eFootball (All Platforms)

Very sad. End of an era. To me PES won the era PS4 in terms of gameplay (but nothing close in terms of sells), lost on PS3 game after games > their fault, and it's not even out that we can guess they will be finally knocked out.

No alternative then (from what i heard, and said on the last line). But Don't tell me, from PS4 era "it's Konami, and only Konami's fault" then what about Liga, PL, all the fakes teams? Even with OF, it didn't selled. OF are annoying to install for much more people than you think. Konami as done very bad moves too, but there was too much restrictions, fakes stuffs etc.
Looks like they're completely lost in their own world it seems with their € money 1995-2000 promotion, or marketing part became all crazy.

Btw i don't give a f*** about the name, but the UI...

Everything as been said, and i brought a PS5 for it too. Very sad. It's to me super similar to any Fox Engine game. And i've heard "too fast" from FIFA beta and all + the new acceleration system etc. but overally the same as the last version i hated.
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I still can’t believe they dropped that
and now that shitty f2p... something is clearly wrong, did they change their project during the year or what ?
Nothing went wrong, this was their goal from the start. People assumed the move to Unreal was to make a next-gen game from the ground-up, when the reality was that it was meant to unify both console and mobile versions. They confirm as much in the IGN interview.

Posters in this very forum wrote as much when the open beta launched last month, but people didn't want to listen to it.
There had to be some secret super incredible next-gen version in the basement, or the open beta was just a server stress test, or whatever they deluded themselves into believing.
Even IF we could assume that all previous game modes will be available and that what was shown in the trailer wasn't the next gen gameplay (HUGE ask, I know), one of the reasons why we have all been attracted to PES in the past was because of the feeling of 'team football' - that we would rather construct a beautiful pass and move fluid team goal rather than dribble through 5 players doing rainbow flicks or whatnot.
This bizarre insistance on "1 v 1" just further drives home the fact that this series is well and truly finished.
Make the mobile version more optimized so that everyone(with low/high end device)can play pes in mobile.
Please add some more league+league players....
Make a feature of friendly Exivision match (Like Real Mardrid VS Barcalona/ Dortmund vs celtic /Random selection)
Pls add League Mode/WC mode😗
And Make update events like Fifa Mobile...Pes Mobile's Events are tooooooo much Boooooring😑..
· Reply · 57m

So much negativity in this comment section.."We want a new pes game"..and when they make a game..you start complaining and whining like kids..at least respect the effort of the developers..don't judge the game already..and if you don't like it..then no one is forcing you to play it..
· Reply · 35m

Please add live features when playing friendly matches.So,we can live stream eFootball competition.And then,eFootball™ will be more popular among live streams.
· Reply · 1h

This is the state of eFootball™, formerly known as PES. Indeed, these should be the top priorities for the series and football games in general.
This is why companies love whales.
the reality was that it was meant to unify both console and mobile versions.

Thankfully they released that beta and they even called it "a taste of the final game" so i was prepared for it, otherwise today's news would have been much more shocking to me.

But i must admit before that i wasn't expecting Pes to go free to play, at all.
Its not only sad enough to have a game thats is only a game mode for kids to enjoy their shit ultra assisted passing arcade gameplay that looks nothing like football, but the fact that a ps5/Pc/xsx player can play against a mobile user (with all respect) means that Konami has 0 ambition now for the franchise when It comes to advanced tech, physics and animations. Not even graphics look good as they could be
Maybe there is hope they sell franschise to someone else .... in two, three years, when they lose all possible licences.

Only a fool would give them exclusive licence now, maybe someone would even sue them for this. I doubt Barcelona and Juventus sold their exclusive rights for this.
Hope? I'm sorry, hope for what? Another greedy company getting their hands on the PES brand and repeat what Konami's been doing for the past 5-6 years?
For someone whose posts are usually essays... I don't think there's much that can be said.

Other than, genuinely - RIP PES.

I've bought you every year since I was a kid. You've been a part of my life for a very long time. You were the reason I joined this forum 18 years ago. You were the reason I came back every day. You were more than a guilty pleasure - more than a hobby, even. You were an obsession.

It is gut-wrenching in a very real way to see what they've done to you.

The one hope we had left, of a football game that tried to be a love-letter to the beautiful game, using all the power available to developers now... The reason why I bought next-gen hardware... The one hope I had.

Snuffed out like a candle, just like that - as they take your corpse, dress it in a unicorn suit and sell it to kids as a Fortnite replacement.

To the guys talking about the potential ML DLC and daring to hang onto a bit of hope - they say their focus is 1v1s in their own trailer, both "human v human" and tactically. Which is EXACTLY what FIFA are doing - they are copying every move they make - because that's what the kids want. No AI helping and "cheating".

Whatever they add to this will have online-focused AI, just like FIFA, and will be broken and awful to play vs the AI, just like FIFA is now.

If you want to play an ML, get yourself an emulator, get PES5 and do it - and don't look back.

How often have we said about PES in the past, "the king is back"?

The king is dead.
nothing to add here

Another really sad thing for me is that this is likely the death of two other communities (PEN and WAPES) – both leagues where we use customised teams. PEN uses Edit Mode and ML to create our teams and play with the team data option in friendly lobbies online in 1v1s, and WAPES uses BAL to create custom players (73/74 rated max) and then team play lobbies for 11v11. I'm really uncertain whether we'll even be able to do that going forward. Gutting.
For me it's blocked because I have an extension that stops the trackers from facebook, can you tell what does the post say?
Pes Dev Team Facebook Page

Hello, PES Fans!

Today we announced our newest football game: eFootball™
For further details on the game and a special movie, please check the official website:

We hope you enjoy eFootball™ as much as you loved PES!
Let's hope the gameplay is good. I'm all for cross platform play, as on a PC it can takes ages to get a match. The gras looked bad though. I do hope there will be offline modes though....

Not everyone has satisfaction of Going online to have to enjoy a "football" game, because Going online means playing against adults with kid mentality that wants to Win at all cost with ultra High assisted passing, ping pong forward passing with endless 1-2s, dumb kids that dont want You to breath have a Second on the ball.

Online gameplay is Just bad for anyone who enjoy having a match that resembles the real game a little bit.

We also want to play a 20min match and simulate an offline season with our favorite teams.

Fifa is the only option now. This is so Sad, sad to a point that even this pes forum section has no reason to exist.
99% of Facebook comments are negative. Good.
100% on Twitter is negative

Guys, thinking about it, i think this new direction will fail. Konami will see it as a sign that even as a free to play people don't want to play Pes anymore, so they will officially stop releasing football game content forever.

Right now Pes is dead to us as fans, in few year Pes will officially be dead for Konami too. At this point i'm just hoping that some other software house will come forward to try and fill that void.
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