E3 2009 - The Official Thread

They can't add in extra controllers for games along with the movement because that would just contradict the purpose and bragging they did for this natal. Gaming without the barrier of controllers and having to learn how to play. Though i think that's bullshit anyway because you'll still have to learn how to play without the pad and to make use of voice recognition have to go through a set up process of key words and so on. So it's hardly going to be 'instantly accessible' as they tried to make out.

"Hey what's this game you're playing?"
"football mania, you want a go?"
"Right stand here and shout 'play' to start"
"Oh wait you have to set up your voice first, right let's quit the game and do the set up... it will only take a few minutes... right hang on...
(A short while later)
"Right say those key words and then tell it to save"
"Can't I just use the joypad?"
"No just use your voice"
"It won't detect anything when I say 'ello' for that Hello keyword"
"Say H..ello"
"Hello.. oh that worked.. but what happens if I just say Ello as I normally say it later?"
"Well nothing"
"oh... let's just put fifa on and use the pads instead"


Rad, if its anything like google's android voice recognision, you wont have to train the OS to learn your voice
No jonney, no Fifa news. Apparently it was behind closed doors. Things should be revealed tonight midnight anyway :)
Rad, if its anything like google's android voice recognision, you wont have to train the OS to learn your voice

So if I walk to my friends house and say 'play' it will know who I am, it will refer to me as Kev and sign me into my gamertag with no setting up what so ever? In fact I wouldn't even have to say 'play' as it knows my face so it should just sign me in as I walk into the room as they showed somehow knowing what i look like without me telling it what i look like.

Like the 'real' demonstration of the family playing the game together (despite it not supporting more than 1 person) as the boy buzzes in and it knew who he was. That won't require any setting up at all? You can just buzz your hand down and somehow it knows who you are and say your name?

If it's not 'person voice specific through a set up process' then that leaves it open to lots of faults as someone behind you answers their phone or ask if anyone wants a drink. It needs something to separate players because if 2 brothers who sound alike are playing a game against each other and one brother says 'kick' and the other says 'block' how does the game know who said what and what to do?

I hate CGI bullshit and most of that presentation of Natal was bullshit. Yes the concept is great but Microsoft used to pride itself on not showing unfinished bullshit like sony have. They went out of their way to make sure they had playable 360's on the 360's debut rather than tech demos. Yes the consoles crashed a lot of the games were buggy but they had the respect to show us what the console could do and let us play without bullshitting us with concept CGI and lots of numbers. This just felt like a load of fake concept shite telling us 'look what we MIGHT be able to do one day' rather than 'look what we CAN do!'
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So if I walk to my friends house and say 'play' it will know who I am, it will refer to me as Kev and sign me into my gamertag with no setting up what so ever? In fact I wouldn't even have to say 'play' as it knows my face so it should just sign me in as I walk into the room as they showed somehow knowing what i look like without me telling it what i look like.

Like the 'real' demonstration of the family playing the game together (despite it not supporting more than 1 person) as the boy buzzes in and it knew who he was. That won't require any setting up at all? You can just buzz your hand down and somehow it knows who you are and say your name?

If it's not 'person voice specific through a set up process' then that leaves it open to lots of faults as someone behind you answers their phone or ask if anyone wants a drink.

yes thats how google's android OS works. it can recognise anyones voice. i tried it yesterday myself on my boss's phone
yes thats how google's android OS works. it can recognise anyones voice. i tried it yesterday myself on my boss's phone

So it knows who you are? Not confusing that with 'that it knows what you're saying and does it correctly', but that it actually knows WHO YOU are?

So if I speak to Natal for the very first time it will know my identity without any setting up?
So it knows who you are? Not confusing that with 'that it knows what you're saying and does it correctly', but that it actually knows WHO YOU are?

So if I speak to Natal for the very first time it will know my identity without any setting up?

