also two stats that you could edit on ted : it's Reputation (giving + in market value, especially for regens in ML) and Attitude (well, simple, it's a bit more superficial about how the player will act in the game, as market value will be resetted at a certain point)

... But the most important removed for editing is player growth. Like the good old PES, but you can have access to it.
Just make exactly the same player stats on 3 or 4 different fakes players : they will got all a different curve, Earky/Peak to Late/Lasting etc..
I really don't care about the decision to release it later : the issue is the awful "demo" released. 9.1 showed us that they can correct the game in the good direction, especially with the players who are not on rails for the first time in a football game such as PES; but still a lot to work on: kicking for a pass and shooting got the same impact with more strength. Ball physics should be the same for everything, but the way a player kick a ball is different, it's not only about the strength given to the ball, but the position vs the ball, the difference in impact, in body position, well everything.

Now, i really think that the next version will be at least averagely good. I hope for those who like that 9.1 that they will unlock the 10 minutes. I don't care, the game is not installed (fucking PS5 with 1/3 less space than my PS4 PRO)
No thanks. Expect to fondly recall the days of PES 2021's "smooth" dribbling animations compared to 2K's new casino football game:

This is an approach, not only by you personally, (myself included) but a lot footy gamers, that I think is inaccurate, or biased.

We tend to nitpick some worst parts of 2K, and judge them as "evil" by it.

So yes they are greedy, yes their games can be little casinos, yes some versions have stale gameplay, cause they are monopoly and play safe.

But why we stay only to this? Have you ever played 2K? Has tons of content,sliders, settings, game moes,myplayer,myteam,myleague,MygeneralManager, Mymother, Myfather.

Owning 2k19 and 20 for 2 years and still haven't explore it to the maximum.

All us PES/FIFA players should feel ashamed,when we compare NBA2k with pes/fifa.

And even the microtrnnas which is terrible in NBA2k,depends on mode you play, i am playing friend ly games, custom tournament s amd trying to figure out which mode is the Equivalent of ML/CM, and guess what, the game has not dropped a single microtransaction in my face.

I don't say they don't exist,but they are in the same place they exist in the footy games.

So outside any inaccuracies, comparing a 25 years footy developer with a 20 years basketball developer...
Do you really believe, 2k would invest less funds and effort, than KONAMI does "invest"?
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@Tom, this is harsh on @Lami. Can i put a word for him to be unbanned? Yes, he went too far, but to be fair he wasn't completely unprovoked. I thought Asim's attitude was wrong from the start... assuming he really wished to re-join the community and bury the past. Regrettable sequence of events, no doubt.
Lami is a pillar, and always been sympathetic and never agressive. He's forgivable, don't forget guys how good he's been during all those year.
I don't agree about the "Same for everyone". Some deserves not to say what they want without being banned, but at least and advertisement, as he has a good conduct during all that time. I know it's hard to keep a forum, i've been moderator too.

But zero tolerance is a big no to me. We're not on a Sly futurist movie.

Now about 2K, even if they buy FIFA rights, don't imagine we will get a football game before at least 2025. And about NBA vs Football World > 22 + 10 to 18 substitutes on an average of 18 teams * at least 10-15 leagues + Nations vs teams with players vs 5 + 10 average substitutes with 30 teams (no nations)... It's a different world in terms database. And i don't even count the transfers.

I think what we're all waiting, is something to be at least, "quickly", a full game that could match against / with Fifa for having an alternative for those who don't really like the game, and be a bit more relieved regarding the future of football games.
That's what we're waiting for, having at least 2 or 3 alternatives in the future gaming, on NG for the most popular sport in the world.

BUT not in 3 years. That's what make me sad. I could've wait one year more with another Season update and PS5 compatible for graphism about PES. But not another year.
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@Tom, this is harsh on @Lami. Can i put a word for him to be unbanned?
There is more to this than you guys know. I'll say it right now - Lami burned our bridges with Konami years ago, and destroyed a lot of relationship-building I did on behalf of this site. I've worked many, many hours to try and forge a connection to Konami so we could provide feedback, despite our "toxic" reputation. Lami knew all of this - and I asked him to stop sending insults to Asim (which is hardly asking for a lot - to stop abusing someone).

I asked him to stop. The admins asked him to stop. He didn't stop. So that was that. But he wasn't banned after that... Now, he does it again.

We are responsible for this site and the posts on here. We will not be responsible for someone posting abuse to someone SIMPLY FOR DOING THEIR JOB. Or for ANY OTHER REASON.

This is not up for debate. Future posts on this issue will be deleted.

