The Retro-PES Corner

@rsl1 I think I have hopefully solved it for you. I just tried my we9le and had the same thing, just a greyed out stadium on the match selection screen that wouldn't change. Had a look at another installed version and noticed that in my we9le in the gdb folder the stadiums folder is called just stadium, ie without the s on the end. Changed it to stadiums and then in game pressing 7 moved it to stadium home team and so on to select a stadium. Hopefully that's what your problem is at your end :)
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@rsl1 I think I have hopefully solved it for you. I just tried my we9le and had the same thing, just a greyed out stadium on the match selection screen that wouldn't change. Had a look at another installed version and noticed that in my we9le in the gdb folder the stadiums folder is called just stadium, ie without the s on the end. Changed it to stadiums and then in game pressing 7 moved it to stadium home team and so on to select a stadium. Hopefully that's what your problem is at your end :)
Ah cool thankyou, I shall give this a go later and hopefully it works. Thanks mate, much appreciated
A short way past the halfway point in my 2014 season and there was an interesting mid-season transfer in my division- 34 year old Gerrard sold by struggling Liverpool to Wigan Athletic! I myself bought Sheringham. It took quite a big sum (rather daft since he has not played for anyone in the 8 or 9 years he has been in the game!), but his stats are impressive and I wanted an English forward in my side.

Liverpool have improved their form since the beginning of the year, but are still only in the middle of the pack, though they did recently get a lucky 1-1 draw against me in the league. They haven't bought a replacement for Gerrard as yet, I'm not sure what persuaded them to let him go!

I have just won my CL group to go through to the knockout phase. In my fourth game I faced Newcastle, who had beaten me the first time round in this group, and I again got off to a shaky start against them. O'Brien made an uncharacteristically awful headed 5 yard clearance that went straight to Mirallas. His subsequent shot seemed to be going narrowly wide, but unfortunately ricocheted into the corner off Gujit, my Dutch midfielder. I equalised shortly afterwards but then fell behind again; a cross came in and O'Brien again made a hash of the header. Once again it fell straight to Mirallas, who put it away cleanly. I had to wait until the 68th minute before Gazza equalised; sidestepping one man, a second defender closed in and thanks to luck and his balance the ball ended up at Gazza's feet, and he progressed into the box despite a slight trip caused by the defender (no penalty!) and scored. Within ten minutes I was ahead, and in the last few minutes I scored twice due to some nice wingplay by Spaniard Pelaez on the right. He dribbled behind their last defender, brought it into the box and as he laid it back for a striker he was tripped. The penalty was converted by Hamsun, who had only come on the field a few minutes before. With the game almost over, Pelaez crossed it for Hamsun to neatly volley in from close range at the left post. The win was deserved, but the 5-2 scoreline belied the fact it had been a struggle.

In the league I am still four points clear of Man Utd despite drawing a couple of times recently (still unbeaten!). Arsenal are a point or two behind Man Utd but don't look consistent enough to pose a threat to me. Chelsea are now fifth and about 13 points adrift.
Any idea to fix FPS drop with Windows 10 in PES 2011, 2013, 2014? Im using AMD RX 570 graphic card but cant run these game on max settings
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I've finally started on my World Cup 2014 pilgrimage courtesy of PES 2013. I chose 2013 over 2014 because it's generally a more polished and exciting game as well as there being no suitable WC patches for 2014, I went with @klashman69 & @T0LTS incredible Every 4 Years World Cup patch.

Even if you don't just want to play WC 2014, I definitely recommend this patch because it encompasses everything from the 1970's on wards. It's so much fun to play with classic teams and recreating some of your favourite WC's in such a modern PES.

I loved going back to 2012 for the Euro's so i was super excited for 2013. I know there's a lot of discrepancy here between the 2 games, So similar while being so different. I do agree that 2012 is the better simulation. 2013 is still great, good old fashioned dramatic PES.

For me after 32 games so far on '13, I think the two biggest takeaways are that the through passes seem really random and weak, But defending is more intuitive and responsive on '13 than '12.

