Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360 and PC

Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Looks like the deal is done - some guy is willing to pay £25 plus the postage costs. I'm happy with that. :)
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Im suprised you know what one of them is ;) you usually use them when you work.:)
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Plan M you lucky...
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Haha, I can't BELIEVE his name is friggin Greggs after that advert has been pissing me off!

Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Tried playing this in non HD yesterday and it's actually unplayable :SHOCK:. I can't read the map, I can't see more than 10 yards in front of me, I can't make out racers from normal traffic. It's truly shocking how used to HD gaming you get...
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Tried playing this in non HD yesterday and it's actually unplayable :SHOCK:. I can't read the map, I can't see more than 10 yards in front of me, I can't make out racers from normal traffic. It's truly shocking how used to HD gaming you get...

I remember playing Dead Rising and I couldn't read the text. That's when I thought "Time to buy a HD TV!" and I've never looked back. Best thing I have ever bought. :SAL:
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

If you fancy a laugh, connect your 360 up to an SDTV and put FIFA in. Then try to read anything on the ticker (I mean anything, one single word). You physcially can't, it's like trying to look at a rainbow through ultra-reflective glass while someone's shining torches in your eyes. Just one big flashing blur.
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

If you fancy a laugh, connect your 360 up to an SDTV and put FIFA in. Then try to read anything on the ticker (I mean anything, one single word). You physcially can't, it's like trying to look at a rainbow through ultra-reflective glass while someone's shining torches in your eyes. Just one big flashing blur.

Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

EVERYONE seems to have sold this - their interest in it has burned out.
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I still play it.

DLC coming very soon. :cool:


Criterion’s Alex Ward’s just posted first movies of a new car livery for Burnout Paradise on the developer’s blog. We’ve put one below, but there are two more through the link.

“We’re working on some incredible new content for Paradise, some of which we’ve announced, and some of which we haven’t,” said Ward. “Today, we wanted to give you a sneak preview of one of the amazing new car liveries coming soon in the game. We’ll be revealing more over the next few days and weeks.”

We’re playing Paradise at the moment and it’s all good, so news of extra content makes us smile. Check out the movies.

Update: Just so you know, Ward just told us there’ll be no charge for the liveries

“In the past 24 hours we’ve had 50,000 people play Burnout Paradise online on both systems,” said Ward. “If they only stayed online for one hour each on average (and most stayed for more than that), there will be have been over FIVE AND A HALF YEARS of play online in Paradise City in the last 24 hours.”

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Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Please tell me the DLC isn't going to be JUST fancy paint jobs...
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Its not, new modes etc.
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

Burnout Paradise Changes

Due to the overwhelming amount of DownLoadable Content (DLC) talk of recent, I decided to throw some fuel on the fire and create this here news post. Below is a consolidation of posts made over at the official Criterion Games forum by some of the game developers (mainly Alex Ward). Some of the stuff said is pretty vague but does either hint on even confirm some things which we're likely to see in future Burnout Paradise updates.

Horns, Sirens and Online Modes
Missing the car horns? Me too. Not to worry though as they're on the way. As are online game mode(s) to make use of the police cars (Pursuit mode?)

Horns for all cars, and police lights and sirens are going to come. It was all work that was scheduled to be done, but other tasks took priority during the final phases of the game.

Online game modes are coming, including modes that make use of these police vehicles....

This post hints at the possibility of the map expansion being something underground. (Tunnels, subways maybe)

... Remember, you've only seen a small part of Paradise City so far...the above-the-roads-parts..

Freeburn 2.0
Major changes ahead? Looks like it. In this post, Alex again mentions new online game modes, including "Freeburn 2.0". He also mentions additions to offline game play as well.

... What we released in the box is really Paradise 1.0.

There are a LOT more things to come from us which add to this game throughout 2008.

There will be more online modes, as well as entirely new ways to play coming. This will be downloadable content unlike any other game. ...

...We will be adding significantly to the Paradise experience for both online and offline players throughout the year. ...

...Expect a lot more from what we'll be calling 'Freeburn 2.0.'

