- 28 September 2010
Hello people, as you can see i am Slamsoze ! But many of you will wonder or have wondered : "Wtf means slamsoze, what's up with this dude?" So i decided to post about my nickname, its meaning, its backstory everything.
note: I searched the forum a lot, almost every possible page and i did not find a similar topic.
So let's go to the breakdown, it comes in two versions, a short one and an extended. The extended version will be inside SPOILER, for terms of order and aesthetics.
The short version: Slamsoze is a composed word [slam+Soze]. It comes from two words , the verb slam and the nickname SOZE, which i invented myself at first place (or that's what i used to thought, more about this in spoiler).
The extended one:
P.S.2: What's your nickname's backstory/meaning people, i am really curious to know.
note: I searched the forum a lot, almost every possible page and i did not find a similar topic.
So let's go to the breakdown, it comes in two versions, a short one and an extended. The extended version will be inside SPOILER, for terms of order and aesthetics.
The short version: Slamsoze is a composed word [slam+Soze]. It comes from two words , the verb slam and the nickname SOZE, which i invented myself at first place (or that's what i used to thought, more about this in spoiler).
The extended one:
The slamsoze chapter:
It is summer of 2004, we have just finished high school and pending to enroll to a University. I am in an internet café with my pal (now he is my best man in my wedding) and we are trying to set up our communication for the future, as all the friends are going to go different Universities in separate cities, so internet will be our future method of contact. Until then, most of us in Greece, had dial-up connections and only cafés, public services and school, universities had ADSL connections.
My best friend was always a tech-prodigy, having messengers (IRC,MSN), emails, social media later, far before everyone else. So in our first attempts during 2004 to sign-me up to Yahoo!mail and Hotmail!, he failed hard cause i used it so rare, that i always forgot, either my username or my password. I used variations of "SOZE", which used to be my nickname for years, like sozel1986, sozel2004 etc, cause for some reason i did not know until then, yahoo did not allow me to use "soze" as it was occupied by other user, so that day i used "slamsoze@ +the yahoo domain for e-mail" , which i kept both with the password written in a small paper in my wallet. So after that day, in any internet forum i signed up, i used the same nickname/username/email, which for different reasons, (i.e youtube merging with google 5 or more years later), made it difficult for me to change. It is extremely funny being a 33 years old adult and being stuck with a "childish" em-mail and username, the e-mail " ".
Ι.Ε. you should see the face of a bank clerk last week, when i was in a bank to discuss for a bank-loan contract terms of mine and in the end when he asked me for a contact e-mail i told him: " ", it happens with anybody in similar occasions, they are not sure if i tell the truth, or i am kidding.
But let's go i little bit more back in time again, to see how did 'SOZE' come in first place and how did it established its presence.
How it all began:
The story begins in the mid 90's, in the arcade coin-op chamber stores. If you remember most games like Bubble-Bobble, Street Fighter, Supersidekicks Soccer etc, etc used to have you to use 3-characters nicknames/ alias, for playing a game and register you highscore after. Most of us used to use 'AAA' , or 3 both letters , but as it became a trend we started trying to find Unique combination, to notify who did the specific High-Score, like a tag, most used some team shortnames like AEK, AOK, PAO or SOS etc, but the combinations were much limited, to know for sure who is who.My personal 3 letters were 'ESO' , i did not mean anything in English, i just liked nobody used and the sequence of the letters, S was close to O, if you remember the input method of the letters.
The 2000's trend:
After the Matrix movie 1999 and the new era in LAN gaming, Age of Empires, Starcraft, Counter-strike latter a new trend was born, to use short words as nicks/alias which had some un-official rules, use only 3 letters or 4 max.,the word must not exist in English or have any meaning, your letters cannot match in 2/3 or 3/4 with an other player/friends of yours. So the tag/nick/alias status was established about who is who, everybody wanted a mystery alias like "Neo" ," Zeo" etc. So i took my aged 'ESO' nick and decided to convert to a 4 letters nickname, while keeping a mind that it must not exist as a name or a word. I moved the E- to the end, in tried some letter for the part after -SO, picking Z at last due to its shale and that was how SOZE was born. I used so much that nickname, that for a period from 2001 to 2003, people used to call me 'SOZE" more than my given name. (Note here, that i latter started to like people having more Medieval/Diablo/LotR nicks like Azeroth, Serpiroth, Tyrael, Arathorn etc.)