Through passes on '13 are extremely unreliable and frustrating. You see a situation present itself, You know the area of space you want to play the through pass into, than the ball just... rolls. not much power or pace even when you fill the power up but only if you hold the power button to full whack, Then your through pass is flying off the pitch like a bullet. Not to mention it never seems to go into space, The game puts your through pass on rail, Even on manual i can feel the strict predetermined patch the ball must obey, usually the opposite direction to which my player is running into. Lofted through passes are even less reliable. You think you've put in the appropriate amount of power into it and it seems they can never be driven, instead the float up in the air and land 5 feet away, It's really strange.

However defending is much more coordinated compared to 2012. The only area of the game i hated on the predecessor. In '12 it felt like if you simply could not compete against someone slowly dribbling at you. Like they would perform a skill and you defender was in a football movie and would "act" like he was fooled or couldn't figure out how to not get bamboozled by the attacker. In 2013 i have a lot more agency over my defenders and tackling by double tapping :x: is much more responsive.

Anyway, Another trip down memory lane, A lot of people requested this one, Seems like a whole generation have a fondness for this tournament as for many it was their first World Cup, And we all know how sentimental we are about our first. It helps that 2014 was such an exciting tournament too.

And then 2018 commanded 2014 to hold their beer...

For the first time since 1978, The FIFA World Cup returns to South America! We relive the festival of football using the incredible PES 2013. See all the goals from all 32 teams on Match Day 1 of the group stage. Plenty of shocks & great goals; What the World Cup is all about!

@rsl1 I think I have hopefully solved it for you. I just tried my we9le and had the same thing, just a greyed out stadium on the match selection screen that wouldn't change. Had a look at another installed version and noticed that in my we9le in the gdb folder the stadiums folder is called just stadium, ie without the s on the end. Changed it to stadiums and then in game pressing 7 moved it to stadium home team and so on to select a stadium. Hopefully that's what your problem is at your end :)
Sadly that didn't help the issue as it was already names stadiums. I really don't get it now as everything looks to be setup correctly and like I said it looks ok in the log file too.
Just to check, the stadium selection should appear at the same screen as the ball selection right, or have I completely got that wrong? The reason I ask is because I am not seeing anything at all whatever I press.

Thanks in advance
Hey @rsl1 wondering if you'd be able to give any more info on editing in PES3. I've been playing around a bit trying to get the ML defaults we all know and love back into the Wendetta patch with all the official kits and teams. Such a shame they edited all the ML defaults in that way.

Anyway by the looks of post number #8585 you managed to do it using the WEditor from the Wolf tools pack. I've had a look at the few editors in that pack and managed to get as far as copying a player with one, but without knowing the player IDs of each default, I wouldn't know where to paste that player in the Wendetta file. I tested Ivarov on a random player and it seemed to work, so I'm mostly there, but not sure about the player IDs.

I could manually try and work out who each player is but not sure I have the time for that! If anyone has managed to do this I'd love to hear how.
Hey @rsl1 wondering if you'd be able to give any more info on editing in PES3. I've been playing around a bit trying to get the ML defaults we all know and love back into the Wendetta patch with all the official kits and teams. Such a shame they edited all the ML defaults in that way.

Anyway by the looks of post number #8585 you managed to do it using the WEditor from the Wolf tools pack. I've had a look at the few editors in that pack and managed to get as far as copying a player with one, but without knowing the player IDs of each default, I wouldn't know where to paste that player in the Wendetta file. I tested Ivarov on a random player and it seemed to work, so I'm mostly there, but not sure about the player IDs.

I could manually try and work out who each player is but not sure I have the time for that! If anyone has managed to do this I'd love to hear how.

It's WEditor V1.2.0 by kmochida you need to use.

You can open up 2 instances at the same time then load the Wendetta option file in one and another option file that contains the default ML squad in the 2nd instance.
You can then export from the default one and import into the Wendetta one.
The reason for opening them both at the same time is so that you can check that the IDs are the same (which they should be for ML defaults) when you import/export them.

Hope that helps?
Anyway, Another trip down memory lane, A lot of people requested this one, Seems like a whole generation have a fondness for this tournament as for many it was their first World Cup, And we all know how sentimental we are about our first. It helps that 2014 was such an exciting tournament too.

