The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Australia has officially denounced democracy.

The protests were being done peacefully, police got frustrated at stubborn protesters & became violent. Scenes of a 70 year old lady getting knocked over & hitting her head on the pavement. Some guy got run over by a cop for not moving & then all hell broke lose.

The news would have you believe this is a minority of nazi's ( no joke ), but are not reporting on the guy in hospital that got shot in the head with a rubber bullet.

They are shooting at their own people, at the shrine of remembrance. What a sad day.
Australia has officially denounced democracy.

The protests were being done peacefully, police got frustrated at stubborn protesters & became violent. Scenes of a 70 year old lady getting knocked over & hitting her head on the pavement. Some guy got run over by a cop for not moving & then all hell broke lose.

The news would have you believe this is a minority of nazi's ( no joke ), but are not reporting on the guy in hospital that got shot in the head with a rubber bullet.

They are shooting at their own people, at the shrine of remembrance. What a sad day.
Bunch of wankers! funny how the police always get tough at "peaceful" protests. Isn't it bully's who pick on easy targets?

It was the same here in the UK mate. Although when the euro's was being played, and we had yobs fighting and creating havoc, they were not so keen then. :SHAKE:
The common factor here is both country's serve the same crown. Crown clowns! i like the sound of that. :))
Bunch of wankers! funny how the police always get tough at "peaceful" protests. Isn't it bully's who pick on easy targets?

It was the same here in the UK mate. Although when the euro's was being played, and we had yobs fighting and creating havoc, they were not so keen then. :SHAKE:
The common factor here is both country's serve the same crown. Crown clowns! i like the sound of that. :))

Yes there are some there just for the chaos, some yelling the commies are here & all that noise.. But alot of them are everyday people, who made sure to get vaccinated before attending. They are protesting the absolute shambles of a vaccination rollout, 18 months of lockdown, closing down thousands of small business' & general rights. They didn't even close the airport until Delta variant had made it's way here, about 8 months after hearing about it. Now the construction lads have joined on strike against the union.

According to the news there are only 1-2 thousand selfish anti vaxxer neo nazis. Even if this WERE true, what amount of insecurity would lead to call riot police & special forces in full armor. They are mobilizing on small groups & trapping them in alleyways. All cellphone connections were downgraded to 3G so footage was harder to share, & some independent journo's are in a cell now.

I'm spent, been studying this crap & watching independent footage (that is slowly being banned off YT) for like 20 hours :SHOCK:

Peace be the journey, my brothers.
Yes there are some there just for the chaos, some yelling the commies are here & all that noise.. But alot of them are everyday people, who made sure to get vaccinated before attending. They are protesting the absolute shambles of a vaccination rollout, 18 months of lockdown, closing down thousands of small business' & general rights. They didn't even close the airport until Delta variant had made it's way here, about 8 months after hearing about it. Now the construction lads have joined on strike against the union.

According to the news there are only 1-2 thousand selfish anti vaxxer neo nazis. Even if this WERE true, what amount of insecurity would lead to call riot police & special forces in full armor. They are mobilizing on small groups & trapping them in alleyways. All cellphone connections were downgraded to 3G so footage was harder to share, & some independent journo's are in a cell now.

I'm spent, been studying this crap & watching independent footage (that is slowly being banned off YT) for like 20 hours :SHOCK:

Peace be the journey, my brothers.

All that they need now is "The imperial march" its like watching the storm troopers, rounding up the rebel alliance.

Edit i just watched your video with mine as sound backing. It goes well with it.
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All that they need now is "The imperial march" its like watching the storm troopers, rounding up the rebel alliance.

Edit i just watched your video with mine as sound backing. It goes well with it.

Thanks, I needed the laugh :D I have always compared life to Star Wars, crazy to think it is shaping to be very similar in Melbourne. And to think, my parents left their country of origin due to oppression & dictatorship .. we can only run so far I have learnt.

