Battlefield : Bad Company Series

Argh, taking down the hind chopper on the "leave no one behind" mission is a right pain, the guy keeps opening the door and getting me with the launcher...
I'm having trouble with the single player missions, namely the level where you are in the hummer and have to destroy the tanks and chasing pack. As the jeep is venturing up the hill, the game just freezes. Same point every time. I can restart from checkpoint (about 2 seconds before the crash) or restart the entire level, it will still freeze at the same location. Very frustrating, as I'm actually enjoying the single player game. I don't know how to rectify the problem, either. It's on XB360, and the game is installed to the HD, so it's certainly not an issue with the disc.

Could someone please advise as to whether it's possible to delete the game from my HD and re-install, but keep all my accomplishments and everything? That's how it works, right?
Last night I stood in the middle of the road with an RPG on my shoulder in front of an oncoming Humvee with 3 occupants. As the wreckless bat out of Hell vehicle approached, I knew that it was going to be either me or they. As the vehicle got closer, I bravely held my ground, zoomed in through my RPG's scope, jumped out of harm's way, and watched marvelously, as my rocket pierced the Humvees windshield and with all it's miserable combatants, blew it to kingdom come...

Oh, the joy and satisfaction I got at seeing that hunk piece of metal with all of it's Muchachos blow up, roll over, and land just a few feet from me in a smoldering ball of fire. It's Priceless!!!

Afterwards, I walked around the wreckage, checking it out to make sure there were no survivors and sure enough, they were all Dead! They never had a chance. It is moments like this that make this game worthwhile. All my patience has payed off.

Now, excuse me as I go blow a Heli out of the sky...
The page was up briefly for a day but all the stats were 0, it hasn't worked properly at all.
I'm a medic and I don't seem to have any medical powers?!

No first aid kits no defribulator (don't know how you spell it?)

bit silly that you choose medic first off and you cant do anything?
Yep its a strange decision, you have to unlock the med kit, the defibrillator comes after that.

The 'new' maps should be up now.
You have to unlock them, basically you need to get x-hundred points as a medic to unlock them. Same with engineer, recon and assault.

You need a few hundred points as a medic to get the first unlock which is a gun I think, then a few hundred more to get the healing (first aid) packs, then another unlock is another gun and then you get the electric revive pads.

It's the same with an engineer, you first unlock a gun, then the drill (repair tool) then another gun, then anti tank mines. With recon it's gun then motion sensor (thing you throw), then another gun then you get the mortar strike. With assault I guess it's ammo resupply then something else, armor vest maybe - but I never play as assault.

Basically get a few points as a medic with just your weapon and you'll get unlocks.
Indeed. The more you play, the more you unlock, and ultimately the better it gets. Seriously, the first few goes you'll get the shit shot out of you, and you'll be wondering why it's taking 4,000 bullets or so to even wound an enemy. As you progress, you take the driving seat against other n00bs. Saying that, there's always someone who is just a diehard online shooter, who will tear up anything and everything and avoid bullets like he's in the f*cking Matrix. Honestly, some of the guys I've seen on there are hardcore.
The new Rush map is very good, also I now hate the Isla Ino... map with a passion, its a snipers paradise.
I have tried medic a few times, but if you only have a gun, how do you heal?

This game is great, played about 5 mins late last night on a team with Becanes and one of his mates. It was the first I have heard anyone talking, though we were in a party, so maybe thats why its deadly silent when playing alone.
If you've unlocked the defibrillator, press left on the dpad and press the shoot button to heal.
Unfortunately, I got the 3 red rings of death lights on my Elite. I shipped it to Xbox and they better send it back in 3 weeks time as they assured me.

Un-freaking-beleivable...just when I was beginning to truly enjoy this great game.
Unfortunately, I got the 3 red rings of death lights on my Elite. I shipped it to Xbox and they better send it back in 3 weeks time as they assured me.

