The Random Crap Thread

We have some of them over here in really small bottles. They're usually about 200 yen (£1 - £1.50) but there are some that are a lot more expensive. One of my mates over here drank one bottle and he turned into Cornholious for about an hour. He's never had one since.
I meant blink also, not drink, haha. We were drinking it with Vodka last night... tasted like rocket-fuel. Good times, though I do have the shakes this morning.
I noticed she has a quick glance herself lol

and how is he jealous when he's phoning up to congratulate him on it?
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A Croatian motorist was left unsure if he was alive or dead after waking up from a crash to find himself in a coffin.

Radoslav Pokrajac, 30, smashed through an undertakers's window after being thrown from his car in Sibinj.

According to Ananova, a rescue worker said: "He was very frightened. When he woke up he didn't know if he was alive or dead."

Shop owner Miro Zirdum said he had lost count of the number of times that vehicles had crashed into his shop, adding: "And none of them have brought me any business."

"And none of them have brought me any business."
Ladies (well Sarah) and Gentlemen (well the rest of you lot),The winner of this months most in your face signature goes to... Drrrrrmmmmdishhhhh..

Mr jonneymendoza...


jonney why did you change your Sig...?
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