I actually feel like crap sitting here whilst I should be out with them, unfortunately I am in no physical state to do so yet. I have been concussed & my thumb dislocated by these thugs in the past. A poor meme comparison .. I feel like Yoda, sitting around like "very bad this situation is" .. but then Yoda can flip around with a light saber :LMAO:
They should all be like that one guy in 'Happy Gilmore', that keeps yelling "jackass!" before a shot :LOL:

That time when golf was fun ..
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I like golf, but I'm not going to be protective of it or anyone involved! People become massive bellends very quickly thanks to golf. Dicking around with your mates, maybe with some cans along the way - fine. But when people start taking it seriously it's a slippery slope. The gear, the lingo, the etiquette. Embarrassing.

Rather than preventing forests they're more likely to prevent building, especially in this part of the world. So in that regard, I'm happy with them! Although Trump had his way with the coast just five minutes from my house. Jumped up orange cunt.
YouTube making copyright claims, or even much more rare (to be fair) making my video unavailable (this happened only with AC/DC music at the moment) , when my videos mostly do 10 to 50 views at best and i have only 50 subscribbers.. Chill out YouTube i don't plan to make any money out of your arse.. I am making videos just for fun, ffs...
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YouTube making copyright claims, or even much more rare (to be fair) making my video unavailable (this happened only with AC/DC music at the moment) , when my videos mostly do 10 to 50 views at best and i have only 50 subscribbers.. Chill outYouTube i don't plan to make any money out of your arse.. I am making videos just for fun, ffs...
Yeah its fucking ridiculous. Soon you'll have to sing yourself if you want to add any tune to the clip.
..and you'll have to make the song up, obviously.. :LOL:
Yeah its fucking ridiculous. Soon you'll have to sing yourself if you want to add any tune to the clip.
..and you'll have to make the song up, obviously.. :LOL:
hahahaha....Dude believe me, at least in my case, the last thing mankind wants is listening me singing. I am more terrible than terible. I think an asteroid in collision orbit with eart, in size of Texas, is something better than me singing, or dancing!!! :)
I have the rythm completelly outside me!!! :D
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YouTube making copyright claims, or even much more rare (to be fair) making my video unavailable (this happened only with AC/DC music at the moment) , when my videos mostly do 10 to 50 views at best and i have only 50 subscribbers.. Chill out YouTube i don't plan to make any money out of your arse.. I am makinmusic g videos just for fun, ffs...
Had the same from Warner/Sony music on IG over a guitar cover.
I'm totally disapointed, in rage, frustrated about CDU/CSU, AFD and FDP german right partys! I could :PUKE:in all faces from every politician from these bastard partys!

I will never understand why so many germans vote for this right winger capitalism crap.

Was reading about it earlier, trying (and failing) to understand! Am I right in saying almost any coalition is possible? Apart from involving AfD?
Was reading about it earlier, trying (and failing) to understand! Am I right in saying almost any coalition is possible? Apart from involving AfD?
possible partys to build coalition are CDU/CSU with SPD, B90 the green and/or FDP.

I wouldn't trust CDU/CSU and FDP that they wont made a coaliotion with AfD. maybe not, maybe yes. Or 100 years later in 2033
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I'm totally disapointed, in rage, frustrated about CDU/CSU, AFD and FDP german right partys! I could :PUKE:in all faces from every politician from these bastard partys!

I will never understand why so many germans vote for this right winger capitalism crap.

Same thing here (sweden) the parties shouting the loudest without any answers gets the votes ,as long as you can pin the problems on one group of people ,9/10 immigrants or women/left.
Doesn't matter what other politics/solutions they have (most of the time they're clueless) as long as you can blame someone else ,problem solved.
Look at UK and brexit ,not going to well there atm
Same thing here (sweden) the parties shouting the loudest without any answers gets the votes ,as long as you can pin the problems on one group of people ,9/10 immigrants or women/left.
Doesn't matter what other politics/solutions they have (most of the time they're clueless) as long as you can blame someone else ,problem solved.
Look at UK and brexit ,not going to well there atm

Or blame the opposition. It works:

That'll work too^^
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