PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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The window that comes up when the option file is being loaded would look poor for a PS1

Played a few games this morning using teams from all over the place. There is a massive difference in game play between the very top teams and even just the teams slightly behind them.

I tried Benfica, Porto, and Arsenal and they seemed really sluggish. Tried Chelsea and Man City and the pace and response seemed to givme amuch more enjoyable experience

This used to be how the game was years ago. I know people individuality to come through, but the majority of people playing in their home country with their team will be getting a game that feels very unresponsive with defenders that react terribly and towards that cannot hold a ball up or beat people

I agree, I was Nantes and it was impossible to score in ML. Now I'm Napoli and scoring once a game
I tried about 20 in training and many before that and I have never hit one, switched to manual or basic and hit them every time. Do you play on the PS3?

Excellent! This is working, thankyou. The only problem I have with the shooting now is that I hit the crossbar an inordinate amount of times.

Don't keep pushing the left stick towards goal, it sends the shot higher. If anything, pull the stick slightly away from goal after hitting the shot button to keep the shot down.

There's a post over on the WENB site forums explaining advanced shooting in more detail:
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Ok, I've come to a very quick conclusion on this.

Used spurs vs Barca in a friendly 10 minutes, after just 3 ingame minutes i had easily scored, i quit the game after 20 it was clearly piss easy.


Then after did a match, me as Spurs again vs Real Madrid, much much harder, went 1-0 down after 10 ingame minutes.

There was the conclusion. Barcelona's tactics like i said even before doing the test are crap and they are easy to play against on Top Player and Professional!

Don't judge professional on just Barcelona alone. The game seems easier vs teams that use possession game and harder vs long ball and quick counter.

The problem is, it's on Firepatch and they set up Barcelona tactics to replicate their rl counterparts.

However, we must wait for Editor to make Global Edits... I believe this is one of the ways to fix a LOT of problems KONAMI has with settings players/teams :(.

...Was just in the dribble training mode (basic) and finally found out how to kick the ball further ahead (similar to ps2's r1+r2 diagonal), hence allowing player to run faster with the ball (ill tell how in a minute)..

Firstly you have the normal dash (hold r1) which sprints with ball about 1/2m-1m ahead of player.

Then you have the double dash (r1 tapped quickly twice), which kicks the ball out in front about 2m. Great when running slow, then suddenly changing direction with the quick r1x2 for the burst of speed past the player. And this is what I also used for the quick sprint once I got past a player with no one ahead of me, ie. r1 x 2 just before I got to ball -continuously to sprint. However defenders still catch up quickly... so I was looking for a method where you can kick the ball further ahead...

Now here it is..

When you are sprinting, do this in between kicking the ball forward, ie. before you reach the ball: r1 x 2 + r3 (and hold it down). Not all at once, but consecutively, ie. double tap of the r1 followed by pressing down the right stick and then holding this button down. Do this inbetween every ball touch. Try it. It knocks the ball ahead about 3-4 meters. And whats great about this is the fact that you can keep this up while changing direction..

Also its much better than the simple r1x2 burst speed... ie.. do the slow dribble one direction, and then quickly do the r1x2+r3(click and hold) to a direction of 45-90 degrees left or right of the original direction. Its amazing.. its a change of direction at speed as well as knocking ball fwd about 3-4m instead of the normal r1x2 being approx. 2m.

Not sure if this fixes catch up bug as I haven't tried this in a match.. only at training. oh and I did this on the pc mode, but im sure itll work for the ps3 mode.. ill try that later tonight. Ill try posting some videos if I can

Let me know what you think
Steve from Australia (btw.. in Australia JB and EB get the game on 3rd Oct, ie its not even out yet. I bought both an authentic pc and ps3 version from an online aussie ebay store, and got it last Monday 23 one of the lucky few in Australia who actually have this brilliant game )
Tried setting Barca's player support low but what happens instead is that when Neymar/Messi gets space or 1 on 1 against the keeper they just stop running suddenly and use tricks or pass the ball instead. Maybe its bugged that way. xD
I tried about 20 in training and many before that and I have never hit one, switched to manual or basic and hit them every time. Do you play on the PS3?

Excellent! This is working, thankyou. The only problem I have with the shooting now is that I hit the crossbar an inordinate amount of times.

Yea, I seem to be hitting the frame of the goal, which sounds a bit like bamboo, an unusual amount of times too, both during training and proper games.
Three things which I personally think need sothing doing about.

1. Doing a great through ball and the guy who passed it gets tackled. Reffere says free-kick instead of continuing the play (Chance of a goal).

2. Players slowing down when there about to get the ball from a through ball pass or running with defenders behind them.

3. CPU controlling the guy you are when the opponent does a through ball. Most of the times I mark the man near the box, then all of a sudden the CPU controls who I was controlling and he goes to the guy with the ball making for an easy pass + goal.

Thats about it gameplay wise. The other problems is just online related (Slow speed + slow responce from players)
The problem is, it's on Firepatch and they set up Barcelona tactics to replicate their rl counterparts.

