The Retro-PES Corner

I love this, I was a massive nerd for players appearance & the specific time periods Konami's artists clearly modeled the players on. PES 4, When they started using more sophisticated head models, modeled most of their players from Euro 2004, C.Ronaldo was clearly modeled on his appearance towards the end of that season but they didn't change him in time but strangley kept that model for PES 5.

Konami mostly kept this trend until they just recycled the new heads from PES 2010 through to 2013. They started updating players hair with DLC in the later Fox years (and chasing ghosts pretty much as by the time they'd modeled the hair, gone through the nessacary bureaucracy to release the Data pack, the player in question would've had a makeover in real life anyway making the "new" DLC out of date already 😂

Probably should've left that player editor as it used to be then eh...
For WE10 (April 2006), it seems, for some players, they used the players' hairstyles between November-January

In PES6, for some players they used players' hairstyles during the 2006 World Cup

Torres November / February / June- WE10 / PES6


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Ibrahimovic November / February / June - WE10 / PES6



Del Piero November 2005 / June 2006 - WE10 / PES6



In PES6, only Zidane got a new face (compared to the preset one in WE10) and hairstyle

WE10 - PES6

gsdx_20220625142743.png FMHbsxjXIAIIO39.png
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Hey bros!

I've been playing PPID patch for PES 2013, the one that @EMILIANOGALLARDO suggested with the Asian leagues, and it's quite good! :TU: For some reason, my second time around with PES 2013 has been much more enjoyable, might have something to do with the gameplay in the first patch I played was not to my liking, but this time around, the gameplay and game speed is much better optimized to my taste!

Anyway, I have a question. I'd like to have two PES 2013 installed. One with the PPID patch for Asian Leagues, and another one with PESEdit patch, for my European campaigns. Is this possible in the same computer? How would I go about this? Thanks in advance. :)

Yeah it's possible i remember somewhere i explain how to do it... It's all about regedit and hex edit the .exe should apply to any other pes game
EDIT: Another issue I found is that my PPID patch and the PESEdit patch are different versions. While PESEdit has the latest DLC's, PPID has an earlier DLC, so I'm not sure if in my case, this last method will work since the instructions say that both patches have to be the same version. But feel free to give it a shot for your patches!
As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to worry about the DLC, as long as you change the name of the folder that contains DLC files, the game will call that DLC. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

EDIT: it should be done through HexEdit, I remember finding a video somewhere but it was in a South Eastern Asian language, I'll try to find it again
@The Moroccan Thanks buddy! Looks a bit complicated and kind of a long process, but I have saved the video to watch at a later date! I'm not too familiar with hex editing, etc.. But once I have some time to spare, I'll definitely be taking a look at this! :TU:

Bros! I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me with something. :TU:

So I´m playing an Asian Patch for PES 2013, PPIP Patch, which works great. But there's one issue. I started ML with a Korean team and when I go to transfers, there are a bunch of European league stars in "Other" who can be hired!

I think the reason for this is that the patch has a switcher, Europe mode, and Asia mode. In Asia mode (which I am playing, and includes no European leagues except EPL), they put a lot of European league players in "Other players", which can be hired by any of the Asian Leagues!

This is fine for middle to lower-end skill players, but it seems quite unrealistic that Messi, Zlatan, CR7, Thiago Silva, etc would go to play in Asian Leagues! :BORED: For example, as a small South Korean team, one of my potential players who can be hired and I can afford is: Monaco-era Falcao! This seems highly unrealistic to me.

I was wondering if perhaps there was a way to disable these high-level transfers in the particular patch I'm playing!

Any help would be much appreciated! :TU:
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Bros! I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me with something. :TU:

So I´m playing an Asian Patch for PES 2013, PPIP Patch, which works great. But there's one issue. I started ML with a Korean team and when I go to transfers, there are a bunch of European league stars in "Other" who can be hired!

I think the reason for this is that the patch has a switcher, Europe mode, and Asia mode. In Asia mode (which I am playing, and includes no European leagues except EPL), they put a lot of European league players in "Other players", which can be hired by any of the Asian Leagues!

This is fine for middle to lower-end skill players, but it seems quite unrealistic that Messi, Zlatan, CR7, Thiago Silva, etc would go to play in Asian Leagues! :BORED: For example, as a small South Korean team, one of my potential players who can be hired and I can afford is: Monaco-era Falcao! This seems highly unrealistic to me.