Well, shit, I feel old now :))

How do you play all this PES and make such high-quality videos? Some really nice highlights in here, well done.
@rsl1 Ah, was hoping it was going to be that. Are you able to cycle through? Ie from Balls to settings and so on or can you not move from the balls being displayed?

Some pics of my files in case you spot something different in yours...



Also in the WE9LEK.log do you have these lines?

{STADIUM} Attaching dll...
{KLOAD} Registering module STADIUM ("Stadium Server 5.5.6")
{KLOAD} ... was successful!

They are fairly early in the log, after all the ReadConfig lines

Then further down a list of stadiums found

{STADIUM} found stadium: {AIK Sweden - Friends Arena}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {AOL Arena}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {GOT Sweden - Gamla Ullevi}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {Lobanovsky}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {MAL Sweden - Swedbank Stadion}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {Metall}


If you have that then it is finding them.
It's WEditor V1.2.0 by kmochida you need to use.

You can open up 2 instances at the same time then load the Wendetta option file in one and another option file that contains the default ML squad in the 2nd instance.
You can then export from the default one and import into the Wendetta one.
The reason for opening them both at the same time is so that you can check that the IDs are the same (which they should be for ML defaults) when you import/export them.

Hope that helps?

Thanks for coming back to me, much appreciated! I was looking for that tool after reading your first post but my Wolf tool collection only has one tool by kmochida which is WEditor 0.6.4, which appears to be for WE8 only :THINK:. Is there a later collection of the Wolf pack that I'm missing? Been using it for a while mostly for PES4, done a little googling but can't find any other versions.

I did play about with the other OF editors that are there and had a bit of luck with the WeOptEditor 1.29. Literally doing control+C on a player then opening up the other OF just like you said and hitting control+V on a player in there actually does work, much to my surprise!

However with this method, there are no player IDs or way of identifying which ones are the defaults on the Wendetta OF. So I would have to work out who was overwritten step by step and manually copy/paste.
To be fair I might actually be crazy enough to do that bit by bit. Think I love these games too much :BSCARF:
@rsl1 Ah, was hoping it was going to be that. Are you able to cycle through? Ie from Balls to settings and so on or can you not move from the balls being displayed?

Some pics of my files in case you spot something different in yours...

View attachment 55161

View attachment 55162

Also in the WE9LEK.log do you have these lines?

{STADIUM} Attaching dll...
{KLOAD} Registering module STADIUM ("Stadium Server 5.5.6")
{KLOAD} ... was successful!

They are fairly early in the log, after all the ReadConfig lines

Then further down a list of stadiums found

{STADIUM} found stadium: {AIK Sweden - Friends Arena}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {AOL Arena}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {GOT Sweden - Gamla Ullevi}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {Lobanovsky}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {MAL Sweden - Swedbank Stadion}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {Metall}


If you have that then it is finding them.
Hey Matt,

My Kload looks like yours so I think that is ok.
Here is the stadium relevant bit from my log
{STADIUM} Attaching dll...
{KLOAD} Registering module STADIUM ("Stadium Server 5.4.0")
{KLOAD} ... was successful!
{STADIUM} found stadium: {The City Ground}
{STADIUM} found stadium: {Metall}
{STADIUM} teamId = 72
{STADIUM} foldername = {The City Ground}
{STADIUM} teamId = 184
{STADIUM} foldername = {Metall}

There are a few more stadiums but you get the idea.

Now the key part from your reply is that I can't select anything other than ball selection. I feel stupid asking this, but is there a key that I should be pressing to switch between ball selection & stadium selection? I've looked for info on the web and I'm pretty sure that I have pressed everything on the keyboard at least once lol.

EDIT: I am clearly a moron...I obviously didn't try page up/down did I...?!? Just tried it and I can now switch between ball, stadium, settings etc. I'll crawl back into my hole now all embarrassed...
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Thanks for coming back to me, much appreciated! I was looking for that tool after reading your first post but my Wolf tool collection only has one tool by kmochida which is WEditor 0.6.4, which appears to be for WE8 only :THINK:. Is there a later collection of the Wolf pack that I'm missing? Been using it for a while mostly for PES4, done a little googling but can't find any other versions.