I don't agree about the "Same for everyone".
You think some people should be above the rules? You think some should be allowed to verbally abuse people? Over a football game? Cool. Not here.

It's not up for discussion. Once again, further posts on this will be deleted. Get back on topic. Enough of talking about everything other than the God damn game.
It seems people don't understand how the corporate world works. I don't blame Adam or Asim for anything they've said. Sometimes things do get out of hand. They have pressure from the higher ups as well. They try, and then get shit on from both sides. You have to keep in mind they're also human.

This will be very simplified as I don't want to get too political.
Have a look at how many people worldwide have quit their jobs (apparently over 4 million in the US in August alone). Yes covid & vaccination crap is involved, but alot of people are just realising that the 'workforce' is becoming a very abusive system! Know your worth I say.

The only way the corporate world works at all, is if there are people willing to work for them.
It is a moral decision. YOU decide who you work for. If people realized how much power they hold, the corporate world would crumble very easily.

@The_Knight just clarify my previous post about 2K. I don't meam gameplay exclusive, although gameplay comes first always.

It would be of course impossible that 2k or any 2k, would develop a footy for the first time and be better than pes2021 or 2018 or even 2013..

But the rest package would be for sure more polished.

Where to initiate? the half arsed content in game modes? The crap COOP that you cant go COOP vs AI without Shareplay ?
The online coop that it is miximg your normal team against MyClub stacked monster teams?
The lack of online content and competitions?
The lack of online creation download center?

In gameplay, yes they can't compete woth PES from the first year, but in any other sectiok, i assume they can do much better, both than KONAMI and EA.

I don't even dare to compare NBA2k22 VS eFootball 2022..the last one is not even a product still...

As for the microtransx, ot is a hell everywhere today, we know it.

Both companies are greedy, but still the one runs a polished casino with CCTV systems etc, and staff for everyone, while the other runs an underground gambling/strip-club in the next corner of your neighborhood.

I mean we are not even in place to pick the less evil. We can only pick Devil as Liz Hurley or Devil as Gabriel Byrne.
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This will be very simplified as I don't want to get too political.
Have a look at how many people worldwide have quit their jobs (apparently over 4 million in the US in August alone). Yes covid & vaccination crap is involved, but alot of people are just realising that the 'workforce' is becoming a very abusive system! Know your worth I say.

The only way the corporate world works at all, is if there are people willing to work for them.
It is a moral decision. YOU decide who you work for. If people realized how much power they hold, the corporate world would crumble very easily.


This is a very good consideration knowing how the culture of actual capitalism was letting go too free to expand during those years, now being at an uncontrolloable level to manipulate/impose their views. This debacle on how exploitable and greedy could be a corporation with their cattles (human resources) of course dates from the past, but this could be also a reason on why we have so many products in bulks, produced and accustumed to less quality and almost a non existent support considering their warranty (why repair/assist something if it costs less to buy another new lazy ass product/service?).

I know people with their business ruined and their hands tied just by the fact that a new subsidiary corporation "is in town" or because politics favors those. In other hand people are generally accustomed with those standards because nowadays is difficult to start something from scratch to compete with the bigger players, also because the marketing, manpower and prices favours just one side. Regarding cattle resources happens the same, corporations will filter to get the best of the "regulars" (obedient ones) to adapt to their interests, exploit them to the ground and then when the slightest problem appears they'll get another substitute and another one so the board/investors get their own goals (as a small example: Amazon employees/delivery mans that are living in misery, so Jeff Bezos can go to the moon, but there are many). The sad fact is that this trend continues to grow and expand while governments let them free to do what they want as long they'll get their juicy cut from them...

In the gaming industry happens the same (Jim Sterling and other popular channels explains those things better with facts), everything is getting more and more digitalized, the prices goes higher for their buggy mess special editions online apps riddled with lootboxes and microtransactions using roadmaps as excuse, and those talented developers are abused and exploited to dance on the board/investors own guff songs...
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If they ever remove the 30 fps cap from cutscenes, ping me here. Uninstalled the game for now since I need to free up space for some other new games I'm gonna try.
look like no one have interested in with efootball anymore, i spent 2h to waiting for an opponent :((

