Battlefield 3

Is there any news yet as to whether idiots will be penalised for camping in the enemies deployment area?
Boy do I hope they make the spawn areas sectioned off from the enemy teams. In the past spawn killing has been the major cause of me spending whole sessions quitting game after game. If you are playing on your own and your team don't bother forming squads, you have no option other than to spawn in your base knowing you'll get shot in the back or nailed with an enemy tank within seconds of spawning.

The thing is that people who do this actually think it's down to their skill. I relented once and ended up having an argument with some guy doing it to me, he claimed it was "my fault because I can't get out of the situation", even though I couldn't spawn on anyone else outside my base and he was plastering me in seconds with a frickin' tank that was parked directly in front of me!

Back on topic though, this looks amazing. Has anyone heard anything further about jets on consoles? Still not sure how they'll work with a smaller map than on PC, even if the airspace is bigger.
Is the physical warfare pack an early timed release of weapons you unlock later on? Can't view that video currently, which probably explains my question.....

I've pre-ordered on Amazon, you get the map pack thingy like everywhere else plus the specact kit dlc, meaning extra paint jobs on guns which is quite nice.
Game have that physical Warfare Pack on their site as a pre-order, so guess Gameplay and GameStation will also have it, but have not checked those sites.
I still really wanna see what the PS3/Xbox versions will look like. It's hard not to get carried away, those visuals at night look stunning. But consoles won't be anywhere near as good as that, surely.



Bah! I don't have the beta key, I bought Medal Of Honor at the time second hand from Game, unaware of the EA online pass thing, and the staff didn't both telling me it had already been used. I didn't get around to taking it back in the end, so no beta for me :(
Yeah I just realised my post above sounds like some random bizarre statement about MOH......what I meant to say was that yeah, anyone who bought MOH and has their EA pass thingy registered apparently could play a BF3 beta.

Seen some info about the changes to some of the rules, apparently if a defender disarming an MCOM charge gets killed mid-disarm, then the MCOM just blows up regardless of the timer. That sounds shit, attackers will just spam the MCOMs with rockets, grenades and grenade launchers from a distance and the splash damage will kill anyone trying to disarm them, and result in an instant MCOM destruction. What are DICE thinking?? MCOMs will pretty much blow up the moment someone charges one, or people won't bother trying to defuse it.
I bought MOH mainly for the BF3 beta(that and I LOVED them on PS2 etc), but was pleasantly surprised with the game, the single player was great imo. I wish they used that engine online and didn't hand it to DICE if I'm being honest.

Mcom's don't explode if someone is killed mid disarm. What they meant is if the timer expires while someone is in the middle of disarming, it goes into a sort of overtime where the disarm keeps going. Rather than exploding in their face. If they disarm it then you just continue playing... But if they are killed while disarming during the overtime then it will obviously instantly explode.
It should stop people looking at the mcoms and think 'by the time I get there the time will be too short to disarm so stuff it".

I read the list if improvement for this and they all sound fantastic. No more mcoms in destructible buildings, mcoms can't be destroyed by tank shells rocket spamming or c4. Two of my biggest gripes with the last bad company games.
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Mcom's don't explode if someone is killed mid disarm. What they meant is if the timer expires while someone is in the middle of disarming, it goes into a sort of overtime where the disarm keeps going. Rather than exploding in their face. If they disarm it then you just continue playing... But if they are killed while disarming during the overtime then it will obviously instantly explode.
It should stop people looking at the mcoms and think 'by the time I get there the time will be too short to disarm so stuff it".

I read the list if improvement for this and they all sound fantastic. No more mcoms in destructible buildings, mcoms can't be destroyed by tank shells rocket spamming or c4. Two of my biggest gripes with the last bad company games.

That makes far more sense, I can't remember where I read my version of that rule but upon checking further you're right, the article I read was talking out of it's arse! The new system is in fact a really good thing like you say. :))
Im pretty sure you wont need a MOH to play the beta...those who bought MOH will be able to download it early...but Im pretty sure alot of you good with networking and the net will be able to get a beta code...well I do. =p
Argh I knew that would happen, ordinarily you'd look at the console version and think the graphics are amazing, and they are for the 360 in comparison to other games, but having been forced to drool at the PC version all summer, the console one just looks a little bit shit now :(

Game should still be amazing, graphics were never going to be up to PC quality.
Battlefield Battlefield
now.. meeting..
27 minutes ago



.... I want this game.

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