Chelsea Thread

In my subjective view, Chelsea didn't deserve the win - two very lucky goals and a clear pen not given against them - but neither did Liverpool, they created almost nothing in front of Courtois, Can was lucky with the deflection as well. A draw would have been a fair result IMO. But with Chelsea this season, one can always expect that they will scrape through with the points no matter what, so there's that. That's always the sign of the future champions...
liverpool's deflection goal were justified with the penalty wasn't given. I know if it was given it was probably a draw, but in theory chelsea should've won. no lucky part in their goals, liverpool defence and gk couldn't do their jobs properly.
I want Southampton to win the league , everyone laugh at them for selling their best to Liverpool .Chels hates promoting youth their youngest player was 26 yrs old lol.

Then i guess, i should apologize.

I'm sorry Godotelli.

Thought you were comparing red card calls.

Still want Chelsea to become champions because they play great football and because there are no neutrals who want them to become champions.

Don't recall a red card call for Hart or Cahill but, anyway, no worries.
He was just making a joke, Gerd. It probably would have been funny for you too if you had seen the match.

The situation was a stonewall handball in the box by Cahill, almost stopping the shot like a goalkeeper.

In my subjective view, Chelsea didn't deserve the win - two very lucky goals and a clear pen not given against them - but neither did Liverpool, they created almost nothing in front of Courtois, Can was lucky with the deflection as well. A draw would have been a fair result IMO. But with Chelsea this season, one can always expect that they will scrape through with the points no matter what, so there's that. That's always the sign of the future champions...

Lol a Manchester United fan complaining about referee's decision
Do you keep those in your bookmarks? :LOL:

Guess that is how fun it is to be a chelsea fan, spend dedicated time to try find videos and evidence of decisions going for united :ZZZ:. Glad to see you're living life the the fullest.
Guess that is how fun it is to be a chelsea fan, spend dedicated time to try find videos and evidence of decisions going for united :ZZZ:. Glad to see you're living life the the fullest.

That is one Chelsea fan...

Guys, this is a pointless discussion.
Most big clubs are advantaged by ref decisions.

In the end, i don't think it makes a huge difference.

And about Chelsea, you go to be blind not to see that at the moment, they are by very far the best team of the EPL.

Oh, and i'm a Spurs fan...
And about Chelsea, you go to be blind not to see that at the moment, they are by very far the best team of the EPL.

Oh, and i'm a Spurs fan...

At which point did i deny them being the best? Hence i said that's how fun it must be, as they are basically walking away with the league.
I don't know why Mehtab is bringing United in this discussion. I guess he can't admit Chelsea got incredibly and that it was a clear penalty for Liverpool.

I suppose he'll now bring in videos about Arsenal getting dubious penalties.
Mehtab is a tool, plain and simple.

Anyhow.. other than Chelsea doing a perfectly fine job running away with the league on their own it seems like the field of those chasing them is doing a fine job self destructing. Bit of a cluster fuck so far this year. (except for Southampton that is)
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I don't know why Mehtab is bringing United in this discussion. I guess he can't admit Chelsea got incredibly and that it was a clear penalty for Liverpool.

I suppose he'll now bring in videos about Arsenal getting dubious penalties.

I know that was a penalty but Manchester United fans doesn't suit complaining about referees. That's what I am saying.
Why not? They're a neutral party in this discussion, and it's not their fault that referees have given them dubious calls.
Why not? They're a neutral party in this discussion, and it's not their fault that referees have given them dubious calls.

Well they are complaining about wrong referee decision when all of the referees are biased to them and pretty much most of their wins/draws against Chelsea is because of "wrong decision" by the referee.
just out of curiosity what supporters are justifiable to complain? MUTD....

Well any supporters(including Man Utd) are justifiable to complain but Man Utd fans doesn't suit complaining about a referee's decision. If anyone, it's more like Liverpool fans should be complaining more than Man Utd fans.
If you have time enough, you can find clips that proof that every single club in the world is advantaged by the ref.

I really don't understand why Chelsea isn't appreciated more, because they are a big club and deserve to be a big club. But Chelsea fans should reaction more intelligent towards the hate their club generates...
It's not hate though, it's just a discussion. I wasn't hating on Chelsea at all. It is true that I don't particularly like Chelsea, and I doubt the Manchester United fans commenting in this thread do like them, but everything said is true. The Cahill-incident was a clear handball.
Wenger annouced Chelsea the winner and will get 100pts. Things has clearly lost the plot . I guess we s'd prepare for next season lol.
I have a bad feeling we will start losing. The team looks okay but we need to spirit up a little bit and be a bit more stronger.
Guess what Ryan? We made a profit again, an £18.4 million profit to be exact with a record turnover of £319.8 million.

2nd profit in three season, while still being able to purchase top players... not bad eh? :SMUG:

only another 100 years before you will pay off the billions that were initially invested to get you to this point ;))
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