World Cup 2010 - England Thread

i cant understand england fans...the boos.. i feel sorry for the players but it surprised me...they need much the support, nothing else...but with booing, they wont help them.
england supportes of clubs are among the best in world...

today as we see, the world cup teams mostly play tactical footbal, lots of defending, occasionaly attacking football...

even Spain paid for tring to play with attack :(

and it surprises me that the so called best fans of football booed their own players...i mean it is world cup...whole world watching..

i know the play was not what they expected..but booing wont cheer the can be the oposite.....
Can't expect anything else, fans have paid a lot of money to go and watch a half hearted effort..

What are they supposed to do, cheer?...

As hard as it sounds Nick, they should cheer no matter what. You want the boys to know that the fans will always be there behind them no matter what the result is.
If you ranked as high and have arguably the top league in the world you deserve to be booed off the field after that showing.
Rooney should be humble and apologise for playing so shit. But hey the cheque is in and that's all that matters.
england supportes of clubs are among the best in world...

today as we see, the world cup teams mostly play tactical footbal, lots of defending, occasionaly attacking football...

even Spain paid for tring to play with attack :(

and it surprises me that the so called best fans of football booed their own players...i mean it is world cup...whole world watching..

i know the play was not what they expected..but booing wont cheer the can be the oposite.....

PIPA every fan of his team or club are the best. The small group of Slovenes who turned up are the best so are those of the Blue Samurai. They are all special.

And fans have paid enormous sums of money to watch that rubbish. These players are on enormous wages yet some can barely control the ball, have no imagination or vision.

They treat fans like dirt. It's a long time since players could relate to fans.

They deserve to be booed and pilloried. And being chav's like Terry for the most part they deserve it even more.

Looks like the FA have a penchant for wasting money. Everything they touch turn's to dust.
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Let's just hope Prince William can put a good performance in tonight at a gala dinner with the FIFA to get the 2018 hostnation bid.

Otherwise England might not be able to qualify. This is supposed to be the golden generation, most of the players are now late twenties or in their 30-ties. In 8 years time very few will even be in the team, but who will?! How many of the top clubs can name a few really good english players that are about 20 y.o.?! And at that age they should be playing in the first team quite often.
Joe Cole needs to start every game.

Capello is tactically negligent.
It's almost unbelievable. 4-4-2 just won't work at the World Cup regardless of how qualifying went. Even against Japan, Cole came on, England played miles better and then went back to 4-4-2 and were rubbish.

If Heskey isn't dropped and Cole isn't brought in and we don't qualify, they're really gonna need to grill Capello.
Jesus that was a bad performance against one of the weakest teams of the WC.
Yes, Algeria are tecnically better than England, but they could play weaks of "attractive" football without scoring a goal. Football is about goals in the end.

About the fans and the players: they are both extremely spoiled and blasé (this is French, it's the best word to describe my feeling). The premiership is like one of those movie western towns, it looks good but behind a beautifull front there is nothing...

All the money involved in English football is negative in the long term. No one cares about the grass roots of the game. This is the last "big" generation of English football...after this generation there are not enough talents.

People here blame individual players or Capello, they are wrong. English football need a very fundamental overhaul. The so called goalkeeper problem is a good illustration for the problems of English players. England has two great young keepers: Hart and Foster (yes Foster). Joe Hart only became excellent after leaving a big club and Foster went too soon to a big club. Big clubs buy all the promising players but they are not patient enough with them. If Foster woulld have gone to a club outside the big four, he would have been the undisputed number one in England now. If Hart would have stayed with City, he would have been 4th keeper.

But all in all i think England will go through and then everything will be possible. There is still a big possibility that they can win the WC, because teams that win WC's are usually very, vey bad in the group stage and become better. Problem is England winning the WC, what a message would that be for world football...despite the Premiership being the strongest league in the world, English football is not the best example foor world football: overpaid and spoiled players who are arrogant and behave like spoiled brats, no attention for grass roots football, no attention for young players, too many foreigners, big clubs who spend tons of money and who are in reality loosing money, foreign owners who don't give a damn about football.

Most people couldn't care the least i know, but England winning the WC would be bad for world football.

And this is written by a continental who loves English football.
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Franz Beckenbauer was right about England and English football.

It's a bleak future indeed. While the Premier League's only concerns are making money, foreign players and short-termism, the biggest casualty will always be the England team.
Franz Beckenbauer was right about England and English football.

It's a bleak future indeed. While the Premier League's only concerns are making money, foreign players and short-termism, the biggest casualty will always be the England team.

If Connor Wickham goes to Tottenham he'll end up wasted.

Was the Premiership not created in 1992 to improve the national team and get more funds through infamous trickle down economics to the rest of the pyramid /

Lies. All it has ever been is getting more money and power into the hands of a few select clubs.
On the bright side, when England fail to get out of the groupstage next week the FIFA WC game will then surely start to go cheap with a lot of pre-owned going on to the market.
Well that was pretty terrible. That said, I honestly believe England have been fairly unlucky with injuries, and just two of them may have ruined the system Capello set up to play with.

