What pass assistance do you use?

Pass assistance?

  • 0

    Votes: 46 59.7%
  • 1

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • 2

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • 3

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Resident Evo-Web Retard
9 January 2008
United States
Arsenal FC
What pass assistance setting do you use? 0-5, and feel free to discuss the changes in passing that you notice.
Me too, I've just been experimenting with 0 so far, but I'll report back once I've gotten the hang of it.
0, however some of my passes move about an inch and others are sent rocketing towards a players foot. Need to get a hang of it.
0, however some of my passes move about an inch and others are sent rocketing towards a players foot. Need to get a hang of it.

I believe that it is due to the player individuality (as well as body position). The power bar takes longer to power up for defenders and poor passers of the ball. They need more space and time for an accurate pass. I think this is a good application of player individuality. In PES 2011, the clunkiness was more pronounced and came from turning radius of the players. I quite like this difference. I have to think about the player I am controlling and how much time I have on the ball before I attempt certain passes.
I'm on one at the moment, is zero manual?
It appears to be manual for passing power. Direction is still somewhat assisted, but of course you can already improve your passing accuracy using R2.
I'll test it out and pass with R2 later, never occurred to me.
L2 Lami, but maybe someone change his personal gamepad configuration lol.

Btw for those who complain about manual. Don't forget use manual modifier hold L2 + X/O at default for PS 3 gamepad
I use 0, but Konami should tell what is the difference between these.....i like the passes, but im a little dissapointed because are still assisted...
0. I think it's slightly assisted, but not feeling the difference between 0 and 4 is completely ridiculous, as there's a world of difference. Not just the direction, but the power you need to use. With fully assisted, there's very little need to use the correct amount of power to pass the ball successfully, plus don't forget that the passing also includes lofted passes and throughballs, not just passes along the ground. Crosses, however, is still fully assisted, and I don't get why I can't have those on manual like in the old PS2 PES games.

Anyway, 0 is the best for me, because while there's still a slight assist to it, it feels more free and less on rails than the other settings. It's basically just the least assisted setting, and more in line with what I want.
I'm not sure who but someone mentioned Seabass and Co left out the pass assistance in the demo so we won't notice much difference. Don't take my word on it though. Try googling :P
That's odd, I feel a distinct difference between full assistance and no assistance. Maybe I should try again.
I think I should try full assistance as well, even though I never intended to, but people's responses are intriguing.
I played the first match on 4, then a few games on 2, followed by some on 0. There is a difference, that's for sure. I think I'll leave it on 0 from now on.
My worry is we dont have another Fifa Online issue here. I mean, people playing on full assistance will have a decent advantage of this those that dont. Like Fifa Assisted v Fifa Manual. How will they segregate it ?
I don't see much of a difference to be honest. Maybe it's there, but if so it's nowhere near as pronounced as it should be.

Also, even though I turn off the auto pass/shoot/tackle stuff, it still seems to be happening. Scored through an auto-header, and have seen at least three auto clearances (worryingly, just like in PES2011, they all seem to be whacked out for a corner even when it would have been easier to clear upfield).
There is a difference, although nothing too major, mainly due to the fact Zero assistance is still, and always will be, slightly assisted. I've now settled on a Two Bar assist level, using the L2 modifier when I see fit, it's not perfect but I can now do what I want. I've spent the last two days switching between 0,1 and two. There is a difference, whether it's more pronounced in final code remains to be seen.
I'm sure expectations are playing a part here.

With 0, you can point the stick vaguely in someone's direction and just tap the button, and it will still go reach their feet. That's not slightly assisted, that's very assisted. Or at least vastly more assisted than I was hoping for.
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I found that you can do that (just slightly tap the button) when you pass to players very close by, but do that with a player a bit further away, and it won't move more than an inch.
Just got the demo and where do you change this (console version) from what the default is? want to put it at zero but cant find where.
I've tried the different assist settings.

Although setting it to 0 doesn't mean no assistance, setting it to higher settings seems to make every player pick out better passes at the right passing speed meaning less interceptions.
Yup. Not sure if its a placebo effect, but it's harder to pick out passes on 0 assistance.

Anyway, the pass assistance is not implemented fully in the demo. The full game will be different.
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