eFootball (All Platforms)

The last 18 hours have been disastrous for Konami and they'll be in damage control mode. Some of the things they need to immediately address are bug fixes, unlocking match length and add other cpu difficult options.
Dear Mr @Microsoft please, pretty please, if you're reading this, we're begging you: You must acquire KONAMI.
Then, fire all the employees. Every last one of them. And finally, rebuild PES or eFOOTBALL or whatever you want to call it.

Thank you.
Nah. Konami's IPs would be in much more suited hands with Sony. There's been murmurings of a MGS remake in the works from Bluepoint.
Dear Mr @Microsoft please, pretty please, if you're reading this, we're begging you: You must acquire KONAMI.
Then, fire all the employees. Every last one of them. And finally, rebuild PES or eFOOTBALL or whatever you want to call it.

Thank you.
Please, i'm on Sony PS5, like practically 95% of next-gen possessor here.
Capcom, or another one i beg you. Don't want and exclusive Xbox PES :(
The last 18 hours have been disastrous for Konami and they'll be in damage control mode. Some of the things they need to immediately address are bug fixes, unlocking match length and add other cpu difficult options.

I think... Like Chris Davies said, the next 1.00 Demo version will be available the same time as they've got to sign paper for releasing a demo.
It's +- the same Q/A for releasing a patch for not having issues with consoles.
Overally, it takes 2 weeks to 3.
Just finished reading 30-ish pages of this thread, and I gotta say from what I’ve seen it has been laughably abysmal. Glitches, graphical nightmare, and even horrible gameplay. These things are enough to convince me that I won’t let this garbage fill my laptop hard drive (not that I have much storage left).

This definitelly has been a downhill trip, from the promise of next-gen graphics 2 years ago to the free-to-play release that is utter pile of dogshite. I dunno what Konami guys are doing in their offices these past two years, but this does not look and play like what they promised. We all know this day would come where Konami fucked up all their IPs for profit. Just look at Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill, no wonder Kojima left Konami to establish his own studio.

All we know is Konami will never get away with alienating their community by butchering our beloved series and turn it into dumbed down mobile piece of turd that is eFootball. Reviews has proven that this game deserves to be wiped out from existence, 8% rating (as I’m writing this) is pretty low for a AAA studio game. As for Konami, the writings are on the wall now, and I expect them to at least learn their lessons.

Now, I’m just gonna leave these pics I’ve taken from Steam page to mourn the death of our beloved franchise Pro Evolution Soccer/Winning Eleven/International Superstar Soccer. You’ll be more missed than this shit.

R.I.P. Goal Storm/International Superstar Soccer/Winning Eleven/Pro Evolution Soccer
1996 - 2021
Is this my monitor or is this eFootball's idea of a yellow card? Everyone can see the big orange elephant in the room, right? And just to confirm for those who haven't already seen it, yes, it follows the player around as a permanent part of the on-field HUD. Ugh. One of the mobile gaming concessions that just HAS to go.


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Noticed that the data pack 7 (the latest one) faces are missing. Ramsdale, Nuno Mendes etc.

Even if this is an old build there's no excuse for that really, because they've added the latest kits etc.
Ain't gonna uninstall and keep trying it for a while.

But the controls and gameplay feel unresponsive asf. I just can't enjoy it.

Going back to pes 06, 13 and fifa 08, 10, 16, 18. Unresponsive controls are just not for me.
Here's an example. I intentionally used Pogba's momentum against him here with that 1st touch and got a foul for it. Don't remember seeing anything like this in over a 1000hrs of 2021. Pretty sure the ai was charging in using this new L2 mechanic.

Pogba does seems to react to an imaginary push from Ben White before he starts flailing his arms about however haha.

Sorry for the video quality but its not like the game looks a lot better in real life anyway lol
Invisible pulling and pushing is happening a lot on my game here.

My attacker gets pulled behind all of a sudden by the defender by some invisible force. Sometimes on sides too. It's like the game wont let me do certain things even when I'm maintaining a decent distance from opponent players.
I would like to test this game but I lost it because this game not detected my gamepad. I have Dualshock 3 using by SCPToolkit. Anyone have the same problem?
Just wanna say I read through almost 30 pages of this. And while I myself haven't touched the game, and likely won't at least for a long time, I have to say I'm suffering with all of you.

From the announcement, this has been calamitous from Konami. The decision to go f2p was eye catching one and not just a shock to PES fans and players; it was a decision I saw talked about amongst other sports game userbases. It was one I saw mentioned on outlets where I typically don't hear about PES from.

Why? Because I suspect f2p to be the future models for a lot of sports games. So a lot of people are paying attention to how this lainch goes. And 24 or so hours in, it's disaster.

F2P was supposed to mean more freedom and flexibility. Why release it now? Why not when game is more stable? Why not when more content is available? I know there's the argument about releasing before FIFA, but that shouldn't matter when you completely removed the fee for entry; football gamers have every incentive to try your game for free. And they may have even more incentive if FIFA turns out to be another dud.

And that's why they went f2p; to get as many people as you can playing your game. Forget the 2 years of development. This game's first offering after going free to play should've been a knockout from the minute it unlocked. Because it's free. Because that would give the greatest amount of non players incentive to give your game a try.

So now we watch and wait. Because what the game is its current state, what they've shown thus far, is likely to current players away instead of bringing new players in.

Until then, I'm here for the memes. It feels like watching a house fire with mates. I love all of you
Thoroughly enjoying this now with the demo expander on PC. I don't remember ever being more at odds with the general view on here or around the PES-themed web. I'm gobsmacked that it's as poor a reception as it is. I think perfectly reasonable technical and immersion-breaking reasons are dominant, but a massive reason will be that you just can't pick it up and play it like any previous edition. You have to learn new controls and new approaches. E.g. one of my favourite scoring methods in PES2021 -- finesse from the outside corner of the box into the opposite corner -- doesn't work in eFootball, but I'm still automatically trying it all the time. How many of those familiar PES moves are we all trying automatically all the time? And when they don't come off... There are huge differences. Currently watching a streamer complaining that it's all too slow and considered and he can't do one-touch passing through the opposition as he's used to. I have a feeling he wishes he could 'pack' Messi and get it over with.
I will never download this horrendous game. The only good thing that I've seen so far is customizable camera options. The rest is crap, I couldn't even imagine myself playing this game for hours with those awful yellow and blue color scheme. They need to fire whoever made their UI. Heck, at this point, they should fire the entire dev team because it seems like they don't know what on earth they're doing.
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