You are getting very angry about this...everything ok? ;)

Microsoft announce Project Natal. Controller free gaming and entertainment:


YouTube - Project Natal


IGN Project Natal hands-on:


Rock Band Beatles demoed on stage. Xbox 360 has exclusive track:

YouTube - Rock Band Beatles E3 2009 Demo


Epic announce XBLA title Shadow Complex:

YouTube - Shadow Complex E3 Gameplay Demo

Splinter Cell Conviction demoed on stage. Out in Autumn:

YouTube - Splinter Cell: Conviction E3 2009 Demo

Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 premier demo. Out in Spring 2010:


YouTube - Final Fantasy XIII E3 09: 360 Combat Gameplay (Cam)


Halo 3: ODST demoed at Microsoft E3 conference. Coming 22nd September worldwide:




Halo: Reach announced. Coming 2010. Multiplayer beta bundled with Halo 3: ODST:

YouTube - Halo: Reach E3 2009 Trailer [HQ]


Forza Motorsport 3 official announced. Features 400 cars, 100 tracks, new graphics engine and other new features. Coming October 2009:



YouTube - Forza Motorsport 3 Debut Trailer (E3 2009)


Last.Fm, Facebook and Twitter coming to Xbox 360:



Metal Gear Solid: Rising confirmed for Xbox 360:


YouTube - Kojima Announcing Metal Gear Solid Rising On the Xbox 360


Alan Wake demoed on stage. Coming Spring 2010 exclusive to Xbox 360:

YouTube - Alan Wake E3 2009 Demo


Crackdown 2 announced. Coming 2010 exclusive to Xbox 360:

YouTube - Crackdown 2 E3 2009 Trailer [HQ]

Left 4 Dead 2 announced. Coming November 17th 2009 on Xbox 360 & PC:

YouTube - Left 4 Dead 2 E3 2009 Teaser Trailer [HQ]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 demoed on stage. Xbox 360 gets two DLC packs early:

YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 E3 2009


Peter Molyneux unveils Milo project:

YouTube - (E3 2009) Lionhead Milo Project - Milo Tech Demo


Games on demand for Xbox 360. Uses both credit cards and MS Points. Starts August 2009:


Need For Speed SHIFT demoed at EA conference:

YouTube - Need for Speed: Shift E3 presentation

Madden NFL 10 online franchise mode confirmed:

YouTube - Madden NFL 10 E3 Coverage

EA announce new MMA title:


EA Sports Active to get expansion in Winter:


EA to publish Realtime Worlds APB:

YouTube - APB E3 09: Trailer


Brutal Legend at EA conference:

YouTube - Brutal Legend E3 2009 Trailer

Star Wars: The Old Republic to be first fully voiced MMO:

Great work Billy, the Natel does promise great things...

Cheers mate. Took a long time. Was a huge update. I done it on my craptacular laptop and just viewing this page causes it to crash!
Assassins Creed II gets release date of 17th November:

YouTube - Assassin's Creed 2 E3 09: Official Trailer Jun 1, 2009 Ub


Ubisoft working with Speilberg and Peter Jackson on their new Tintin project:


Ubisoft unveils Your Shape a new fitness title. Works with a new Wii camera peripheral:


Pele shows off Academy of Champions Football for Wii at Ubisoft conference:


Red Steel 2 demoed at Ubisoft conference. Bundled with Wii MotionPlus:

YouTube - Red Steel 2 E3 Demo Part 1 in HD

YouTube - Red Steel 2 E3 09: Ubisoft Press Conference Trailer HD
You are getting very angry about this...everything ok? ;)

I didn' think that came across as angry. Un less the caps words came over as me shouting, I did them as caps to draw attention to the main point i was trying to find out. If it will know who we are as they claimed without any setting up. The main point they were making was by using this camera anyone can play right away without having to learn things and be told how to do everything.

That's true for games where you stand around and wave or kick but then we've seen that done before so hardly ground breaking.

So the only real big news is the facial recognition and voice recognition. But for both of them to work you'd have to do at least some kind of set up process. But then that completely contradicts their main point.

I just hate bullshit lies and 'this is what we MIGHT be able to do' because it leads everyone down a path of lies and always means that everyone's expectations are never met. I'd have much rather they kept this back for another year and showed us actual games that they were making instead of concept crap. It felt like they just threw it on at the end as they had nothing else to talk about.