I did play about with the other OF editors that are there and had a bit of luck with the WeOptEditor 1.29. Literally doing control+C on a player then opening up the other OF just like you said and hitting control+V on a player in there actually does work, much to my surprise!

However with this method, there are no player IDs or way of identifying which ones are the defaults on the Wendetta OF. So I would have to work out who was overwritten step by step and manually copy/paste.
To be fair I might actually be crazy enough to do that bit by bit. Think I love these games too much :BSCARF:
It is WEditor 0.6.4, I've just realised that the folder is called
WEditor 0.6.4
, but once it is running it is called WEditor v1.2.0 by kmochida.

Hope that helps?
I present you the world's worst Free Kick taker in the history of football: PES4's Puerto keeper Buy Balne - Bruno Vale in real life.


With a glorious 3 Free Kick Accuracy, if you select Buy Balne to take a Free Kick your PS2 explodes.

That has to be the lowest attributes ever recorded on PES games. I suspect it's some kind of a joke, given Bruno Vale's curious history with...kicks. Let's go back to the early 00s: FC Porto was winning all titles domestically and abroad - PES4 was released shortly after Porto's Champions League win - and legendary (but ageing) FCP keeper Vítor Baía was said to have his replacement in a promising young man called Bruno Vale (one of the many "Next Vítor Baías" of the last 20 years...), who was already playing regularly for Portugal's youth teams; though, of course, he was still not getting first team action.

The unthinkable happens. Portugal's National Team manager Scolari surprises the whole nation by calling up Bruno Vale as Portugal's 3rd keeper for the Euro 2004. Bruno, regularly representing Porto's reserve squad, hadn't even played a single minute as a professional footballer! Keepers Ricardo and Quim were obvious choices, and everyone thought Benfica's Moreira would complete the keeper bunch, as he was himself also a very young, promising GK: yet, unlike Bruno Vale, he was playing regularly for his club's first team for years up until then.
Scolari also famously refused to call up Vitor Baia for that competition, even though he had just been considered the best keeper in Europe right after winning the Champions League, a decision that even nowadays no one - not even Scolari himself - is able to explain.

Anyway, Bruno Vale had just won the lottery: even if he didn't play any minutes for his NT on the Euro 2004 - and in theory he obviously wouldn't - this would do wonders for his young career, especially given the competition itself was played in Portugal and naturally got massively hyped by the media. He thought he had just 'made it big'. But fate had other plans...

I can't find the story anywhere, but I remember there was some under-21 match not long before Euro 2004, and Bruno Vale played as Portugal's NT keeper. I suspect it was even a friendly. Bruno Vale concedes a goal and, in a furious burst, kicks the post with all his strength. He got injured and promptly substituted, but there was more: he would be out for several months, unable to join Portugal's Euro 2004 squad. He'd end up being replaced by...Vitor Baia, obviously...? No: Moreira.

Pre-Post-Kicking Bruno Vale was clearly on his way up, but after that regretful incident, his career nosedived. He'd be loaned out to several mid/low-level teams from the Portuguese 1st Division but failed to impress, so after his long contract with Porto ran out, he'd sign for a 2nd Division squad, where he played regularly. Then, he spent a good 8 years in Cyprus and apparently he was a first team regular, but us here in Portugal would never heard of him again. He retired recently. Post-Post-Kicking-Bruno Vale was a shadow of his pre-Post-Kicking version.
With a glorious 3 Free Kick Accuracy, if you select Buy Balne to take a Free Kick your PS2 explodes.

That has to be the lowest attributes ever recorded on PES games

Great story! After kicking the post I expect his free kicks probably weren't that good :)

He might have a challenger on Amador, I'm not sure any were quite that low but I'm sure there were some in the 10's for FK.

@rsl1 We've all been there in some form or other! :LOL:
It is WEditor 0.6.4, I've just realised that the folder is called
WEditor 0.6.4
, but once it is running it is called WEditor v1.2.0 by kmochida.