I guess all the "tHe GaMe iS aCtUaLly AmAzInG nOw" videos didn't have the impact they were hoping for. It had 48 viewers on Twitch when I checked earlier, vs FIFA's 23k. Steam numbers have plummeted again after a small bounce over the weekend. The update has taken the game from plain broken to plain boring, at least before it had some meme value and was quite amusing to watch all the glitches. People talk about this game being a great tech advancement, is it? Go and watch some PES 2014 footage, it blows this thing out of the water in terms of animation, physicality, collisions etc. I think it looks better visually as well, at least it doesn't have that awful sharpening filter. The only people who like this game are people who think they are good because they can dribble around 10 year olds spamming the slide tackle button repeatedly while trying the game just because it's free.
Just thinking about what our expectations for the perfect football game would be. Do we want something that looks like real life football or something that is responsive and enjoyable to play? I don't think both are possible with a football game, no matter how much power you throw at it. If we want decent playability, I feel we have to accept relatively robotic, somewhat awkward animations. Aiming for a "sim" visually would require animations to play out in full and therefore reduce responsiveness. I feel what's really needed, rather than a sim approach, is variety now. We need each game to feel different, so proper variety in play styles from different teams. We need a greater level in difference between individual players so it really feels that who you pick and who you play against really makes a difference. We also need different referees to help all this, so some matches we have plenty of fouls and cards and other times we don't.
To sum up, aside from nicer graphics and some more animations, new gen should all be about variety in the matches we play in whatever football game we choose to buy (or not but because it's free in eFootball's case). That's my expectations for the next steps towards a "perfect" football game anyway.

Thats the thing. They need the balance that once (PS1 and PS2 days) made them the best football game of all time. When they (PES team) had their own vision, and stick to it. After 2008 and the growing internet Forums, and easy voice of oppinions from everyone they deviate their path. Theres one "say" that fits Gaming industry perfectly, and that will be "when you try to please everyone, you please no one".

Back in the days where stats, mattered, where tactics mattered, where individuality was one of their best distinguishers from other football games, they had a great balance. The animations where not TOP notch, but they had the perfect balance between realism and responsiveness, in a simple word they "WORKED".

So if it was possible back then, it is possible now with and infamous load of new technologies available, and 100x more advanced Gaming engines. They don´t need the ultra fast speed of Fifa animations, that makes it very responsive indeed, but clearly badly implemented and unrealistic sometimes (but thats their vision of it and they stick to it). But they really dont need to be as it is now, with the tank movink players, that need to guess the movement of the opponent 2 sec before. No professional football player will be caught sliiping, or fouled direction wise, having to give 3 or 4 more steps in the wrong direction just so that the "animation" ends and you have controll again of your player just in bennefit of 1vs1 battles they want to shove up our mouths.

There is a middle ground between FIFA and PES as in responsiveness and life like animations, and that balance as yet to be found since PS3 consoles. Make that with the onrails gameplay ever since they added 360º motion (Iwhich supposelly was to gave us just a false sense of freedom), which in my oppinion made the game more scripted and on rails that it was with 8 or 16 directions on PS2, because, at least for what it looks to me, lesser pre determined outcomes, be it in passing, shooting and even player movement from AI, that lead to predictive and boring pattern gameplay we have on PES 19, 20, 21 as last examples, and really shambolic AI, with and incredible ammount of script, that makes you concede goals, not because you were beaten 1on1, or made a mistake with double pressure leaving a gap on your defense, but simply because you defender stop for 1sec for no reason, or your 2 CB just bounce into each other, or that goal you didn´t score, because script made you CF not do the run, or stop in the middle of the run just so that the CB had the time to reach out.

Like you said there is few variety on nowadays games, we see the same shooting, crossing and passing outcomes over and over, without that sense of variety that in the PS2 times were determined by many factors from STATS, making shooting, crossing and even passing (since this was the less free thing in the game due to the restricted 8 directions) much more joyfull, and bonded to actual player stats, making that player uniqueness and differentiation one of a kind on PES games, even when there were no "unique" motion programmed to players.
I guess all the "tHe GaMe iS aCtUaLly AmAzInG nOw" videos didn't have the impact they were hoping for. It had 48 viewers on Twitch when I checked earlier, vs FIFA's 23k. Steam numbers have plummeted again after a small bounce over the weekend. The update has taken the game from plain broken to plain boring, at least before it had some meme value and was quite amusing to watch all the glitches. People talk about this game being a great tech advancement, is it? Go and watch some PES 2014 footage, it blows this thing out of the water in terms of animation, physicality, collisions etc. I think it looks better visually as well, at least it doesn't have that awful sharpening filter. The only people who like this game are people who think they are good because they can dribble around 10 year olds spamming the slide tackle button repeatedly while trying the game just because it's free.
Just for the record, and in any case I AM NOT DEFENDING eFootball here, but for some unknown reason, PES had always very very less viewership on Twitch in contrast to FIFA. Very few streamers and very few views. For example on Youtube the gap is still big but not as big as on Twitch.
somebody know why i am not able to play online? Always when starting the game i get "please check your network connection" game is unmodded
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