I was wondering if perhaps there was a way to disable these high-level transfers in the particular patch I'm playing!

Any help would be much appreciated! :TU:
I assume, i don't have complete knowledge through, you have to find those players with a database editor , and destroy their stats to the lowest OPR, what's that in PS3 games, 49? 40? 01?

I hate this type of solution, and never use it for my self, bit those patches, usually don't let you a lot creativity in edit mode.
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Bros! I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me with something. :TU:

So I´m playing an Asian Patch for PES 2013, PPIP Patch, which works great. But there's one issue. I started ML with a Korean team and when I go to transfers, there are a bunch of European league stars in "Other" who can be hired!

I think the reason for this is that the patch has a switcher, Europe mode, and Asia mode. In Asia mode (which I am playing, and includes no European leagues except EPL), they put a lot of European league players in "Other players", which can be hired by any of the Asian Leagues!

This is fine for middle to lower-end skill players, but it seems quite unrealistic that Messi, Zlatan, CR7, Thiago Silva, etc would go to play in Asian Leagues! :BORED: For example, as a small South Korean team, one of my potential players who can be hired and I can afford is: Monaco-era Falcao! This seems highly unrealistic to me.

I was wondering if perhaps there was a way to disable these high-level transfers in the particular patch I'm playing!

Any help would be much appreciated! :TU:
Maybe because all the European Clubs were moved to one League Slot (Other European Teams) that's what explains them being labelled as "OTHER". I think you either have to lower their stats using an OF editor as @slamsoze said or delete them entirely
Maybe because all the European Clubs were moved to one League Slot (Other European Teams) that's what explains them being labelled as "OTHER". I think you either have to lower their stats using an OF editor as @slamsoze said or delete them entirely
Is there a way to delete SUCH significant players , like MESSI, that are so hardcoded to the game? And if yes, is the ML safe, or there is a crash danger. Cause by doing this in an ASIAN option file, i assume, most major national teams, will run out of players.

And my memory has stuck. Can you create a player editing over player like MESSI? Or some sections are greyed and not possible to edit?
Is there a way to delete SUCH significant players , like MESSI, that are so hardcoded to the game? And if yes, is the ML safe, or there is a crash danger. Cause by doing this in an ASIAN option file, i assume, most major national teams, will run out of players.

And my memory has stuck. Can you create a player editing over player like MESSI? Or some sections are greyed and not possible to edit?
I remember that you can enable an option in the OF editor that deletes the player, but it may have bad consequences on the game. So the only effective option is to overwrite that player, as for Messi he will still have his running and playing style
I think I will keep the players.. Deleting them for my Asian OF would be ideal, but you guys are right.. If there is a chance of ML crashes or other problems in the game, it's probably better to leave them in.

The one solution that seems likely to me is to lower stats to the absolute minimum for ALL players say 81 and above, so there's no chance of them being signed by one of the teams. I wonder how long it would take in the Editor though..

Then again, taking a look at the summer transfer window, strangely enough, the teams so far haven't signed many players over 80 rating... Hopefully this trend will continue?

I think I will keep the players.. Deleting them for my Asian OF would be ideal, but you guys are right.. If there is a chance of ML crashes or other problems in the game, it's probably better to leave them in.

The one solution that seems likely to me is to lower stats to the absolute minimum for ALL players say 81 and above, so there's no chance of them being signed by one of the teams. I wonder how long it would take in the Editor though..

Then again, taking a look at the summer transfer window, strangely enough, the teams so far haven't signed many players over 80 rating... Hopefully this trend will continue?

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Didn't CPU teams had true, meaningful budgets or something in that era? I remember a lenghty discussion on how for example top teams in most of Ps3 era MLs couldn't keep CR7 or Messi long in their rosters cause of their unusual high salary (and indeed they usually change team like every year or so). Maybe the teams of your OF do realistically have low budgets and simply can't afford high pay players.
1Didn't CPU teams had true, meaningful budgets or something in that era? I remember a lenghty discussion on how for example top teams in most of Ps3 era MLs couldn't keep CR7 or Messi long in their rosters cause of their unusual high salary (and indeed they usually change team like every year or so). Maybe the teams of your OF do realistically have low budgets and simply can't afford high pay players.

