A Peep into my world...

New York is Gotham City as far as I know. Im sure Ive heard/seen someone call it that outside of the Batman world. Might even have been a news/info show. He was also even sitting on the Chrysler Building in the movie.
Oh right that makes sense then. Well the bit in The Dark Knight where he comes out of the batmobile on the motor bike and rides off is just like a part of Liberty City on GTA4.
Where are Dags's running man photo's...

Still waiting for them to appear on the Great Run website. I took a couple as I was running but they're pretty crap. I'll upload them anyway tonight and you can see for yourself.

When the Great Run website is done, I'll post a link here as the photos can't be linked it seems :(

Edit: Photos are now online but the site is being hammered and I can't get onto it :(
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A peep into my world

perfect baby boy 8lbs 8oz born 11.26am 28th may


was touch and go for a while, as his heart rate kept dropping but the doctors and my missus did a great job while i just watched it all unfold with my heart in my mouth (scarey shit)

should be taking them both home today :APPLAUD:
I just stumbled across this thread yesterday when I remembered that we aren't just FIFA/ProEvo robots - we do actually have lives too ;-p

So, spurred on by Bitter Rivals excellent news (congratulations mate!) so I thought I'd pipe up and show you where I'm sitting right now:

What I plan to be doing around half six tonight (playing footy with my son in my garden):

And then, due to arrive today (but who knows when?) is my new baby - this taken exactly one month ago:

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Lol - I'll have you know that within my various active internet (recreational) sites, oh and the local radio, I *do* have a couple of work-related screens open too!

But yes, Friday is casual day so with that the motivation levels slide down a touch ;-p
Congratulations. :TU: Awesome work. You'll be able to keep Nick company in the wee hours of Evo-Web now. :)
Cheers mate; no news yet. Really bored of waiting now!

i was the same, we went 7 days over

get your missus to eat some fresh pineapple, this helped induce labour for us

no joke (google it if you don't believe), only fresh works and she has to be ready or it won't work
7 days?? I've resigned myself to a week or maybe even two but I'm really surprised it's got this far.

We've tried all of the old wives tales - although I don't know if it was fresh pineapple on Friday; I'll ask her later.

But we've been for loads of walks over the weekend, curries, sex and then her sister told her how tweaking her (own) nipples brought labour on for her so well, even that has been tried.

(Although I must admit, as enjoyable as it was, I didn't see how playing with my sister-in-laws nipples helped my wife at all!!)
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