The Random Crap Thread

Hi @The Moroccan , I hope you and your loved ones are save and well healthy! Heard about that damn earthquake.

Thank you, mate! There is 0 casualties here in the northern regions Thank God, as the shockwave wasn't as strong as it was in the epicenter near Marrakesh, but sadly, more than 1000 people died, and more are yet to be found.

Thank you again, my friend! ❤️
Cheers lads, I live in a different part of the country so this does not affect me directly. The capital fairly close though and they will no doubt feel the gas pollution. But the Reykjanes peninsula has been active lately after a very long pause so people are learning to deal with it.
Hi fellas, something different to the topic and I was not sure if I make a new thread for this or post it here.

I had some thoughts in my mind today.
Short to me. I will be next year on july 40 years old. Thats one fact and a other one is, I have since the end of november don't play any game any second for xbox or pc.
I don't have the motivation to launch a game. But have great games in my libraries which not played yet or not so much played/finished.

I don't know why? In my freetime since this timespehere I listening music and watching some poor youtuber on YT playing their games. And every time or most of the time I think: why the fuck did you (the influencer) don't play better games which I like more? 😬

Is it because I see the "end" coming and will not be younger?

Any tips for better "stay young and keep on rocking the games" from you all?

How is it with you all? How old are you and have you all the same joy when playing games like when you was younger 10,15 or 20 years or so?
I invite you all to tell me here your opinion and tips/help.

Greetings and yes serious theme.
@Carles P. Retrogaming did it for me. :) I took a long hiatus from gaming, and then when I went back to it, I started playing the games that I played when I was a kid, those SNES, 90's PC classics, PSX, Arcade, and that hooked me back into it. It was kind of an unconscious choice, but replaying the games I played as a kid rekindled my love for gaming.. And then I discovered PES (I didn't play any PES until 2017, believe it or not), and I haven't looked back.

My suggestion is: Try replaying some old favorites, you might be surprised at how they can recreate the joy of childhood and give you a whole new perspective on gaming. I'm from your same generation, BTW. :TU:
retro or older but great games are the way to go buddy, im 10 years older than you and i still feel the magic when booting up an older game.
Havent really been able to put down The Witcher 3
@Carles P. Retrogaming did it for me. :) I took a long hiatus from gaming, and then when I went back to it, I started playing the games that I played when I was a kid, those SNES, 90's PC classics, PSX, Arcade, and that hooked me back into it. It was kind of an unconscious choice, but replaying the games I played as a kid rekindled my love for gaming.. And then I discovered PES (I didn't play any PES until 2017, believe it or not), and I haven't looked back.

My suggestion is: Try replaying some old favorites, you might be surprised at how they can recreate the joy of childhood and give you a whole new perspective on gaming. I'm from your same generation, BTW. :TU:
retro or older but great games are the way to go buddy, im 10 years older than you and i still feel the magic when booting up an older game.
Havent really been able to put down The Witcher 3
Thanks for reply mates!
Such a type of retro games, like SNES (16bit or something) isn't an option for me. To much nerdie for my cup of tea.

The Witcher 3 is one of my games I didn't touch since it is in my steam library. :D So I could try.
But you both remeber me of two great games from my childish time. Metal Gear Solid (can't sadly remeber which one) and Tomb Raider 2. Both have a remake or something.
Tomb Raider 2 last time I searched the xbox store I could not find the remake. And Metal Gear Solid (the remake from Konami) had very bad reviews.

But both games could be an option to try it out.

But if it not help?

Any other recomendations or tips?
I think this is almost a fool-proof formula, even if I mentioned it above: I'd say, take a game which you haven't played in a long while, but which you loved as a kid/teenager, and replay it, regardless of genre or era! :)

Jade Empire, Simcity 3000, and Metal Slug are the games that brought me back to gaming. You could also take a look at the hundreds of indie games being developed and see what strikes your fancy!
Thanks for reply mates!
Such a type of retro games, like SNES (16bit or something) isn't an option for me. To much nerdie for my cup of tea.

The Witcher 3 is one of my games I didn't touch since it is in my steam library. :D So I could try.
But you both remeber me of two great games from my childish time. Metal Gear Solid (can't sadly remeber which one) and Tomb Raider 2. Both have a remake or something.
Tomb Raider 2 last time I searched the xbox store I could not find the remake. And Metal Gear Solid (the remake from Konami) had very bad reviews.

But both games could be an option to try it out.

But if it not help?

Any other recomendations or tips?
Metal gear solid 2 is one of my favourites, not that long a go i played it either, think it was on game pass.
brilliant game
I hope the upcoming releases from Stalker 2 and the new thread I posted today in other games, gives me my motivation back.

Long time ago I launched my xbox series x and like I sayed I could not find TR 2 remaster in the store. Do someone know if it will released for xsx and when?
@Carles P. Hi Buddy, i may have missed it, but wondered how you are now after your operation? Hopefully you are feeling good. :TU:
Hi buddy, very kind to ask so thanks for that.

Only my bloodpresure needs to be better. But otherwise everything is ok for now. I have a meeting at the end of this month with a specialist doctor to talk about my bloodpresure.

Thanks Buzzy for asking. Very kind from you my buddy!
I hope you are well and healthy! 😗
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