The thread of Fail.

Yeah, they should be banned from driving for leaving an accident, I got ding in a car park once, came back to a big scrape down the side and no mirror...

I saw someone crack into a car as they were pulling into a space once in asda. They were pulling into the space and were on an awful angle to get in. Which is what caught my eye and so I had to watch then thinking 'how the hell are they going to pull into there?'. Well they didn't and just went right into the front corner of one of the parked cars with some real speed behind it. Both cars looked a real mess. The car then pulled back and he started to drive out of that part of the carpark (which was like a big circle that meant he'd have to drive around and towards me and past me to get out) so I grabbed my phone and took some pics of his car as he came towards me getting the license number and then the damaged car and it's license. The guy ends up spotting me and winds down his window and told me to give him my 'f'n phone or he'd kill me. I told him to 'do it then' and just walked into asda as he shouted 'ill get you when you come back out you grass'. I went to the help desk. they gave out the damaged cars number and some woman came as it was her car. so i sent the pics i took onto her phone as asda phoned the police.

when we went back outside the guy was long gone. No idea what happened in the end though. The police said someone would stop by sometime later on to make a report but as the guy had left the scene so there was no one to catch. So I gave asda my address and contact number if they then needed me as a witness or anything but no one ever did contact me. He must have been caught though - all they would of had to do is run his license plate.
Nice one Rad, I did a similar thing in a car park in Blackpool once, I saw a Range rover hit a car and drive off, I wrote the number plate make, model and time and stuck it under the cars wiper.

It really annoys me people don't accept responsibility for their actions... :P :BRMM:
Epic Fail at my work when the quality manager there has formed a closed loop improvement team

I shit you not he has!
First, a classic :D - Scare Fail - Uploaded by failblog - Tarzan Fail - Uploaded by failblog

YouTube - Beyonce Clown








Some fails my girlfriend found while she was doing the shopping at Asda. :WORSHIP: (not sure she knows what a fail is but she thought they were funny!)




Can I see your fufu, flower? The thing in the bowl even looks like a (rather large) minge.


These have got to have known what they were doing!
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