Arsenal Thread


Lovin this kit, just splashed a shitload on a personalized white one too, would have prefered this one, anyone know where's the best place to snag one of these puppies online?
Nice interview with Aaron Ramsey here:

New boy Ramsey gunning to make opener

The best bit for me is this:

“I supported Manchester United as a youngster because they were on the TV the whole time and my footballing idol was Roy Keane,” Ramsey added. “But once I had spoken to Arsene Wenger, the way he described the Arsenal set-up and their plans for the future impressed me.

“I just had a gut instinct that the right move for me would be joining Arsenal. It was my decision.

“I thought about where the best place would be for me to develop as a player...and that was Arsenal.

He's a hero of mine already...;))
:LOL: Why would i be jealous all im saying it sounds a like a lie to me, If one of you had the choice to join Manchester United or Arsenal im pretty sure you'd join your boyhood club in Arsenal.
:LOL: Why would i be jealous all im saying it sounds a like a lie to me, If one of you had the choice to join Manchester United or Arsenal im pretty sure you'd join your boyhood club in Arsenal.
You've got a point there abt wanting to play for your childhood dream team,but as you grow older and perhaps wiser you begin to see better oppurtunites to acheive something...think the boy is getting his head around this fact.
You've got a point there abt wanting to play for your childhood dream team,but as you grow older and perhaps wiser you begin to see better oppurtunites to acheive something...think the boy is getting his head around this fact.

17 surely can`t be consider older now can it...he said a fan since they were always on tv perhaps he knew more about manutd then any other team ,so Im sure he`s not a fan thru-n-thru
As a child I used to support Kiddiminster Harriers and there was outrage when I went off and joined Forest Green Rovers.
Guys,we are into july and we don't seem to be in the running for any Defensive Midfeilders or Quality Center Backs....i am concerned at the thought of Senderos and Song defending for us,after what happend last season(apply's more to senderos).
Guys,we are into july and we don't seem to be in the running for any Defensive Midfeilders or Quality Center Backs....i am concerned at the thought of Senderos and Song defending for us,after what happend last season(apply's more to senderos).

Its true - it is worrying.

What is that Ruben De la Red Fellow? I thought he was a defensive midfielder?

Its meant to be us and Spurs After Him. Spurs :LOL:

It would be so funny if spurs came midtable again this season - I would laugh my bollucks off :LOL:

The Spurs fans are saying what they said last time - that they will get into the top 4 and will take our place etc etc.

Don't they learn from their mistakes and just shut the fuck up. Just because they have bought some decent players - it doesn't mean they will play well together. Spurs have a great track record of making good players complete crap!!

To be honest they have a great manager and he seems to be doing the right things - but I really don't know how a team can be so cocky after being so mediocre for Years and Years - They need a reality check.
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Hleb is 95% done deal to Barca it seems. Nasri slots straight into his position. Adebayor still could be off to Barca or Milan. Did you lot hear Wenger say that you lot will have to sell your best players every summer to pay for your stadium?! seems like this will be a common accurance for you lot unless you get a foreign owner.
You guys need a defensive midfielder, who's experienced, played in the big stage, and who is a natural leader. David Albelda immediately comes to mind. Knowing Wenger though, he'll probably buy Freddy Guarin or someone.
Hleb is 95% done deal to Barca it seems. Nasri slots straight into his position. Adebayor still could be off to Barca or Milan. Did you lot hear Wenger say that you lot will have to sell your best players every summer to pay for your stadium?! seems like this will be a common accurance for you lot unless you get a foreign owner.

I really doubt he said it - Apparently it was from a dubious source.

Why would Wenger openly come out with that? I think as soon as it was reported it was quickly dismissed as twisting of words.

We do not need a foreign owner - We are fine the way we are.

We want to keep Hleb and Adebayor - Its just they keep fucking us about and pissing and moaning thats why we are selling them - not because we need the money.

If someone gives us nearly £30mill for Adebayor - Then you would be hard pushed to find an arsenal supporter that would argue with that - especially with him and his agents being fucking pricks!!!
All we hear in the last few days is about players leaving Arsenal, nobody new joining. I'm very worried too :(

Here's hoping that they are doing things in a silent way like Fabuloso said before.
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