I can't varify this with certainty, but it certainly fits my experience playing Master League in PES 2011, with different teams and for many seasons!

Granted, the mode also has an option for adjusting "Transfer activity", but I remember the really expensive players changing clubs very frequently regardless of what setting I picked for that option.

(Edit: This reminds me I need to find the photo I took of a particularly interesting version of Roma that my team went up against in Euro League!)
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About big players in low teams, isn't been an issue from every PES Master League except in PS4 version (well, less exagaration)?
Just asking but i remember many people complained about it. Even like @Madmac79 says above, it was only for 6 months or 1 year.

Note : i just know that on PS4 version, from a Data Editor : team already got hidden rivals and many many stuffs like this (in fact it's more usefull for created teams as rivals were predetermined!), or well known players not signing their player in X lower league before they gets older.
Hi guys, I don't have a graphics card, so according to you, which pes is the least greedy cpu?? I have a core i7 2600 of the time sandybridge.......
Hi guys, I don't have a graphics card, so according to you, which pes is the least greedy cpu?? I have a core i7 2600 of the time sandybridge.......
With a worse CPU than you, i can play every PES up to 2017, flawless, just in low graphichs. If you find a PES tool that allows you to override settines.exe, i have one for PES 2012/2013/2016, you can play even in medium or high, again without problems. My PC can go up to to medium, yours, i assume can go yo high.

For the 2018, since it was "next-gen" , it was a big leap for my low end PC. But your maybe go better. I can navigate the menu and start a match, but the framerate must be around 5~10 FPS. It takes heavy toll for me. If you can run 2018, even in LOW, i think you can go to 2019/2020/2021.

Although those games have a heavier toll, due to 3D grasses, enlighten engine , etc. It is the same reasons they make the PS4 blowing like a rooket, while 2018 runs in silence. And i have a feeling the PC versions will not have the best optiomization possible for PC.
Avec un processeur moins bon que le vôtre, je peux jouer à tous les PES jusqu'en 2017, sans faille, juste avec des graphismes bas. Si vous trouvez un outil PES qui vous permet de remplacer settines.exe, j'en ai un pour PES 2012/2013/2016, vous pouvez jouer même en moyen ou haut, encore une fois sans problème. Mon PC peut aller jusqu'à moyen, le vôtre, je suppose, peut aller très haut.

Pour le 2018, puisqu'il était "next-gen", c'était un grand pas en avant pour mon PC bas de gamme. Mais vous allez peut-être mieux. Je peux naviguer dans le menu et démarrer un match, mais le framerate doit être d'environ 5 ~ 10 FPS. Cela me coûte cher. Si vous pouvez courir 2018, même en LOW, je pense que vous pouvez aller en 2019/2020/2021.

Bien que ces jeux aient un bilan plus lourd, en raison des graminées 3D, du moteur d'éclairage, etc. Ce sont les mêmes raisons pour lesquelles ils font exploser la PS4 comme une fusée, alors que 2018 tourne en silence. Et j'ai l'impression que les versions PC n'auront pas la meilleure optimisation possible pour PC.
For pes 2018 to 2021 i have a probleme with direct x !!! and my pc cpu burn to the death !!!!!!! 80 cel !!!
Hey guys, I have not been around for a while because I've been a bit busy with other things. I was just going through some highlights from matches between me and my brother on PES2008 ps2 and i found this classic extra time period between Granada and Southampton, open goals missed, cross bars hit, I love Armstrong shot, great fun!

Enjoy! :)

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Same, i explained why a thousand time. But i sometimes launches a game as PESEDIT did a super patch on that version, it's kinda fun the first game, or half time then...
I'm like "Enough. Stop." : never say it but i feel the game is kinda "unnatural" and like if they fucked up the 2.5 Engine.
From the PS2.5 engine i'll take the first eyes closed > PES 2011. The more authentic feeling you may get, and the last "completely" conceived by Seabass (we checked some times ago)

No time to rebuild a full new engine but they made a very good job with that one by adding many algorithm (like he said on ITW), giving a fresh feeling. Just hating the name over the head and i was relieved when they removed it for PES 2015 like before with the name's bar lol. Well i don't talk about the game itself just that.

