eFootball PES 2020 Demo Discussion Thread (PS4/Xbox)

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If im wrong it will be huge licenses forward in Konami history. No Camp nou,Alianz Bayern and Allianz Juve + No Seria A in Fifa its like a dream not reality.
No it doesn't. I did not say that they would make it exclusive mate. So both could have the license for Serie A
I think that FIFA is partners with Bayer Leverkusen now, so unfortunately I think that Bayer Leverkusen will not be in PES20. So PES20 will probably have Schalke, Bayern, and one more team for Bundesliga. Maybe Liepzig?
People should complain because things deserve to be criticised. The only time people shouldn't complain is when something is literally perfect and thats never the case

But the problem is they always complain about everything and no game especially pes series is literally perfect. Every game has it flaws...

Sometimes i wonder if someone used too much complain, how did they enjoy the game ? why bother to buy new version of it if they finally know it will be the same thing over and over again ? I guess i never know :BLINK:

Anyway, i'm looking forward for eFootball PES 2020, can't wait to spend hours with my friends :))
Realistically, how many new leagues does everyone want to see in PES20?
I definitely expect at least three, pretty happy if it's three to five, very happy with five to seven, and extremely happy with seven or more.

Any less than three new leagues would be very disappointing for me and I'm excluding Serie A, Serie B, and the fake La Liga 123
Has there been a video of the CPU taking on a player 1v1 yet? Just wondering if that may have been addressed. Or is it still pass-pass-pass-shoot?
Yeah it has but they seem to lose the ball quite easily when attempting 1 on 1's.
But the positive is that they try to do it.
Maybe it will be polished more until release and they'll be able to dribble better on highest difficulties.
But the problem is they always complain about everything and no game especially pes series is literally perfect. Every game has it flaws...

Sometimes i wonder if someone used too much complain, how did they enjoy the game ? why bother to buy new version of it if they finally know it will be the same thing over and over again ? I guess i never know :BLINK:

Anyway, i'm looking forward for eFootball PES 2020, can't wait to spend hours with my friends :))

"Every game has its flaws" is not an argument, it's just a truism. The question is whether the flaws are game-breaking. Older PES games for example are flawed in a thousand different ways, but if you go back to them they still hold up well because the simplest things, the absolute basic bread and butter are done right. When low skilled defenders can make effortless bullet passes directly to the striker because the passing system is braindead and the midfield is non-existent then that's not worrying about small things. If that's worrying about small things then football games are just a green pitch with a round ball and 22 players, and everything else is just minor details by this logic.

Sure you can be happy with a game that is fundamentally broken, like someone who is completely ignorant about food can be happy with some reheated slop on a plate whereas a seasoned chef would vomit even looking at it.
But the problem is they always complain about everything and no game especially pes series is literally perfect. Every game has it flaws...

Sometimes i wonder if someone used too much complain, how did they enjoy the game ? why bother to buy new version of it if they finally know it will be the same thing over and over again ? I guess i never know :BLINK:

Anyway, i'm looking forward for eFootball PES 2020, can't wait to spend hours with my friends :))

We strive for a bigger better football computer game.

We are elitist.
"Every game has its flaws" is not an argument, it's just a truism. The question is whether the flaws are game-breaking. Older PES games for example are flawed in a thousand different ways, but if you go back to them they still hold up well because the simplest things, the absolute basic bread and butter are done right. When low skilled defenders can make effortless bullet passes directly to the striker because the passing system is braindead and the midfield is non-existent then that's not worrying about small things. If that's worrying about small things then football games are just a green pitch with a round ball and 22 players, and everything else is just minor details by this logic.

Sure you can be happy with a game that is fundamentally broken, like someone who is completely ignorant about food can be happy with some reheated slop on a plate whereas a seasoned chef would vomit even looking at it.

Afaik, an ignorant is a person who always stick to the past not even try for new things. besides. Broken according to who ? you or me ? :BLINK: I see nothing wrong about the game as long as i enjoy it and you can always stick to your "old version" of the game. In the end, people always have a choice.

We strive for a bigger better football computer game.

We are elitist.

Well, you think you're good enough maybe you can apply job to konami. And so called "elitist" can make this game even better ! am i right ? Here's the link :APPLAUD:


I think it's enough from me, any opinion from you guys i always respect that.
I definitely expect at least three, pretty happy if it's three to five, very happy with five to seven, and extremely happy with seven or more.

Any less than three new leagues would be very disappointing for me and I'm excluding Serie A, Serie B, and the fake La Liga 123
I doubt there will be any new leagues, seeing that they probably spent their budget on the partner clubs.
Career Mode still eclipses Master League for content though, even after years and years of neglect. That says a lot about Konami's efforts.

