A Peep into my world...

Yeah but less than a year ago we were getting 2 yankee dollars to a pound, so it was happy days, everything was less than half price buying stuff there, now it's back to about 1.40 dollars to a quid
My girlfriend has just been to Chicago and said the prices are pretty much the same as here now, except alcohol. She said that's way more expensive at £6 for a single! :SHOCK:
Brian's hot American meat... :SHOCK:


Just needs some Baps...
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Well so far Ive bought 5 new pair of jeans (1 DKNY, 1 Guess, 1 CalvinKlein and 2 Levi's). All very cheap, $180 in total, would probably cost me $600 in NL :D. Food and stuff is the same as in NL, and euro designer clothes are the same or more expensive. So its mostly the US designers that you can get really good bargins on.

Another few pics (weather's been quite decent ;) ):




Did you get them from Publix?

nah becanes. I got ground meat, 2 eggs, italian bread crumbs, threw it all in a bowl, added some worchestore sauce, then i mixed it all together, made some patties. Then at the store you can find blue cheese slices and I just put the slices on the burgers.. perfection, and probably cheaper then buying the pre-made burgers
Rain makes me think, of happy places
squelchy shoes, and smiling faces
rain on my footy shirt, i was nine
blue and white stripes, like argentine
rain on my cat, with her im smitten
knifed by a chav, life in great britain
Tall, dark and hansom. Is that what women describe you as?

I think thats more the lighting :D But if you are getting into that direction after the "don't get women" thread you should really try Jay. Im sure he is more open, in more ways then one, to your advances ;)
Looks awesome, can't help but think of GTA now though when I see Times Square! You is lucky. I'd love to be able to go to NY.
Funny you say that, I was actually reminded of GTA a couple of times when walking through the city. They really got a lot spot on in terms of atmosphere and layout of the buildings and streets.
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