They are Ferdinand and Barry/Hargreaves.

With Carragher and Terry in defence we have two 'footballers' that have as much passing skill as I do, and whose immediate thought upon receiving the ball appears to be 'who is behind me so I can get rid of this damn thing'. It's just amazingly poor. How hard can it be for the two of them to pick out Rooney, Gerrard or Lampard, who spent half the match showing for the ball in about 6 yards of space no more than 20 yards away? Instead it's pass between us, pass it back. Ok, Algeria, you guys all ready to defend now? Well organised and back in numbers? Great, okay, here you go Jamesy hoof it up now that they're already. The pure stupidity of it riles me.

I know there aren't that many Ferdinand lovers out there, but he adds a entirely new dimension - the ability to actually pass to a team-mate who isn't behind him from defence.

And that brings me onto Barry. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt because he hasn't played in a few months - but what the f*ck was that? It's not really worth coming and taking the ball off of the defence if all you're going to do is give it back to them or pass it straight to the opposition. He was in the 'pendulum' position - the one controlling the tempo. And he was absolutely awful. Why Carrick didn't come on I have no idea. It is impossible that he could offered less than Barry in that role, even in the form he's in.

At this stage I see no harm in taking off Rooney and Heskey and sticking Crouch and Defoe up together. They play well with each other, create chances and it gives us an idea of what to do with the ball. Even if we are straight back to hoofing it at the big man.

Algeria were at best tidy and at worst incredibly unambitious. As a United fan I know more than enough about teams showing up with the highest hope of a 0-0 and that's what Algeria did. Also some quality time wasting from the kick off in the second half. I don't totally understand the mindset - they're just as screwed now as England. Why not have a go? Is the best you can hope for from a tournament really elimination without embarassment? Against an England playing that badly?

Capello gets a lot of credit but there is simply no logic in his substitutions so far in this tournament. They've been too late and haven't addressed the actual problems on the pitch. It's not about having a plan B, England don't even have a plan A at the moment.
It's hardly surprising there are always nerves in the England team, when the players can go from heroes to villains so quickly.

I'm mainly worried by how tired the players looked, people have been saying they weren't giving 100%, well I didn't look like they had 100% to give anyway, more like 80%.

Also, what role was Gerrard playing exactly? I keep being told he was playing on the left, but seemed more like he was roaming about the pitch, rarely saw him on the left to be honest, Lennon and SWP were there more often.
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I understand that the fans are paing lots of money to travel..but then again, i dont think in any other country the media are the same as in England..the expectations in this country are massive, i was there and i remember after Euro 2004 there was hundrets of realy negative articles on every player, coaches...etc. This is a sign of how England fans are today.. they realy WANT to prove they are best. The Premier league is the so called BEST league in world...but the other side of this is minimum english players playing in top clubs.. overall minimum england players playing in the whole Premier league..comparing to Bundesliga, or Seria A..

i think FA should do something before the england next generation will be choosed from bench big teams..

But as i said, no matter what happend, media will be always ready to kill england players for long time..after every single fail...
I agree, booing achieves the square root of fuck all, it just distances the players from the fans further. The player's knew they were shit, they need the fans behind them not against them.

We were good in qualifying, demolishing Croatia home and away and we've beaten Germany recently so that suggests these performances are a result of mental issues, not just that we're crap. The players are visibly nervous and scared, probably due to the vilification and all the rest of it that will undoubtedly follow.

That's the worst I've ever seen Rooney play, it was like he had bricks for feet, he couldn't control anything. Gerrard was dire offering Ashley Cole no support and getting in Lampard's way by constantly cutting in. Lampard was poor anyway with no room to work in and playing with no imagination and poor passing. Johnson was useless and so was Lennon, who's pace might have been useful if he didn't run straight into Algeria defenders.

David James is the only one who played alright.

Carragher is now suspended so we'll play our 5th choice centre back, Upson or Dawson.
Were fucked really, Capello would need to change a lot and he won't. About the future if im being honest we have a few really talented players coming through.

About The Boo's, I agree with Rooney 100%, If your paying that much to go to South Africa then you must have huge passion for the team your supporting. I don't unfortunetly have the passion for England so I wouldn't go that far to watch them play but I'd NEVER in a millions years boo United, The fans should support the team unconditionally and it doesn't help at all if your booing your own team.

Hart, Adam Johnson, Wilshire, Rodwell, Smalling, Walcott and more senior players like Rooney we've got a potential bunch that can atleast pass the ball. :))
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If Connor Wickham goes to Tottenham he'll end up wasted.

As an Ipswich fan that's my fear. Wickham is a very bright prospect but he needs to be playing regular football and I want to see him develop at my club. The big clubs shouldn't be hoovering up the best young talent only to sit them on the bench. English football is going nowhere.
They mentioned Gerrards wandering on the BBC coverage of the Ghana game too, just reaffirms to me, that we need to play Joe Cole on the left, if we're going to play 4-4-2, we at least need some balance.