While even on PES 2014 the "hated" game, i'm like "another game" again and again, with the final official patch version which i found pretty balanced and players makes less very weird stuffs. Some keepers a bit head in the clouds on some situation but i can deal with it.
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Here are brief highlights from the latest games that I have played against my brother in a cup that we have been playing which began in 2020.

Amazingly after 99 matches my brother has won 50, me 49, he has scored 113, me 123, and we have both won 10 penalty shoot outs. It is always tight between us.

Take your pick...i am (g) he is (a) Enjoy! :)

(a) Tottenham v (g) B. Leverkusen

(a) Uruguay v (g) Sporting

(g) FC Koln v (a) Monaco

(a) Chelsea v (g) Peru

(a) Genoa v (g) Osasuna

(a) Augsburg v (g) Granada

(g) Bologna v (a) Lyon

Or if you prefer, all the goals are here.

In some of the replays of the goals the ball finishes short from going into the net.This is because when my brother scores he is always so quick to press the button during the replay because he wants to get on with the match. :D
🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 JLWE2007CC - Front Cover.jpg🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

After some delays due to bug fixing the option file, here is J.League Winning Eleven 2007 Club Championship fully patched and translated into English.
Originally released in Japan on August 2nd 2007 as a PlayStation 2 exclusive - JLWE2007CC represents in some ways a Final Evolution version of PES 6 with gameplay being a mixture of PES 6 and PES 2008 (which was released only a couple of months after). The game is also the first one in the series to offer a Fantasista or Become a Legend mode.

Download link:

Patch Details:
  • Fully translated from Japanese into English. I took the base of Fernando's v1.5 English translation and added further English translated text to hundreds of untranslated strings. This was done with a combination of Google and Apple translation apps. Please note due to the nature of the computational translation software, there may be some sentences that do not make grammatical or contextual sense, and in some instances text may appear outside of their respective boxes due to word count and text size not being fully observed due to translating from Japanese to English, but for the most part you will be able to understand and read the text fine. Huge props to Fernando as this must have taken ages back in the day without these kinds of apps.
  • Imported club emblems, league and competition logos, balls, adboards, textures, banners, scoreboards and turf from an assortment of different patches including from the following teams: Wendetta, Brazukas and WE11 teams.
  • Additional sound files e.g. UEFA Champions League theme for competitions and PES 3 highlight theme for replay playback.
  • Option file kits based on @vialli82 and Wendetta option file, further updated with improvements and assignments as well as brand sponsors - Please note kits may not be 100% accurate due to logo import restrictions and other factors.
I want to give thanks to the following people:

@fernando - for his amazing translation that was used as a base and for all his hard work in previous patches over the last 20 years.
@vialli82 - for his fantastic option file that he worked on and improved and for his importing of faces and testing.
@marqisspes6 - for helping to support us with the development of an Option File editor for the J.League versions of Winning Eleven.
@morodolarama1 - for helping me by providing a partial AFS map for the game.
@Shales - for his support and providing downloads for a large number of previous titles.
@kerim - for offering to help link kits.

Please download the latest nightly build of PCSX2 from here: - Select the QT AVX2 release for Windows 10/11.

Ensure you apply the included Widescreen Patch to the appropriate folder in PCSX2 (I believe its cheats_ws and ensure 16:9 aspect ratio as well as cheats and widescreen patches are enabled in the emulator settings). You will know the widescreen patch has been applied properly as you will see a popup in the top left corner saying '4 widescreen patches enabled'. Without this you will end up playing the game in stretched 16:9 and this causes the game to play at a higher speed than normal. Also ensure Optimal Frame Pacing is turned on to reduce any input latency.

To import save file data and option files to your virtual PCSX2 memory card please download MyMc from here:
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For those who enjoy Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution such as the one kindly shared by @baygonstroberi here:

I have attached below a fully working Widescreen Patch for this title. The previous one included as part of the actual PCSX2 database does not work correctly as players end up popping in and out of the far extreme angles of the screen. A kind user on the PCSX2 forums managed to debug and apply the correct values to the widescreen patch for me.

*Please note the attached widescreen patch works with all versions of WE6FE but you may need to edit the title of the .pnach file based on the particular ISO version of the game you are running. I have personally tested this widescreen fix with the linked version of WE6FE above.*


  • Widescreen
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