Oh but I do hate Peter Molyneux, he 's just so full of himself and he talks more shite than truth. All he kept going on about with fable 2 was that sodding dog and then when the game came out it was never mentioned again. After all of the BS about Fable 1 as well and then we were promised that it would be in Fable 2 as it was next gen but then suddenly it all went quiet and he's back to the dog again. All he does is lie about everything and then a few days before release turn round and say 'oh actually we couldn't do any of those things we promised'. He's such a cock, I'd bet my life that the video with the woman talking to the boy was fake. I mean how the hell did she know about the homework he was doing if this was her FIRST time with the program and how did she know his name? Of course it wasn't her first time with it but when he went on to say that she caught the goggles and everyone does that their first time.. so is this her first or did she just do it again (attempt to catch) for the sake of it?
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I didn' think that came across as angry. Un less the caps words came over as me shouting, I did them as caps to draw attention to the main point i was trying to find out. If it will know who we are as they claimed without any setting up. The main point they were making was by using this camera anyone can play right away without having to learn things and be told how to do everything.

That's true for games where you stand around and wave or kick but then we've seen that done before so hardly ground breaking.

So the only real big news is the facial recognition and voice recognition. But for both of them to work you'd have to do at least some kind of set up process. But then that completely contradicts their main point.

I just hate bullshit lies and 'this is what we MIGHT be able to do' because it leads everyone down a path of lies and always means that everyone's expectations are never met. I'd have much rather they kept this back for another year and showed us actual games that they were making instead of concept crap. It felt like they just threw it on at the end as they had nothing else to talk about.

Oh but I do hate Peter Molyneux, he 's just so full of himself and he talks more shite than truth. All he kept going on about with fable 2 was that sodding dog and then when the game came out it was never mentioned again. After all of the BS about Fable 1 as well and then we were promised that it would be in Fable 2 as it was next gen but then suddenly it all went quiet and he's back to the dog again. All he does is lie about everything and then a few days before release turn round and say 'oh actually we couldn't do any of those things we promised'. He's such a cock, I'd bet my life that the video with the woman talking to the boy was fake. I mean how the hell did she know about the homework he was doing if this was her FIRST time with the program and how did she know his name? Of course it wasn't her first time with it but when he went on to say that she caught the goggles and everyone does that their first time.. so is this her first or did she just do it again (attempt to catch) for the sake of it?

Completely agree about the 'Milo' thing, that was cringeworthy - and the fact that Molyneaux stood there and spoke about it like it was 'real' was even more embarrassing.

We should be insulted really that these people think we are THAT stupid. This isnt the year 2050 and we have a pretty good understanding of the limitations of technology - like you say Rad, voice recognition is fine, but it wont 'know' who you are (like Mendoza is claiming) until you go through a 'welcome process.

I know they pretty much said the demo vid (before Milo) wasnt real, but I highly doubt that quiz show on the couch thing will work (4 players, banging their fists as buzzers)... that said, I keep thinking about the guy in the Times now saying it was incredibly accurate with no latency... Hmmmmm.
Someone I know watched the video of the woman talking to the boy this morning and said something I thought was really interesting; it's basically a parrot. All it says on its own is hello, then when she says she's nervous it says "you're nervous?" and makes up something suitable to follow. So if I'd said, I'm going to get some bananas, it would say "get some bananas? You don't usually get some bananas!" Then if I said it again the next day it would say "get some bananas? But you did that yesterday!" I wouldn't call that "clever", things can do that already.

Then the homework thing, it wasn't even saying anything back, it was just pulling a face. Perhaps because of the tone of voice etc. but if you couldn't see the emotion then it would be considered broken, you're talking to it and it's saying nothing back.

From that point on it does all the talking, let's do this, let's play this, do this for me - if she interrupted and said "do you know what one plus one is" it would just ignore you. So in hindsight I feel even more like the entire thing was bull, "look at this brilliant AI person we've created" when actually it seems a lot simpler than I thought. But we'll see.

Anyway, what I came in for was too say...

Forza 3 has 100 tracks

Why didn't they say that during the presentation yesterday? I'm looking forward to it now! Unless it's 25 tracks cut into short tracks, reverse tracks and short reverse tracks.
Someone I know watched the video of the woman talking to the boy this morning and said something I thought was really interesting; it's basically a parrot. All it says on its own is hello, then when she says she's nervous it says "you're nervous?" and makes up something suitable to follow. So if I'd said, I'm going to get some bananas, it would say "get some bananas? You don't usually get some bananas!" Then if I said it again the next day it would say "get some bananas? But you did that yesterday!" I wouldn't call that "clever", things can do that already.

Then the homework thing, it wasn't even saying anything back, it was just pulling a face. Perhaps because of the tone of voice etc. but if you couldn't see the emotion then it would be considered broken, you're talking to it and it's saying nothing back.