So we go to 2004 when in the last year in high-school, our school introduced ADLS internet to the labs. During the PC courses some of us used to try to create e-mails, which were pretty unnecessary thing for an under 18 kid back then! I tried i Yahoo! to sign as 'soze' , thinking how smart i am, and how brilliant to use an e-mail with a word that does not exist, while everybody where creating e-maill adresses based on their name and last names. But for some damn reason i did not know, the damn system did not let me use 'Soze', it kept saying it is used by other user, i said "WHO THE HECK uses a word without any meaning and that i personally invented??!!! (i will tell you about this in the end ) So i started creating variations, SOZEL, soze2004, sozeblahblah bal;h etc. Which accounts as i said i used to forget always about (user/pass).
How and why slamsoze?
And we are coming in the birth moment. I am there again, trying to make an e-mail, i will use to my new city in the university , to send my newsletter to my friends (yes the dynamics back then in 2004, allowed me to imagine only newsletters as a form of communication, social media were not even a dream back then, and the Chats services MSN/IIRC had a bad reputation ,cause they were mainly used by dudes trying to achieve a "blind-date"!
But this time i could not use SOZE or any of the viable variations i used before soze2004,sozegreece,sozel2004 etc. Every dump try i did was failing and the time was pressuring us, cause we were paying the internet-cafe based in the time we used the PC. As i was ready to give up and leave the place without e-mail, my friend started yelling at me "OMG use something else, use a damn nickname or name or whatever, just create a Fking e-mail".
AND in the current momentum, being disappointed of the my failed expansion in the internet attempts the fate decided for me!! Millions of words that were going around in my mind, stopped and only one phrase remained, being repeated..... It was influenced heavily by a song i used to listen for hours continuously back then, Onyx-SLAM , in WINAMP in mp3 in "repeat mode". (yes youtube was not even ethereal existence in 2004!! the 'SLAM' form the song chorus starting to shouting in my mind combined with SOZE, like Slam...Soze...Soze.. "That's it" , i hit "slamsoze@" and i was successfully registered!!!! 'What a cool nickname" i thought!
The true "Soze/Söze!
For the next 3-5 years i used it pretty everywhere, feeling so cool. Created accounts, signed in forums, used it everywhere. After 1 year while being in a university's dorm for a Movies Night, while getting ready to watch a movie between PES tournaments, i learned the reason why i could not use the 'SOZE' word, as a friend told me then, "The villain in this movie has the same name as you" . It was because of the (one of the greatest Villains of all times) Keyser Söze the mysterious villain; from the 1995 movie "The Usual Supsects" . This explained everything, and after some research in the internet about Keyse Soze (Yahoo not Google), my interest over my nickname "Slamsoze" increased more. After many years and after i created my youtube, google accounts that i keep until today, when i grown up more and started regretting, in the need of use a most mature e-mail, i realized i am "trapped" with this nickname.
But that's life it is like e piece of my past, reminding the innocence, craziness of the youth ages!!!
P.S.1 : But you should really check everyone's face in public services/providers/tax office, bank, when a 33 years old me, gives them "SLAMSOZE@GMAIL.COM". These are unique moments, i hold back my self every time to not explode in loud laughs!
It is summer of 2004, we have just finished high school and pending to enroll to a University. I am in an internet café with my pal (now he is my best man in my wedding) and we are trying to set up our communication for the future, as all the friends are going to go different Universities in separate cities, so internet will be our future method of contact. Until then, most of us in Greece, had dial-up connections and only cafés, public services and school, universities had ADSL connections.
My best friend was always a tech-prodigy, having messengers (IRC,MSN), emails, social media later, far before everyone else. So in our first attempts during 2004 to sign-me up to Yahoo!mail and Hotmail!, he failed hard cause i used it so rare, that i always forgot, either my username or my password. I used variations of "SOZE", which used to be my nickname for years, like sozel1986, sozel2004 etc, cause for some reason i did not know until then, yahoo did not allow me to use "soze" as it was occupied by other user, so that day i used "slamsoze@ +the yahoo domain for e-mail" , which i kept both with the password written in a small paper in my wallet. So after that day, in any internet forum i signed up, i used the same nickname/username/email, which for different reasons, (i.e youtube merging with google 5 or more years later), made it difficult for me to change. It is extremely funny being a 33 years old adult and being stuck with a "childish" em-mail and username, the e-mail " ".
Ι.Ε. you should see the face of a bank clerk last week, when i was in a bank to discuss for a bank-loan contract terms of mine and in the end when he asked me for a contact e-mail i told him: " ", it happens with anybody in similar occasions, they are not sure if i tell the truth, or i am kidding.
But let's go i little bit more back in time again, to see how did 'SOZE' come in first place and how did it established its presence.
