So in the end I'm not getting that Ebay one, guy refused to send it to Chris in the UK as he first refused to post it out to me in Sweden, think he was just pissed off I got a bargain Oh well, ended up getting a "KINGSTON SSDNOW V+200 120GB SSD SATA/600 MLC" for £80 from a Swedish store so at least I can get the tax back next year so it'll end up only being £64 also ordered a new router as we needed one with the internet change (new connection is straight from the wall no cable modem/router anymore), went with the D-LINK DIR-645 which had really good reviews especially in terms of Wan - Lan and Lan - throughput, that was £48 after tax rebate and I get a free digital copy of BF3, already completed the SP but will probably give it to someone