However, we must wait for Editor to make Global Edits... I believe this is one of the ways to fix a LOT of problems KONAMI has with settings players/teams :(.

Well they failed very badly if they tried that, i don't think they tired at all, its the same as default they just changed a few personnel.

I've started doing tactics and I've managed to get Barca to dominate the ball on professional to the extent they have 70% possession against me, even using 2 bar passing, basic shooting and through ball.

The issue was every team which has has possession game just stands off, 15 for pressure isn't enough and they just watch you play through

I'll post them later.
Well they failed very badly if they tried that, i don't think they tired at all, its the same as default they just changed a few personnel.

I've started doing tactics and I've managed to get Barca to dominate the ball on professional to the extent they have 70% possession against me, even using 2 bar passing, basic shooting and through ball.

The issue was every team which has has possession game just stands off, 15 for pressure isn't enough and they just watch you play through

I'll post them later.

Klash, can you do a few generic ones for us to test out?
Klash, can you do a few generic ones for us to test out?

I'd need to test like crazy because after October 7 I may well not be able to play the game until Christmas. Moving across the world and i can't take my PC, need to buy a new laptop that plays PES well on it and most importantly above everything a Laptop that can handle graphics.
Anyone has any info whether the next patch would fix the slowdowns offline on ps3? This occurs slightly even with gamedata installed. Are konami or Adam aware of the ps3 offline issue?

...Was just in the dribble training mode (basic) and finally found out how to kick the ball further ahead (similar to ps2's r1+r2 diagonal), hence allowing player to run faster with the ball (ill tell how in a minute)..

Firstly you have the normal dash (hold r1) which sprints with ball about 1/2m-1m ahead of player.

Then you have the double dash (r1 tapped quickly twice), which kicks the ball out in front about 2m. Great when running slow, then suddenly changing direction with the quick r1x2 for the burst of speed past the player. And this is what I also used for the quick sprint once I got past a player with no one ahead of me, ie. r1 x 2 just before I got to ball -continuously to sprint. However defenders still catch up quickly... so I was looking for a method where you can kick the ball further ahead...

Now here it is..

When you are sprinting, do this in between kicking the ball forward, ie. before you reach the ball: r1 x 2 + r3 (and hold it down). Not all at once, but consecutively, ie. double tap of the r1 followed by pressing down the right stick and then holding this button down. Do this inbetween every ball touch. Try it. It knocks the ball ahead about 3-4 meters. And whats great about this is the fact that you can keep this up while changing direction..

Also its much better than the simple r1x2 burst speed... ie.. do the slow dribble one direction, and then quickly do the r1x2+r3(click and hold) to a direction of 45-90 degrees left or right of the original direction. Its amazing.. its a change of direction at speed as well as knocking ball fwd about 3-4m instead of the normal r1x2 being approx. 2m.

Not sure if this fixes catch up bug as I haven't tried this in a match.. only at training. oh and I did this on the pc mode, but im sure itll work for the ps3 mode.. ill try that later tonight. Ill try posting some videos if I can

Let me know what you think
Steve from Australia (btw.. in Australia JB and EB get the game on 3rd Oct, ie its not even out yet. I bought both an authentic pc and ps3 version from an online aussie ebay store, and got it last Monday 23 one of the lucky few in Australia who actually have this brilliant game )

You're 1 week too late.
Well they failed very badly if they tried that, i don't think they tired at all, its the same as default they just changed a few personnel.

I've started doing tactics and I've managed to get Barca to dominate the ball on professional to the extent they have 70% possession against me, even using 2 bar passing, basic shooting and through ball.

The issue was every team which has has possession game just stands off, 15 for pressure isn't enough and they just watch you play through

I'll post them later.

I beat Barcelona 1-0 with Tottenham through a counter attacking goal late in the game on Professional, 2 bar passing. Barcelona had most of the possession and dominated.
Seriously this game on Prepatch v1.00 Superstar is amazing. Playing on 1.00 the last few days has been such a joy compared to when I started after the update. This really should be brought to people's attention because perhaps many are missing out.

There are issues, but if Konami could just discard the 1.01 version and just fix minor things on 1.00, this game has incredible potential.

The variety of the play is just awesome. The CPU will actually possess for long spells whenever they are a possession oriented team that is superior to mine. Likewise weaker teams will sit back and are much easier to play out of the back against (long ball setting for CPU), but are very difficult to break down and can cause problems on the break. The counters are far more realistic where the CPU actually misses passes when playing quickly.

Version 1.01 always feels like the same game on Superstar. The CPU is so overpowering and offensively oriented while my player leave huge gaps which make the CPU counters feel cheap. Also the backline issue where my CPU controlled player will follow their man deep into my box is far far less pronounced on 1.00. This can be easily dealt with by just tapping the d-pad back to realign the backline when the CPU has the ball. Having the tactical offside setting set to on works well too.

It isn't often I'll see a CPU player just breaking into by end without being dealt with.