Un-freaking-beleivable...just when I was beginning to truly enjoy this great game.

i got mine back within 10 days, so hopefully you should be ok :DD
i got mine back within 10 days, so hopefully you should be ok :DD

That sounds excellent mate. Thanks for the info.

I guess this is a perfect time to finally play and finish GOW 3.

one thing's for sure. I will be sure to buy PS3 version games from now on in case if this happends again. PS3 is much reliable in terms of durability.

Here are my next games to buy:

-Just Cause 2
-Red Dead Redemption
-UFC Undisputed 2010
-2010 FIFA World Cup
Yeah, my original XBox360 played dead with the RROD, I just went out the same day and bought an Elite :COOL:

I then sent the original back to Microsoft (who sort everything out for you - courier there and back etc.) and it was returned in around 10 days, as said above. I then sold it for £100 to a guy at work. Happy trails.

As for BC2, I'm still to play the new Arica Harbor map on Conquest. That's not for lack of playing, I just have it set to Any map, as opposed to a chosen one. By the time I've played 6 or so rounds, I'm usually knackered and it's time for bed. It just so happens that Arica hasn't come around, yet, on my random map generator.
Yeah, my original XBox360 played dead with the RROD, I just went out the same day and bought an Elite :COOL:

I then sent the original back to Microsoft (who sort everything out for you - courier there and back etc.) and it was returned in around 10 days, as said above. I then sold it for £100 to a guy at work. Happy trails.

Did the xbox you sold to that guy last long?

I wish I had the money to go buy me another elite. I am not the patient type when it comes to waiting...

Hopefully, microsoft will fix my xbox to last another 3 years.

I've gotta figured out where to rent an elite around my area.
Much prefer this game to MW2.

This just feels like much more of a battle. I only play rush, so you can't really pop in and out to play. But I think you get much more out of it.

Love the larger area to play in, you can approach the game so many ways aswell.

Mainly playing as a medic at the moment and it is great fun :DD
You need to hold the jump button or press it twice and then hold on the second press.
- Hold Select and press Start.

Not sure about the other one.
I need help.

First, how do you take in-game pics?

Second, I unlocked the M60 but it still shows locked...crazy.

are you sure you unlocked the M60 and not another gun? sounds silly, but I get abit confused with the guns (probably just me being stupid :DD)

The game has a few glitches so it could be part of that. It might pop up next time you play the game.

I had an extremely annoying glitch where the sound completely went in my game, I thought it may have been an effect in the game to simulate my eardrums getting blown or something. But when I died and came back again, still no sound.

the weird thing was after the battle I went back to the menu screens and I had the music then. But when I started a new battle, no sound whatsoever again! so I had to restart the xbox :ROLL:
The stats page still isn't up yet, if it ever goes live the pics should appear there.
are you sure you unlocked the M60 and not another gun? sounds silly, but I get abit confused with the guns (probably just me being stupid :DD)

The game has a few glitches so it could be part of that. It might pop up next time you play the game.

I had an extremely annoying glitch where the sound completely went in my game, I thought it may have been an effect in the game to simulate my eardrums getting blown or something. But when I died and came back again, still no sound.

the weird thing was after the battle I went back to the menu screens and I had the music then. But when I started a new battle, no sound whatsoever again! so I had to restart the xbox :ROLL:
i had that problem with the sound.

i had the setting on war tapes and it just suddenly went off, i thought the same about the eardrums thing lol.

i just just changed the sound setting and it came straight back on.
Had a couple of great moments recently.

First, was on a little jeepy/buggy thing, our team were finding hard getting to the stations to blow them up. So I just got in my buggy flew through them, bullets flying all around me, ran over three of their people near a station flew out set the charge and legged it. Then covered the thing (with a few other eventually) until it blew :))

Next was one of the little helicopters was terrorising our base so whenever we respawned he would shoot us. I respawned he was coming straight for me, lining up my sniper rifle on the pilot, just kept my cool and just as he was going to fire I got a great shot in and nailed him!

brilliant seeing the chopper fly past and go into flames :DD

this game is very good, few annoying bits but it is so much fun :))
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