How it all began:
The story begins in the mid 90's, in the arcade coin-op chamber stores. If you remember most games like Bubble-Bobble, Street Fighter, Supersidekicks Soccer etc, etc used to have you to use 3-characters nicknames/ alias, for playing a game and register you highscore after. Most of us used to use 'AAA' , or 3 both letters , but as it became a trend we started trying to find Unique combination, to notify who did the specific High-Score, like a tag, most used some team shortnames like AEK, AOK, PAO or SOS etc, but the combinations were much limited, to know for sure who is who.My personal 3 letters were 'ESO' , i did not mean anything in English, i just liked nobody used and the sequence of the letters, S was close to O, if you remember the input method of the letters.
The 2000's trend:
After the Matrix movie 1999 and the new era in LAN gaming, Age of Empires, Starcraft, Counter-strike latter a new trend was born, to use short words as nicks/alias which had some un-official rules, use only 3 letters or 4 max.,the word must not exist in English or have any meaning, your letters cannot match in 2/3 or 3/4 with an other player/friends of yours. So the tag/nick/alias status was established about who is who, everybody wanted a mystery alias like "Neo" ," Zeo" etc. So i took my aged 'ESO' nick and decided to convert to a 4 letters nickname, while keeping a mind that it must not exist as a name or a word. I moved the E- to the end, in tried some letter for the part after -SO, picking Z at last due to its shale and that was how SOZE was born. I used so much that nickname, that for a period from 2001 to 2003, people used to call me 'SOZE" more than my given name. (Note here, that i latter started to like people having more Medieval/Diablo/LotR nicks like Azeroth, Serpiroth, Tyrael, Arathorn etc.)
So we go to 2004 when in the last year in high-school, our school introduced ADLS internet to the labs. During the PC courses some of us used to try to create e-mails, which were pretty unnecessary thing for an under 18 kid back then! I tried i Yahoo! to sign as 'soze' , thinking how smart i am, and how brilliant to use an e-mail with a word that does not exist, while everybody where creating e-maill adresses based on their name and last names. But for some damn reason i did not know, the damn system did not let me use 'Soze', it kept saying it is used by other user, i said "WHO THE HECK uses a word without any meaning and that i personally invented??!!! (i will tell you about this in the end ) So i started creating variations, SOZEL, soze2004, sozeblahblah bal;h etc. Which accounts as i said i used to forget always about (user/pass).
How and why slamsoze?
And we are coming in the birth moment. I am there again, trying to make an e-mail, i will use to my new city in the university , to send my newsletter to my friends (yes the dynamics back then in 2004, allowed me to imagine only newsletters as a form of communication, social media were not even a dream back then, and the Chats services MSN/IIRC had a bad reputation ,cause they were mainly used by dudes trying to achieve a "blind-date"!
But this time i could not use SOZE or any of the viable variations i used before soze2004,sozegreece,sozel2004 etc. Every dump try i did was failing and the time was pressuring us, cause we were paying the internet-cafe based in the time we used the PC. As i was ready to give up and leave the place without e-mail, my friend started yelling at me "OMG use something else, use a damn nickname or name or whatever, just create a Fking e-mail".
AND in the current momentum, being disappointed of the my failed expansion in the internet attempts the fate decided for me!! Millions of words that were going around in my mind, stopped and only one phrase remained, being repeated..... It was influenced heavily by a song i used to listen for hours continuously back then, Onyx-SLAM , in WINAMP in mp3 in "repeat mode". (yes youtube was not even ethereal existence in 2004!! the 'SLAM' form the song chorus starting to shouting in my mind combined with SOZE, like Slam...Soze...Soze.. "That's it" , i hit "slamsoze@" and i was successfully registered!!!! 'What a cool nickname" i thought!
The true "Soze/Söze!
For the next 3-5 years i used it pretty everywhere, feeling so cool. Created accounts, signed in forums, used it everywhere. After 1 year while being in a university's dorm for a Movies Night, while getting ready to watch a movie between PES tournaments, i learned the reason why i could not use the 'SOZE' word, as a friend told me then, "The villain in this movie has the same name as you" . It was because of the (one of the greatest Villains of all times) Keyser Söze the mysterious villain; from the 1995 movie "The Usual Supsects" . This explained everything, and after some research in the internet about Keyse Soze (Yahoo not Google), my interest over my nickname "Slamsoze" increased more. After many years and after i created my youtube, google accounts that i keep until today, when i grown up more and started regretting, in the need of use a most mature e-mail, i realized i am "trapped" with this nickname.
But that's life it is like e piece of my past, reminding the innocence, craziness of the youth ages!!!
P.S.1 : But you should really check everyone's face in public services/providers/tax office, bank, when a 33 years old me, gives them "SLAMSOZE@GMAIL.COM". These are unique moments, i hold back my self every time to not explode in loud laughs!
P.S.2: What's your nickname's backstory/meaning people, i am really curious to know.
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