Hope that helps?
It certainly does help, thank you man:WORSHIP: , think I've got to the bottom of this now. I just went and double checked my Wolf tools and found that I only had the 0.6.4b version, even after opening it up.
I knew based on your reply that I must be using an outdated collection. Did a little search and actually found another download of Wolf tools on this forum that was updated in 2013 (here if anyone needs).
After downloading that one I now have v1.2.0 sitting in the WEditor folder. Will give it a try when I get some time later on but should be all good now. Thanks again @rsl1
Does it ever happen that a game that you had in great consideration back then just doesn't click anymore played after a few years?
It's what's happening to me with PES 2011: it used to be a game I liked a lot, but now that I'm playing it again I just cannot force myself to like it anymore. It has its moments of brilliance but for the most part it feels clunky and anti-intuitive (and player switching is abysmal at times).
It's just making me think "I wish I could put it down soon and move to PES 2012" (which, ironically, was a game I didn't like much at release but which I started appreciating not long ago).
Does it ever happen that a game that you had in great consideration back then just doesn't click anymore played after a few years?
It's what's happening to me with PES 2011: it used to be a game I liked a lot, but now that I'm polaying it again I just cannot force myself to like it anymore. It has its moments of brilliance but for the most part it feels clunky and anti-intuitive (and player switching is abysmal at times).
It's just making me think "I wish I could put it down soon and move to PES 2012" (which, ironically, was a game I didn't like much at release but which I started appreciating not long ago).

Can only really say that about the ISS series on the N64. Although in 2010/2011 I was very much a FIFA man and haven't played them since their lifecycle ended.
Re Pro Evo 3, I have had a look around but can not seem to find any list for players who were actively playing at the time but are not in the game for whatever reason, for example, Ivan De La Pena who moved to Espanyol a team that are not in the 2003 iteration of the game. I'm wondering if the list has any other well known players on it, if so I want to create and add them to the game. Does anybody know of such a list being compiled?
I couldn't resist getting a Retro-PES classic on my PES4 ML, the legendary Vomme (Van Den Borre). In just half a season his statsheet has evolved 6 levels already. Here's the man at only 16 years old...:


I've also acquired a certain talented, short 17-year-old Argentinian, not that one: Cardarson (Neri Cardozo), who's miles away better than Messi in PES4.
Re Pro Evo 3, I have had a look around but can not seem to find any list for players who were actively playing at the time but are not in the game for whatever reason, for example, Ivan De La Pena who moved to Espanyol a team that are not in the 2003 iteration of the game. I'm wondering if the list has any other well known players on it, if so I want to create and add them to the game. Does anybody know of such a list being compiled?

My best idea would be to explore the CM4 or CM 03/04 database and look for players with the best rating or reputation not in PES3. I might give it a bash to fix up my option file but couldn't guarantee it'd be any time soon!

Hey guys, I looked back at all the football games I've been playing these past 30 years.... You'll probably find many of your favorites in this mix. Enjoy!

Great video. And some real throwbacks. World Cup and Goal were likely my first games too, on the Gameboy and NES respectively. You've really got me thinking about my timeline now, and how it was hampered a little by my devotion to Nintendo.

What I played (although now my collection goes beyond it:

Gameboy: Super Kick Off, World Cup, USA '94 official game, Sensible Soccer

NES: World Cup, Goal

SNES: FIFA International Soccer, FIFA 96, Super Soccer

N64: FIFA 64, ISS 64, ISS 98


PS2: PES 1-2008

PS3: FIFA 09-15

PS4: FIFA 16-17, PES 2020

The 18s and 19s aren't worth mentioning - I thought PES and FIFA were both really poor. Although overall it's been a bit of a dud for me, certain patches of PES 2020 brought me a lot of enjoyable play time.
There was a HD remake of PES6 in the past 10 years(kinda like the gameplay of PES6 and the the graphics of PES2012 or 2013), released only in South Korea i guess as an online exclusive game by a 3rd party developer. There were videos on youtube of it, does someone have the link for those? I think the titles were in korean.
There was a HD remake of PES6 in the past 10 years(kinda like the gameplay of PES6 and the the graphics of PES2012 or 2013), released only in South Korea i guess as an online exclusive game by a 3rd party developer. There were videos on youtube of it, does someone have the link for those? I think the titles were in korean.
You mean this? From videos seems more like a PES6 with PES2010-2011 player models. I think there is something about this in Sany's topic.
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