I actually found the Master League more interesting than Career Mode in 2019, simply because it was different to me. Certainly, on balance, CM has far more realistic and varied features and greater depth, but after [however many years since players attributes were hidden] years of CM being near enough the same I'm completely bored of it. Familiarity breeds contempt.
Can anybody please explain something to me? There's something that's been bugging me out for quite some time. It's a detail that has been presend back in PS2 era, I think, but now, when there's a need to create different custom scoreboards, it's just annoying (apart from not being able to change the fonts and the arrangement for the most part).
Here it is. If you zoom to the red line, you'll see it better. Why exactly are those letters missaligned vertically? And I think, the names of the teams are scuffed as well. I'm not even sure whether it's symmetrical at all! Why is this happening? Why can't we have nice scoreboards?

please, give me a scoreboard editor
Can anybody please explain something to me? There's something that's been bugging me out for quite some time. It's a detail that has been presend back in PS2 era, I think, but now, when there's a need to create different custom scoreboards, it's just annoying (apart from not being able to change the fonts and the arrangement for the most part).
View attachment 17536
Here it is. If you zoom to the red line, you'll see it better. Why exactly are those letters missaligned vertically? And I think, the names of the teams are scuffed as well. I'm not even sure whether it's symmetrical at all! Why is this happening? Why can't we have nice scoreboards?

please, give me a scoreboard editor

Pre-order cancelled :CENSOR:
I actually found the Master League more interesting than Career Mode in 2019, simply because it was different to me. Certainly, on balance, CM has far more realistic and varied features and greater depth, but after [however many years since players attributes were hidden] years of CM being near enough the same I'm completely bored of it. Familiarity breeds contempt.
True. I try and switch back to ML but I then miss the features I'm bored of, haha.

I'm a big fan of the training mini-games in CM. PES is missing a trick by not letting you actually play the training sessions.
"Every game has its flaws" is not an argument, it's just a truism. The question is whether the flaws are game-breaking. Older PES games for example are flawed in a thousand different ways, but if you go back to them they still hold up well because the simplest things, the absolute basic bread and butter are done right. When low skilled defenders can make effortless bullet passes directly to the striker because the passing system is braindead and the midfield is non-existent then that's not worrying about small things. If that's worrying about small things then football games are just a green pitch with a round ball and 22 players, and everything else is just minor details by this logic.

Sure you can be happy with a game that is fundamentally broken, like someone who is completely ignorant about food can be happy with some reheated slop on a plate whereas a seasoned chef would vomit even looking at it.

Pes 2019 is a nasty piece of work. The 2020 demo is going to have to be special to convince me - too many basic footballing fundamentals wrong with these modern pes games imo.
Konami have literally released a video showing the players with the Serie A badge on their sleeve as well as the scudetto on the shirt. It's licensed.

Then I hope they do somethign doo with it, like broadcast package, the official music during the player presentation, and I hope the Scudetto badge dynamically changing according in the ML according to who won it last season.

FIFA last year did absolutely fuck all with the Serie A license. They didn't even bother to create the official graphics.
Can anybody please explain something to me? There's something that's been bugging me out for quite some time. It's a detail that has been presend back in PS2 era, I think, but now, when there's a need to create different custom scoreboards, it's just annoying (apart from not being able to change the fonts and the arrangement for the most part).
View attachment 17536
Here it is. If you zoom to the red line, you'll see it better. Why exactly are those letters missaligned vertically? And I think, the names of the teams are scuffed as well. I'm not even sure whether it's symmetrical at all! Why is this happening? Why can't we have nice scoreboards?

please, give me a scoreboard editor
Wow.. i honestly dont know whats more astonishing - the fact that they are, indeed, vertically bolloxed, or the fact that you spotted it.. :LOL:
True. I try and switch back to ML but I then miss the features I'm bored of, haha.

I'm a big fan of the training mini-games in CM. PES is missing a trick by not letting you actually play the training sessions.

Again, just shows how hard it is to please people - I sim all training sessions and think they're a bit of a chore!

Thing is, because I'm a bit of a robot, I've developed a system to building a squad and scouting in FIFA. It's worked flawlessly in the past few years because the transfer and scouting system hasn't changed. And those pathetic negotiation cut scenes do not count.
Can anybody please explain something to me? There's something that's been bugging me out for quite some time. It's a detail that has been presend back in PS2 era, I think, but now, when there's a need to create different custom scoreboards, it's just annoying (apart from not being able to change the fonts and the arrangement for the most part).
View attachment 17536
Here it is. If you zoom to the red line, you'll see it better. Why exactly are those letters missaligned vertically? And I think, the names of the teams are scuffed as well. I'm not even sure whether it's symmetrical at all! Why is this happening? Why can't we have nice scoreboards?