Rooney possibly being injured was mentioned, might just be an excuse for his poor performance, but i'm sure I saw him hopping a couple times because of his ankle.
I've never liked Gerrard for England, he seems incapable of playing a position and instead tries to be everywhere, Roy of the Rovers style. If England are to persist with 4-4-2 I would drop Gerrard and play Lampard and Barry in the centre as I think they are more disciplined in playing a defined role. Joe Cole must start as he's the only true creative spark we have. I'd let him switch between either flank to keep the opposition on their toes. But to be honest I'd like to see England be more adventurous against Slovenia and play 4-3-3.
I understand that the fans are paing lots of money to travel..but then again, i dont think in any other country the media are the same as in England..the expectations in this country are massive, i was there and i remember after Euro 2004 there was hundrets of realy negative articles on every player, coaches...etc. This is a sign of how England fans are today.. they realy WANT to prove they are best. The Premier league is the so called BEST league in world...but the other side of this is minimum english players playing in top clubs.. overall minimum england players playing in the whole Premier league..comparing to Bundesliga, or Seria A..

i think FA should do something before the england next generation will be choosed from bench big teams..

But as i said, no matter what happend, media will be always ready to kill england players for long time..after every single fail...

Inter milan diddnt have a single italian player in a lot of their matches.

Plus the reason why the top teams dont invest in english players is because they are too fucking expensive.

30m for bent? 30m for milner? When the likes of C ronaldo, nasri, drogba etc etc all costing peanuts.

what the hell do you expect the top sides to do? spend double the amount on an inferior player? Do you realize how much walcott cost arsenal? he cost us over 10m at the age of 16. 10 fucking million for a 16 year old!

And you wonder why wenger and others dont buy english players.
yes right, i mean whole Seria A compared to EPL.. have much more Italian born players overall..

about the prize of England players, that is true, but this is not the problem, problem is that there is not to many TOP CLASS talents to choose from.. comparing of the quality of other countries..France, Spain for example..or even Italy..
Were fucked really, Capello would need to change a lot and he won't. About the future if im being honest we have a few really talented players coming through.

About The Boo's, I agree with Rooney 100%, If your paying that much to go to South Africa then you must have huge passion for the team your supporting. I don't unfortunetly have the passion for England so I wouldn't go that far to watch them play but I'd NEVER in a millions years boo United, The fans should support the team unconditionally and it doesn't help at all if your booing your own team.

Hart, Adam Johnson, Wilshire, Rodwell, Smalling, Walcott and more senior players like Rooney we've got a potential bunch that can atleast pass the ball. :))

i disagree. like others have said, they have wasted their money to see england play and last night we was TERRIBLE. Its perfectly fine to slag off a team you support. Even garath barry said how they deserved to be booed as so does many neutrals. i guess there is no definet right or wrong in this scenario but let me tell you whats definitely wrong, Rooeny mouthing off about it. totally out of order regardless.

i don't see how you and jumbo(both man united fans ) can say it was ok to say that in public. its showing how immature and stupid he is just like the fans booing them(from your view of booing fans = wrong)

He was wrong to publicity attack the fans. what a fat chav.
Yeah, look down the rest of Serie A and teams are packed with Italian players. Same in La Liga.

Look at the Premier League and even teams like Portsmouth, Wigan & West Ham are packed with foreigners.

I agree that young English players are too expensive, but it's because the wealth in the Premier League doesn't filter down to the football league. The small clubs are not going to let their best assets go to the much wealthier Premier League clubs for nothing. They're just trying to get a piece of the action.
30m for bent? 30m for milner? When the likes of C ronaldo, nasri, drogba etc etc all costing peanuts.

Bent was £16m, made up mostly of performance related clauses.

Milner was £12m and Villa are only quoting £30m because it's Man City who want him and they don't want to sell him.

Ronaldo was £13m as an 18 year old. (13 fuckin million for an 18 year old ;)))

Nasri was £12.5m.

Drogba was £24m.

yes right, i mean whole Seria A compared to EPL.. have much more Italian born players overall..

about the prize of England players, that is true, but this is not the problem, problem is that there is not to many TOP CLASS talents to choose from.. comparing of the quality of other countries..France, Spain for example..or even Italy..

Italy dont have many top class players because theys eem to be going down the route of the premiership with the top italy sides buying foreign players.

however, YOU DONT NEED top quality world class players to win a major tournament. just ask germany how they managed to somehow almost always be in the semi/final of a world cup on a team that only contains 2-3 at most of world class players is behond me.

The problem is the price tags of these players and in a way, the usual british life style we have here ie Booze. woman and acting immature.

Jermain pennant and John terry are a leading example of how many english players act with too much money. many managers especially foreign ones do not like that kind of behavior
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