Too bad playing on 1.00 will mean doing all the roster work myself, but it is WELL worth it!
Seriously this game on Prepatch v1.00 Superstar is amazing. Playing on 1.00 the last few days has been such a joy compared to when I started after the update. This really should be brought to people's attention because perhaps many are missing out.

There are issues, but if Konami could just discard the 1.01 version and just fix minor things on 1.00, this game has incredible potential.

The variety of the play is just awesome. The CPU will actually possess for long spells whenever they are a possession oriented team that is superior to mine. Likewise weaker teams will sit back and are much easier to play out of the back against (long ball setting for CPU), but are very difficult to break down and can cause problems on the break. The counters are far more realistic where the CPU actually misses passes when playing quickly.

Version 1.01 always feels like the same game on Superstar. The CPU is so overpowering and offensively oriented while my player leave huge gaps which make the CPU counters feel cheap. Also the backline issue where my CPU controlled player will follow their man deep into my box is far far less pronounced on 1.00. This can be easily dealt with by just tapping the d-pad back to realign the backline when the CPU has the ball. Having the tactical offside setting set to on works well too.

It isn't often I'll see a CPU player just breaking into by end without being dealt with.

Too bad playing on 1.00 will mean doing all the roster work myself, but it is WELL worth it!


thought I was the only one who believed 1.0 was better.
1.00 peso - inertia, no constant pressure, team play
1.1 All teams play the same way, remember pes 2013

try 1.0

thought I was the only one who believed 1.0 was better.
1.00 peso - inertia, no constant pressure, team play
1.1 All teams play the same way, remember pes 2013

try 1.0

No, you are not the only one. I'm actually glad to know I'm not the only one :) I can't scarify Version 1.0 even if it means no option files and updates... unless they revert back to the game play of version 1.0 on their next update in Nov.
Seriously this game on Prepatch v1.00 Superstar is amazing. Playing on 1.00 the last few days has been such a joy compared to when I started after the update. This really should be brought to people's attention because perhaps many are missing out.

There are issues, but if Konami could just discard the 1.01 version and just fix minor things on 1.00, this game has incredible potential.

The variety of the play is just awesome. The CPU will actually possess for long spells whenever they are a possession oriented team that is superior to mine. Likewise weaker teams will sit back and are much easier to play out of the back against (long ball setting for CPU), but are very difficult to break down and can cause problems on the break. The counters are far more realistic where the CPU actually misses passes when playing quickly.

Version 1.01 always feels like the same game on Superstar. The CPU is so overpowering and offensively oriented while my player leave huge gaps which make the CPU counters feel cheap. Also the backline issue where my CPU controlled player will follow their man deep into my box is far far less pronounced on 1.00. This can be easily dealt with by just tapping the d-pad back to realign the backline when the CPU has the ball. Having the tactical offside setting set to on works well too.

It isn't often I'll see a CPU player just breaking into by end without being dealt with.

Too bad playing on 1.00 will mean doing all the roster work myself, but it is WELL worth it!

Mate, where did you get the xbox OF?

It's PC version mate.

BTW who said that 1.01 patch bringed a gameplay fix? It was only to activate the online functionalities of the game, Nothing more.

Stop with the nonsense placebo patch syndrome. :RANT:
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Funny, last few days people bashed the game as being total crap and broken and now today people actually like it . Now i see Comments like "The best soccer game ever". Damn , so which one is it? I still don't know if I should pick up the game or not. I am a fan since pes 3 and I have every single one until 2014 but with all this negativity lately I don't want to buy a broken game. So again which one is it? Should I buy it or not. Help. I am on ps 3
Please no advice to buy FIFA 14 . I just can't stand FIFA , last good FIFA game was road to World Cup 98.
Funny, last few days people bashed the game as being total crap and broken and now today people actually like it . Now i see Comments like "The best soccer game ever". Damn , so which one is it? I still don't know if I should pick up the game or not. I am a fan since pes 3 and I have every single one until 2014 but with all this negativity lately I don't want to buy a broken game. So again which one is it? Should I buy it or not. Help. I am on ps 3
Please no advice to buy FIFA 14 . I just can't stand FIFA , last good FIFA game was road to World Cup 98.

i could not in good conscience recommend the game. out of the box the gameplay is good but dodgy. goals are not PES spectacular. but iam enjoying the stripped down ML.
i could not in good conscience recommend the game. out of the box the gameplay is good but dodgy. goals are not PES spectacular. but iam enjoying the stripped down ML.


I was about to purchase a game on release date here in canada but got very busy and i did not have time to go to the store. Then after few days negative comments started flowing. I am just sick to buy every pes since 2008 and after just few weeks stop playing altogether. I had high hopes for 2014 but now I am confused , buy or not to buy. I don't play games except for pes which is my guilty pleasure. I just want to replicate some what the feeling of pes 6 which had me chained for whole year. I have ps3 and I am also hearing that the game runs terrible on ps 3 vs Xbox. I don't expect perfection but fun and challenging game. I don't want to be frustrated with game braking bugs.
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