The Random Crap Thread


See it now? No idea why it was on nudie host. Should be animated. The moment is gone now though
Is the world going to end this Saturday?

This Saturday the most advanced scientific instrument ever built will be switched on in Geneva.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been built to test current theories for particle physics and scientists will try and recreate the conditions that existed just after the Big Bang by smashing parts of atoms together at high speeds.

When activated the collider could show one of the most elusive particles in our Universe, the Higgs boson, also called the "God particle". This observation could confirm the Standard Model of physics unifying three of the four known fundamental forces: electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force, leaving out just gravity.

However, other more dangerous particles will also be produced for which searches are planned, such as black holes, and never seen before particles of matter, and even now, the architects of what is being termed a "Doomsday" machine, the U.S. Department of Energy, Fermilab, the National Science Foundation and CERN are being sued in federal court over fears that this experiment may in fact destroy the planet.

Also our old friend Nostradamus’ words ring from the grave with this grim prediction:

Nostradamus quatrain 9 44:

Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,
"Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs.

Did Nostradamus predict the Large Hadron Collider? Will the Earth disappear into a black hole of its own making?

It's been nice dear Evoers... :COOL:

Edit: just before the footy season too... Bummer.
Can't sleep now you bastard.

just before the footy season too... Bummer.

Nonsense, for a start the sep date is when they power the engine up. It will take a few months for it to even reach the speed to collide the articles and finish off the world as we know it. By that time Liverpool will be out of the title race anyway.
Did Nostradamus predict the Large Hadron Collider will create a black hole and destroy us?

"All should leave Geneva.
Saturn turns from gold to iron,
The contrary positive ray (RAYPOZ) will exterminate everything,
There will be signs in the sky before this."

Could French prophet Nostradamus actually have predicted that the Large Hadron Collider might produce a black hole or strangelet particle that could swallow earth or cause some other great disaster?

Did Nostradamus warn us from 400 years ago about "nuclear physicists gone wild" creating a Doomsday Machine? Could this be the cause the December 2012 Mayan calendar destruction of earth?

The main purpose of the Large Hadron Collider, we have already said, is to produce anti-matter and black holes and conditions just after the Big Bang.

However there are those would theorise that these black holes that are created and which contain the densest matter in the universe, will plummet to the very core of the earth. Then, slowly but surely they will grow, one particle at a time but at an ever accelerating rate.

Scientists have estimated that a stable black hole at the centre of the earth would consume not only France, but the whole planet in the very short time span of between 4 minutes and 30 seconds and 7 minutes.

In the above quatrain, Nostradamus mentions Geneva, and the "contrary RAYPOZ" could refer to a "contrary positive ray".

The Collider uses rays of protons positive charged, and "contrary" refers to a collision of two proton beams.

This ray will exterminate everything. Does that mean an earth swallowing black hole may be created? Or maybe there will be some kind of giant nuclear explosion from a black hole or strangelet particle that is created from it.

"Saturn turns from gold to iron" surely refers to a transmutation of elements, or maybe even a black hole created that will fly off into space and land on the planet Saturn, turning Saturn into a black hole.

If you went a good Armageddon theory check out the Mayan calender that ends in 2012

In Mayan mythology each Long Count cycle is a world age in which the gods attempt to create pious and subservient creatures.

The First Age began with the creation of the Earth, and it had upon it vegetation and living beings. Unfortunately, because they lacked speech, the birds and animals were unable to pay homage to the gods and were destroyed. In the Second and Third Ages the gods created humans of mud and then wood, but these also failed to please and were wiped out. We are currently in the Fourth and Final Age, the age of the modern, fully functional human. Is it possible that these Ages referred to evolutionary change? If they did, then what might occur when the current age finishes on December 21, 2012?

Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the Earth will end on December 21, 2012.

So 2012 is the start of a new cycle what the cycle is nobody knows, some say its when we will make contact with other lifeforms, some says the part of our brain thats not used will be "turned on", some say new cycle as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and other says they world ends

who knows :))
If you went a good Armageddon theory check out the Mayan calender that ends in 2012

So 2012 is the start of a new cycle what the cycle is nobody knows, some say its when we will make contact with other lifeforms, some says the part of our brain thats not used will be "turned on", some say new cycle as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and other says they world ends

who knows :))
Could be when the magnetic switch that is due happens from north to south...
Ah well if we all die we will know who to blame - and what a way to go eh... a complete annihilation of a planet! Awesome stuff!
Yeah get up, have a shag or a wank and then we'll find out we're all alive.

If this machine was deadly then the aliens who keep zapping nukes in America would have shown up to stop it
If this machine was deadly then the aliens who keep zapping nukes in America would have shown up to stop it
You know you read all the threads on a forum too much, you know you've really fucking lost it, when you read that and think "that's a good point actually". Like I just did.
So how long until we all die?

"As the LHC quietly marks a milestone this weekend, its inaugural run on September 10th will arrive with considerably more fanfare. The Bataiva, Illinois-based Fermilab, a Department of Energy-funded physics lab, will host what Jackson calls “a pajama party” for researchers and members of the media. So when the accelerator goes online at 9 am in Europe., it will be 2 am in Illinois, and data will begin simultaneously streaming into Fermilab’s remote operations center, an exact replica of the LHC control room. Champagne will no doubt be raised—on more than one continent—and new scientific frontiers might be reached. And the world, we are assured, will not end. "
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