Arsenal Thread

Here is Arseblog's take on the Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain possible contract clause:

I have to agree with him. The fee for the player was around £12m plus £3m add ons. Considering all appearances he made until today, the maximum Arsenal would owe Southampton would be around £600k.

I don't think it's that shocking, considering the figures involved in the transaction.
I acually think that was a good idea of Southampton. It seems the days are gone when big clubs can rob litle clubs of their talents for almost free. This is a good thing.
Does Wenger attack the players or something? You get ridiculous amounts of injuries for stupid time periods!

I have this whole theory of Wenger at training and board meetings with the beer stained vest on, a fag in one hand and remote in the other, and every time he speaks the players shudder with fear and if they don't.. well he beats them with the remote or stubs out the fag on their legs. And of they're stupid enough to dodge either then Wenger ties said player to the goal posts and sets them out on shooting practice.

Just theory, oh.. he also has the French lads dress up as maids and see to his every need, he gets freaky like that.
Apparently the training is not hard enough - Clichy said when he went to Man City, he was shocked at the intensity of the training and the tackles compared to the soft approach at Arsenal - and he has seemed to keep injury free, whilst he was quite flaky at Arsenal.
He doesn't shop, he goes out and pretends to but then announces to his family that there just isn't any food in the market and that they will have to rely on him growing it all in his backgarden and breeding the animals.

Yeah, he tells his wife "he's working hard on the shopping", trying to "find the right food" and "only food that's better than what they already have at home" :P
Brilliant, TheJinxedOne.
Wenger is always looking for the cream of the crop... Sorry for the bad joke.
Why not go for Casillias? He's surely not happy to be a sub.
Honestly, I don't want to come across like I'm overreacting, but this has to change. We should say thank you very much the name of the stadium is yours, but we should be mad to extend his contract. It's just too much of the same old crap. Every year indifferent of the circumstances. And our "crop" is lowering each year. We're becoming more and more a mid-table team.
Gazidis should go to Dortmund and do anything to get Klopp.

Also, isn't it hypocritical to impose a stupid salary cap and be so highly payed yourself. He has too much power. I cannot understand why the board didn't buy someone say Higuain and just say "he's world class. we're sure you fit in your system". His discourse is becoming that of the dying years of a dictator's regime. I'm not saying is the evil dictator! But he clearly decided and decides too much, and the boat is astray.

So, he's not a tactical genius, he's transfer policy is appalling in the last years (how he can defend it when he bought so many flops for so much money (combined or taken separately) is beyond me). And what bugged me for years is his inertia on the field. When something goes bad, he doesn't lead, doesn't give directions, he loses control.

I for one had enough and want a change. I know that at the moment there isn't an alternative, but the board should for once have a plan and get a better team football side of the business.

Remember for how many years it has been said over here that it's his decisive year. I remember it's been said for at least the last 2. This year surely must be.
My early prediction: Arsenal to get knocked out by Fenerbache, but be reinstated following the failed legal appeal.

Actually I'm kidding, I think Arsenal are going to show what they're made of tonight and crush Fener.
Ramsey is just like Walcott, have outstanding world class games and the next game... he is a mid table midfielder...

good jobs by the lad they played well but that game took em all they had in the tank to get the result which is not a good sign.
Ramsey has been having solid games since the end of last season. He was great today.

Well this is more like it, after a shitty week and frustrated deals.

I hope Wenger doesn't think his team is too strong now after this 3-0 and open that goddamned cheque book.
Well, he scored a very important first goal for Arsenal....
2nd unimportant goal, GK had weak hands ;)

I still don`t think he`s a starter...I don`t like him. He had a fantastic pre-season , Cazorla wasn`t playing though :P . Arsenal played well,their passing the ball around much better than Fener. They had a terrible night!!

I was amazed more by their women fans tbh, They are gorgeous! I think Fener`s appeal will fail anyways. I can`t see them getting 3 goals.
2nd unimportant goal, GK had weak hands ;)

I still don`t think he`s a starter...I don`t like him. He had a fantastic pre-season , Cazorla wasn`t playing though :P . Arsenal played well,their passing the ball around much better than Fener. They had a terrible night!!

I was amazed more by their women fans tbh, They are gorgeous! I think Fener`s appeal will fail anyways. I can`t see them getting 3 goals.

Damn now I'm sad I didn't see the game. Gratz to the Gunners, seems like you could use a bit of happiness. Hopefully for you though this won't end up being a curse in disguise in light of any transfer hopes.

Btw Beach: are you retired or a reporter or something? Seems like you watch almost every game yet you're on my side of the world right? (sorry for the OT)
Btw Beach: are you retired or a reporter or something? Seems like you watch almost every game yet you're on my side of the world right? (sorry for the OT)

Haha, fair question! We have a big TV in the office right above my desk, and I may strategically change the channels every now and then ;)
Oh , If we get into the CL. Why not offer RM £40m for Benezma! Suarez could go to RM for £30m ! help them with that £93m burden . Well I heard its Coentrao (20m value) + 83m for Bale :SMUG:

Cmon you know it makes sense Wenger, bring Benezma !
Lets hope RM doesnt agree w/ ya! imagine if this whole Suarez bid was about Benezema. Wenger did say the transfer market is like poker :LOL: bluff! full house :)) of coarse Wenger is a terrible poker player :LOL:
fener was so bad that they made ramsey look like a great player. most of us know that he's quite average (not saying he's bad). let's just not get carried away with one good game, expecially against a team in shambles like fener.
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