In response to a topic about replays (NOT retries), Alex mentions that it is something Criterion are working on but are still figuring out how to "bring it to life".

We have made something along these lines and it's still in development.

Obviously it's something we thought of ages ago but didn't build until right until the end of the main development.

We're still working on this and deciding the best way to bring it to life.

Matt Webster also comments on a thread where someone mentions a "Spectator" mode.

Spectator Mode.... hmmm... Now there's an idea...... :)

Custom Soundtracks
This could relate to a Playstation firmware update, not game update.

Custom soundtracks for PlayStation3 are DEFINITELY coming....


Also, in response to the idea of streaming the podcast when you're playing online Alex says...

This is definitely something we're looking at right now.

Big Surf Expansion
Here's a hint at the map expansion happening at Big Surf.

... I hear 'Big Surf' is really expanding and going places these days......

Unfinished Bridges Deliberate
I'm sure we've all seen the unfinished bridges on the east coast of Paradise City and wondered if they'll ever be built across to the airport seen on the original concept map. Alex says that that map was an early design and don't count on it being too much of a hint at the DLC.

... We built the unfinished bridges as a deliberate nod to everyone to hint that we're going to add to Paradise at some point in the future. As to what appears once you drive over thar bridge, well it's still not finalised...

It's not an airport.

It's just a bridge that leads to nowhere.

We plan to add to city at some point in the future.

The concept art that keeps getting reprinted as *proof* that it will is exactly what is WAS, very old concept art from a first pass design of Paradise City two years ago.

No System Link Coming
In response to someone asking if support for a system link will be included in a future update, Alex makes it clear it isn't.

I can safely say that system link is not something that will be coming.

Better Steering Wheel Support
The post says it all.

...We've been playing a lot of driving games on our Logitech steering wheel - the G25 I think it's called - and great steering wheel stuff - along with manual gear shifting - is coming soon.

Even More New Cars By Shutting Them Down
In a topic about the Shut Down feature (Taking a car down to own it) there is a hint that future cars (included in DLC) will be delivered this way.

...I think we under-used shutdown a little, so expect it to return somehow in the future.

A Date for Future Updates
We're all curious about when we will actually be able to see (and play) these updates. Well there hasn't been an official date yet, however Alex did say this:

... everyone bear with us, we're trying to do this as fast as we possibly can, and we're working out how we can do this. Our plan is to support the game all year so we hope all of you will support us too this year. The lead times on this stuff are quite long e.g. if we had it all ready to go on Monday the earliest it could hit the Store or Marketplace globally would be early May. So, just to let you all know, it takes time.

Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I am so fucking glad I kept this and laugh at all those who have got rid already :LOL:
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I wass just going to come in here and post, then I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, and then you posted CW, cheers. ;)

I've finished all races, all marked-mans and all road rages now, just got the stunt runs left and a couple of burning routes and I've got the Elite License. :)

I'm having trouble with the stunt runs though, a couple need you to have $200k's worth of damage and I usually get a couple of grand's worth. I am really crap at them, any advice?
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I am so fucking glad I kept this and laugh at all those who have got rid already :LOL:

Im still glad i got rid of it, Bully is alot better to play than this :))
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I'm having trouble with the stunt runs though, a couple need you to have $200k's worth of damage and I usually get a couple of grand's worth. I am really crap at them, any advice?
On the stunt runs it's about points from jumps/billboards/barrel rolls and combos of all these. NOT about damage mate!

The showtime is about damage.
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I'm having trouble with the stunt runs though, a couple need you to have $200k's worth of damage and I usually get a couple of grand's worth. I am really crap at them, any advice?

Like Tim said mate you need to think about the jumps, barrel rolls and hitting the billboards as they all multiply your stunt run score. Boosting in between the jumps and the other tricks will also keep your multiplier running
Re: Burnout Paradise - PS3, 360

I've managed to do five by just driving to the quarry and going mental. I've had to save it now though, it's driving me insane (excuse the pun). I've always hated the crash/stunt modes in Burnout, so fucking fiddly...
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