please, give me a scoreboard editor

Think this is fascinating as it shows how diverse the community is in terms of what's important.
Wow.. i honestly dont know whats more astonishing - the fact that they are, indeed, vertically bolloxed, or the fact that you spotted it.. :LOL:
Think this is fascinating as it shows how diverse the community is in terms of what's important.
Pre-order cancelled :CENSOR:
Well, I am taking nitpicking to the extreme, I admit, and the discrepancies are minimal (the difference is less than 5 pixels in all cases, it seems), but they are everywhere in their scoreboard graphic design. And it becomes more visible when modded scoreboards come to play (hell, the official AFCCL scoreboard in-game uses the same messy format the modders use). Using a misaligned font just seems amateurish to me when you're pairing it with more moden design.

But I'll admit, I'm biased, years of working in graphic design changed me and I have a unhealthy deviation regarding such things. (and yet, i'm not the one to complain about the baggy shirts)

Anyway, if there are modders working on modded scoreboards and interface elements I'm open for cooperation offers for 2020. Just PM me. :BLEH:
I want to use two print screens I took from a pes2020 to highlight a big issue with football games these days and why PES hás been so low iq and depressing.

Look at the First pic below. If You were the one with a controlar playing as Bayern, answers me honestly, to whom You would pass the ball ?


With a quick contextual analysis, I personally would pass the ball into space for my left wing to run as theres a HUGE Free space avaliable for him to run without any defender in between.

The other option would be passing the ball direct to the attacker, but since there are two Defenders in between the ball and the attacker, It would be extremely unlikely that the ball would reach my attacker without being deviated somehow, wich could bê a wasting opportunity, specially considering that the Bayern player is almost at Full Sprint with the ball under possession wich makes It even harder to adjust the body for a perfect pass.

The problem is that the ball physics seem to be manipulated in a way that the ball tracjetory is UNREACHABLE for the defenders, It rounds them and reachs the attacker perfectly to get into opponent area and shoot. See:


The game is constantly rewarding this Blind forward passing mentality that does not take contextual into account. It doesnt matter If there are players in between the ball and the attacker that could potentielly intercept the pass, countless times the ball tracjetory is manipulated in a way that makes It unreachable for the defenders, Rounding the whole defence perfectly and reaching attacker feet perfectly.
I like PES more than FIFA, but I would love to have dribbling and skills more effective in PES. Something that even FIFA 17 had:

these goals are absolutely pathetic to me because i know the difficulty of scoring them is nowhere near what it should be. i mean most of these should not even be possible

I wouldn't mind roy hudson commentating in a footy game though. at least it would provide some humour lol
The problem is that the ball physics seem to be manipulated in a way that the ball tracjetory is UNREACHABLE for the defenders, It rounds them and reachs the attacker perfectly to get into opponent area and shoot. See:
The game is constantly rewarding this Blind forward passing mentality that does not take contextual into account. It doesnt matter If there are players in between the ball and the attacker that could potentielly intercept the pass, countless times the ball tracjetory is manipulated in a way that makes It unreachable for the defenders, Rounding the whole defence perfectly and reaching attacker feet perfectly.

I agree that passing is farr too assisted

but in this situation youre better off dribbling to the left to make some space and then passing through the centre.

it's already a 4v2 in the advanced centre of the pitch, theres no need to pass it to the player who is far behind in the left back position, that would only slow your attack down and give the opposition time to regain shape
I want to use two print screens I took from a pes2020 to highlight a big issue with football games these days and why PES hás been so low iq and depressing.

Look at the First pic below. If You were the one with a controlar playing as Bayern, answers me honestly, to whom You would pass the ball ?


With a quick contextual analysis, I personally would pass the ball into space for my left wing to run as theres a HUGE Free space avaliable for him to run without any defender in between.

The other option would be passing the ball direct to the attacker, but since there are two Defenders in between the ball and the attacker, It would be extremely unlikely that the ball would reach my attacker without being deviated somehow, wich could bê a wasting opportunity, specially considering that the Bayern player is almost at Full Sprint with the ball under possession wich makes It even harder to adjust the body for a perfect pass.

The problem is that the ball physics seem to be manipulated in a way that the ball tracjetory is UNREACHABLE for the defenders, It rounds them and reachs the attacker perfectly to get into opponent area and shoot. See:


The game is constantly rewarding this Blind forward passing mentality that does not take contextual into account. It doesnt matter If there are players in between the ball and the attacker that could potentielly intercept the pass, countless times the ball tracjetory is manipulated in a way that makes It unreachable for the defenders, Rounding the whole defence perfectly and reaching attacker feet perfectly.

As long as scripting is in the game, those weird gameplay problems will remain
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