WE9 Replays Thread

A question for you...it's wrong section i know,but in the master league mode i sue fernando v4 ,for buy the player is higest difficult only for me?
hello everybody ;)

i did these two videos of my best goals, please tell me what you think about it...

volume 1

volume 2

i'm sorry for the quality (i do my best :roll: ) of image,
and my english too!!! :mrgreen:
SPMC said:
nice goals, everyone!

nuthin special, but Gattuso thinks he's a striker
for a hot second...nice placement tho'.
May be nothing special to you but I really like that goal. Good quality, looks just like a real match and well any strike to bottom corner from outside box looks great! ;)

Good goal mate
hey freddie how far was your shoot-power bar when you did this?

nice goal, by the way.
I agree with PLF about your video SPMC. It's not just another video of a top-corner supershot, but it looked realistic, like in a real match, as PLF said. That's why I really like this video, and ask you for some more perhaps?;)
thanks, necridhaha. for some reason i'm finding it harder to score spectacular shots like i was before. anyways, of course i'll try to post some more.
Los Rzeznikoz

here some new goals from me and my clan members :cheers:
Partyzant :* and Wymiatacz :*

Goal from Los Rzeznikoz - polish best PES clan \\:o/

Wideo5 - Juninho - Free kick = goal :salute:
Wideo6 - Danish dynamite :bomb:
Wideo7 - Dida gay :oink: what he was doing? :-k a rim-job? ](*,)
Wideo8 - Argentina bad luck - double post :cry:
Wideo9 - Roman rox :applause:
Wideo10 - Canizares own goal [-X
dalessandro said:
I saw your location is france/germany
i suppose you're not french, else you would have put back the n° 10 on Zidane's shirt !

I am half french and half german. The number 24 is false because i put the Kosos 0.7 OF on my MC and forgot to change the number to 10.
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