From that point on it does all the talking, let's do this, let's play this, do this for me - if she interrupted and said "do you know what one plus one is" it would just ignore you. So in hindsight I feel even more like the entire thing was bull, "look at this brilliant AI person we've created" when actually it seems a lot simpler than I thought. But we'll see.

Anyway, what I came in for was too say...

Why didn't they say that during the presentation yesterday? I'm looking forward to it now! Unless it's 25 tracks cut into short tracks, reverse tracks and short reverse tracks.

Forza will be exactly that - like if it has Brands Hatch, it will have the full circuit, Indy circuit, GP circuit, then maybe mirrors of those, so thats 6 'tracks' already.

For the Milo thing, you pretty much have said what the guy at Eurogamer said in his demo with Molyneaux - who actually admits its a 'trick'.

I think its more of a proof of concept more than anything, which does a job as it shows some cool things - like the voice recognition, colour recognition and the water thing and reflection was cool.
Forza will be exactly that - like if it has Brands Hatch, it will have the full circuit, Indy circuit, GP circuit, then maybe mirrors of those, so thats 6 'tracks' already.

Throw in the reverse (driving around the wrong way) options as well which makes 12. so in reality we'll get 8 to 10 different tracks and then they'll all be swapped around and mirrored and cut down etc.
I think its more of a proof of concept more than anything, which does a job as it shows some cool things - like the voice recognition, colour recognition and the water thing and reflection was cool.

The best thing and only real new thing Natal does is track 3D motion which means Wii style games like bowling but without the need for a joypad/remote in your hand. They really should have shown things like that instead.

I can imagine EA making a sports compilation game with things like 'Fifa Penalty Kicker' and 'Madden: Quarterback challenge' where you have to throw the ball as far as you can. Tennis is obvious, you just wave your arms to the sides.

But I can't see this being anything more than 360 trying to make their console a Wii and trying to take that audience away from Nintendo. Fair play to them I mean if you want Wii games on the 360 then this should work, but I think Wii games are pretty shitty and gimmicky.
There's an article on BBC News featuring an interview with the announcement guy and Steven Spielberg - the latter basically admits it's not for hardcore gamers. He says something along the lines of "it's for those who don't like gaming currently, those who feel excluded because they can't use a gamepad". (Source: HERE)

It's going to be mini-games galore, exactly the same as it was with the EyeToy. Games like FIFA, Forza, Fallout - i.e. the best games I've played and the only games I have the inclination to play - won't work with it because... Well in FIFA, how would you kick the ball three different ways as three different players within seconds of eachother, how would you move around the pitch without moving away from the TV? In Forza, how would you accelerate, brake, handbrake (the camera won't be able to fit in my hands and my feet, the rooms in this house are like shoeboxes so I can't stand ten foot back, there's a wall in the way)? In Fallout, how would you move around? If I need to turn around and start shooting somebody I'd need something like the Wii nunchuck in my hand - which is why the Wii controller(s) excite me more.

And even then, if you could play a game like Forza using the camera only, if someone opens a door and light reflects off it you'll go spinning off the track. People who choose to play with the gamepad will just murder you.

It's going to be games for kids and people who get roped into games at parties thinking "I'd rather stick my hand in the toaster".
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Eurogamer: But of course! Wait, are you sure it's not a parrot?

Peter Molyneux: No, it's not a parrot. Milo can recognise your writing - you can write words, write numbers, draw pictures, and put them into his world.

....Although you can put stuff in his world, you'll notice he never shows you the stuff. So although you could do obscene stuff, he'll just look at it and he won't understand it.

So you can put anything you want into his world, but only really if its on the list of things they say you can draw/write? Sounds like Henry Ford saying 'Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."

The interesting thing is you can only talk to him when the Talk icon appears at the bottom of the screen. That's when he's listening to you; the rest of the time, he's not. He's listening to you because there's a context in which you can talk to him.

But in that video she's yapping away like a typical woman when there is no icon showing and we're given the impression by the boy's reactions and Peter that the boys listening and they're talking to each other.

Ah I can't be bothered with it any more.

Here's hoping nintendo don't embarrass themselves like last year
and that sony show us GAMES.
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Any other conferences tonight or just Nintendo and Sony?
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