Evoweb Jester/Stadboardmaker.
Apart from propping yourself up in a less painful position with pillows in a high back chair or on the bed. Nothing really, i too take painkillers for when its too bad. But hopefully for you the nerve will ease back after a couple of nights sleep.Any advice on getting through the pain, other than diazepam and exercises?
The complication is that there now needs to be a modem and a router (not just a router) - and a whole new wire to deal with that doesn't come into the house anywhere near the TV equipment.
With the cable having to come in under the living room window, which is 20ft away from where the TV etc. is, I don't know whether he'll A) put the modem on the other side of the wall and then send a 20ft wire from that around the room to go into the router, or B) put a 20ft cable through which goes all the way around the room, to a modem which will be sat next to the router, and then connect that to the router with the world's shortest cable. I'm betting it's the former, just because the other side of the wall is clear, whereas the area where the TV is, is a nightmare of cables etc...
I bet its like you say the former, well lets hope so for common sense sake.
He'd shove his pubes in the disc drive, and that's just the start.