- 10 October 2003
- Arsenal
So I misinterpretated that he was laughing at somebody getting pelted with objects? Anybody who laughs at that is being an idiot IMO so I'll stand by that comment. I don't feel as though it was out of line at all.
Post it up and say "Look at this, it's bang out of order", but no, just have little animated gifs rolling around intimating somebody laughing their cock off!
If he wasn't laughing at that then fair enough... but it looked pretty clear to me... and it seems some thought the same. If it wasn't intended like that then make it clear next time is the only advice I can give.
Anyway, bored of this now. I'm no saint or a fuddy duddy, just didn't find it amusing at all.
I didn't want to get involved but I am finding it hard not to.
You should have left it at the last post with Tom saying to stop it, by continuing to post about it you are just fueling it (I know I am sort of doing the same, but I needed to say something

You implied that the content of the video was happening out of racism and that he was an idiot about posting it and laughing, thats upto you to think, but being insulting to another member on this site is not ok and you did that first.
You have blown it completely out of proportion and something was lost in translation with what Bebo posted.
Your subsequent condescending post is not going to end the matter, as it is going to wind up Bebo and he will post again reacting.
Anyway, If you just refrain from calling people idiots in future and then this will not happen again.
You need to look at things in context and if you have been around this thread and read the many years of posting Bebo has done, then you get to know him and know that if something seems to be abit out of order that he posts, then he is coming from a different angle and doesn't mean to offend.
Alot of people laugh at misfortune it is a way of dealing with situations and getting through rough times. My friend once fell down an esculator, when I found out he was ok then we all laughed about it, but I wouldn't want any of my friends to fall down an esculator.
Eboue is a character and alot of Arsenal fans liked him because of that, the throwing things at him was disgraceful and shouldn't be happening at all and should be acted upon severely. But there is something Basil Fawltyesque or Frank Spenceresque about the way Eboue holds himself and it can be a bit funny. I know this is where bebo was coming from.
Anyway,I wrote alot more than I wanted to do, people just need to chill out and relax abit and stop getting on their highhorse over things.
I hope Bebo doesn't respond to your post and we can just get on with things Arsenal

I know your a good guy PU6GHY so I don't want to attack you, but I just felt like I should explain. Hopefully you continue to post in this thread and just forget about what has happened and wipe the slate clean