The 'Things That Are Great' Thread

40mg Fluoxetine a day is great :D

but that could just be the Fluoxetine talking.......Also naked ladies are also great, especially when they are right dirty bitches, like on the site in my sig!
Getting hammered enough to mention to your mates that you like someone whose 4 years (exactly, she shares the same bloody birthday as me) younger than you. She's 16 and so legal but it's such a massive obstactle.

And then realising they're as hammered as you and they don't really care that much (and even try and convince you it's alright).

Though to be fair, if I said it sober then I'd get endless amounts of stick. (She fell out with me 'cause one of my mates stole my phone at the pub and basically abused her for talking to me).

Should be interesting what happens when they remember I mentioned that I like her and I get the inevitable, unending stick for liking her.

I hate life, and prejudice, and the fact that she wasn't born in the same bloody year on the same bloody day so everything would be bloody perfect for us.

My considered advice is fuck what anyone else thinks. I know it's easier said then done, though. Good luck.
In 3 years time they will be jealous, while their girlfriends will be banging on about weddings and babies she will be to busy about going out and having fun (with you). F#$k them, if it feels right it feels right.

And she's legal aswell, you can't them any fresher then that.*

*Can't be giving advise on here on not bring the tone down.
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